Thought, Logic, Logos and the Word

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Images are powerful. Words are powerful, they are symbols, tokens to represent reality by proxy, an intermediary that reflects reality, or unreality in some cases. Words create an image reference in our consciousness. Symbolism is the use of images (or characters/words) to convey imagery, metaphor and analogous correspondences.


The Ancient Greek logos pertains to "speech, oration, discourse, quote, story, study, ratio, word, calculation, reason". And also logic. Logos and logic have the same etymological root.

Logos is the power of thought, leading to words and speech, and ultimately actions (for yourself or others) to affect, influence, alter and change existence, not literally create it, but create into reality. Logos, the Word, "God", is all symbolism for the creative potential and influence of our consciousness and thought expressed externally through the mouth, speech and language that eventually leads to some form of action.

Thinking is the first important tool to evolve consciousness. Thought is the originating, causal, emanative, generative essence for consciousness that progresses to other expressions such as emotions and actions.

Quality thought is to be productive and purposeful in the discovery of quality meaning about our reality. Thought is like talking to ourselves. The Greek word for "I meditate" is phrazomai which means "I speak to myself". This is the original "meditation" in an active conscious form. It's contemplation and reflection. Reflecting images from the light of external reality, into the internal light projector of the mind's eye (the 6th sense of consciousness), to discern and evaluate ourselves in existence or discern and evaluate existence itself.

Logic is how we discover, create and verify the definitions and identities of reality. This is proportion, ratio, and measurement (Thoth/thought, the great magician and measurer). Logos has the same root as logic (from PIE root leg- "to collect") is connected to ratio through reason(from PIE root re(i)- "to reason, count"). You "count", add up and correspond the data as you "collect" it with logic, to connect it, and reason about it.

This links to lecture (lec/leg), a way we "study" (words ending in -ology are studies), which is based in logos/leg- as well, since we gather and collect when we read or hear a lecture. Read is related to reason. Reading (symbols, words, language) has the same root as reason, which uses logic, analogy, correspondence (ratio).

Is "logos" simply speech? No, it's speech with reason.

Why is the word logic rooted in logos? Logos is directly related with a specific form of speech, the speech of truth (maa-kheru, true of voice, meaningful speech) as expressed by the law of logic and our ability to reason.

Reason does not impress upon us falsity, but truth instead, the truth from non-contradictory thinking. Contradictory false premises or propositions would not be considered proper reasoning, hence, reason is about truth, as is logos about the thought and reasoning to use logic to express the truth through speech (true of voice), not falsity, lies, deceptions, manipulations, etc.

The reason we do things, is also the motive and cause for our actions and creating into the world. Motives are axioms for action; causes for agency and generation. "God" is referred to as the Logos, the generator of creation. We are a consciousness, and we are the symbolic "gods" of ancient symbolism that were externalized, personified, anthropomorphized, reified and deified aspects of ourselves, psychology, psyche, and consciousness. We are the "gods", the generators, manifestors and creators of our experience and of our actions into existence.

The question "Why", as in why we do things, is answered by logic, processing knowledge (scio, scire (science), PIE skei- "to cut, to split"), and gaining understanding of these motivational root causal factors. Motive, cause, understanding, reckoning, speech, word, calculation, collect and logic are all related in how we process and navigate reality.

To see reality, and to know reality, is to divide (scio, scire, science, knowledge). Without division, all is one, and you see nothing and know nothing. This is where a dualistic conceptual framework can help to bring clarity to our vision of reality. To see the bigger picture clearly, you need to look at the parts more closely, to associate two (dual) things and compare them and understand one in reference to the other.

The uni-verse (a symbol to represent everything "turned into one") is more understood through the diversity, multiplicity, and variability of existence. We see, perceive, conceive, know and understand the larger universals through adding up, counting and collecting the smaller particulars. This is what inductive and deductive logic/reasoning does.

Logos is the speech of truth (maa kheru), which is what Logos/"God" is supposed to represent as well, the truth of reality, and the moral truth of our actions and behavior. When we reason and use logic, we require the collection of at least two things to correspond to each other and perform some mental calculation, to arrive at a judgment, analysis, diagnosis, assessment, evaluation and discernment ("to separate, set apart, divide, distribute; distinguish, perceive," from PIE krei– "to sieve, discriminate, distinguish").

This is the power in thought through contemplation, reflection, active meditation, pondering, to uncover reality from pattern recognition, correspondence, non-contradiction, analogy, etc. It's breaking and cracking open, and dividing and separating reality and seeing what it is made of, rather than seeing it as one amalgamation.

Seeing "all" of everything simply as "one" is hyper-reductionist, and ultimately is also at the same time paradoxically seeing everything as "nothing", because you don't see anything else when you only see one thing. You get nowhere by claiming there is only one thing when clearly there is more than just one thing.


Thought and logic is extremely important in life. Grammar and knowledge input from existence is consumed by consciousness in thought processing and logic to develop understanding. We feel reality, reality affects us as emotions that feedback with thoughts and motivate us towards having the courage, and will-power to have the wisdom of right-action output into existence again. This is the feedback generation in reality. We are the "gods", generators, manifestors and creators of our experiences, our thoughts, our emotions internally, and of our actions into the world.

Made my me (@krnel)

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Love how you pointed out that duality (reference points) are necessary for discernment. I have had a love affair with trying to understand consciousness since my teens. Thoughts, while being a great tool can unfortunately harm one if they do not discipline them. Many of the religions warn of such, sometimes attributing a personage to them (like Satan). One method I used was taken from Casteneda, which was to view the internal dialogue as a foreign installation. It really helps in being more aware of what roams around in there so one can watch the emotions they give life to.

I am sure you may have mentioned in a past post, but are you self taught, have a higher education or possibly both?

Yeah the symbolism in the Casteneda stories is decent if understood as metaphor and not a literal predator being of some kind. It's the negative manifestations that can arise, if I recall. The source of evil and wrongdoings within us. I read passages on the "predator" a while ago to see what was being said, and interpreted it that way I think. It's a predator mindset.

I am self-taught. None of this is from schooling ;)

Perhaps, there's another point to consider. What may be considered logical to some may or may not be logical to another. Logic is subjective which is dependent on one's life perspective as well as its represented context. For example, if the goal is to make money on Steemit, then it seems logical to publish high-quality articles to garner upvotes. On the other hand, one may engage in upvote bots to increase the value of one's post to maximize gains. In both cases, the motive determines the actions to attain the goal. Yet, the methods chosen by an individual differ vastly.

Indeed, motives differ to result in different behavior. But the logic is always about non-contradiction. The less details one has, the less likelihood of recognizing a contradiction. Taking more information in requires more logic to make sure there are no contradictions. I see bitbots as antithetical to honestly gain followers, rewards, rep because it's buying your votes, as opposed to earning them because someone values what you did. If virtues like honesty and integrity matter, then using bidbots goes against that consistency.

Human thought is really great! I wonder if this greatness is the one that curved our imagination or simple a piece of memory witnessed by naked eye? Are Egyptian gods product of imagination or something out of real things ages before we're born?

I see all mythology/religion as the product of imagination to symbolize aspects of ourselves externalized. We project and reify qualities of ourselves, concepts in reality, as deities with certain characteristics to tell a story through them. That's the only thing that makes sense demonstrably.


During my 1st year of studying Philosophy as it was my major this was the first lesson our professor talked about.

Of the importance of thought in everything, of using logic to weed through the falsehood and uncovering the truth.

I have always seen the power of words and this is often reflected to how it can inspire or demotivate people as they internalize the words and take on the meaning and emotions.

Good teacher ;)

This was an interesting and enlightening read. It's very important for logic to have some feedback from the real world to actually mean something. Discovering truth is a painful and time-consuming process sometimes. And you never know if you're truly done.

We always have to keep our feet grounded in reality to feedback with out thoughts and constructs in order to validate their truth ;) Logic helps us do that. Truth takes time indeed ;)

Without a symbol it will be chaos. Because the symbol is formed as a unity to make different things into one.
Talking about logic. That is very interesting to me because everything that can not be accepted by reason can be said nonsense.

That's the only reason artist don't speak!
his work speaks,

The picture he made is full of emotion and feeling that we don't need any explanation to understand what he is going through, picture tells us each and everything wanted to convey to the world.

A picture is worth a thousand words ;)

'Seeing "all" of everything simply as "one" is hyper-reductionist, and ultimately is also at the same time paradoxically seeing everything as "nothing", because you don't see anything else when you only see one thing. You get nowhere by claiming there is only one thing when clearly there is more than just one thing.'

By seeing that everything is one thing is the only way you can change reality for the better. All logic is based on paradigmatic thinking. We all have paradigms, theories, that we think are true. Our theories are supported by evidential reality. Many times we ignore evidence that does not fit with our theory of reality. We can't deal with it. It is in the gaps. Perhaps we call it "god". As we evolve, our paradigms and assumptions about the world become outdated. The only way to get new paradigms is to break the old ones. Go back to nothing and create a whole new world.

This is very important for current times because so many have been programmed with self-destructive paradigms. Asking them to change is very difficult. Maybe the only way to get out of the trap is war and death.

"nothing" is also a dangerous place. It is where cults take people to reprogram them with a new paradigm which is usually beneficial to the cult and not necessarily the person inducted.

so impressive explanation

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