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RE: The 'Magic' of Definition to Describe or Limit the World

Today it appears they (the media, and whomever is prompting them to do so) is trying to change the words from "committed suicide" to "death by suicide".

I am unsure why.
It might just be a neo-liberal things, such as "guns are the reason gun crimes exist." Trying to remove the blame from the person.
Or just removing any fault.

Or maybe, ... what happened to the people who knew Hitlery Clinton, those were "death by suicide". And now, the media wants to hide that term (by burying it in piles of usage)?


Yeah, wtf is that? "death by suicide" Is that like "suicide by cop" when cops shoot an unarmed guy? .... I saw it for the first time in relation to Anthony Bordain.

The word suicide is there, so the blame of the person doing it to themselves isn't gone...

What people who knew Hilary?

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