Apathy for Truth, the Path of the 'Dead'

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Caring for truth will bring us to learn more about ourselves and the world we live in. We will seek to know, rather than ignore or deny. We will embrace what is, and admit what is wrong in order to imagine what is better that we can create.

This is a continuation from a previous post on care for truth. It has prerequisite understanding on the topic.

Apathy for Truth

Made by @krnel

The Work of the "Dead" (Lower "Unconscious" Living)

In contrast to care for truth, if we are apathetic to truth, then we don't care for truth, and won't seek it out, accept it, and then live it. We remain in a state of ignorance, willfully ignoring, rejecting and denying the truth in the current condition of reality.

We choose to believe whatever we want, desire or wish to believe. We agree to the conditioned stimulus of the standardized and normalized acceptability spectrum for our society and how we live our life. There is no need to learn, be curious, doubt and question things, because we accept it in the illusion of "good" as being valid, normal, natural or necessary. This is the wrong kind of acceptance, tacitly accepting the current condition and talking about the same things, not really thinking deeply, not critical thinking about the current condition and seeing what is wrong with it.

Made by @krnel

This leads to a lack of understanding, a misconception and confusion of reality, living in falsity and illusions, and ultimately being fooled whereby we accept falsity over truth because we don't really deeply care for truth nor realize the importance of truth in life.

As a result of being fooled by lies, falsity, deception and manipulation, we act foolishly and continue to engage in wrong-actions, even without knowing it. We support and participate in some form of creating wrong into the world because we remain ignorant that it's even wrong. We may even deny it's wrong, because we are too attached to it as the current condition that we have been conditioned into accepting uncritically. We often accept what is being done as needing to continue, because that's how it has been done. We "justify" it through ancestor, tradition or natural fallacies.

This prevents us from changing our ways, to not do the right-action, since we can't even recognize and realize we are doing a wrong-action. We are made impotent, unable to change through learned helplessness, accepting the standard normalization of our current condition and not trying to change it.

Made by @krnel

To be apathetic, ignorant, confused and misconceiving reality and truth to then act foolishly, often means we are a coward and in fear of truth deep down within ourselves, in our consciousness. If we don't develop true care, we go nowhere. We are limited in our ability to create true freedom and peace (response-ability), and it won't work out in the end because we will be working against what is right, good and true in ignorance of what is right, good and true.

The Remedy for Apathy is Care

Made by @krnel

When someone is literally dead, there is no consciousness or action in life, hence the symbolism of being "unconscious".

To be unconscious is to lack consciousness in varying degrees. Being consciously aware, thinking and learning, increases awareness of reality. Being unconscious is akin to not increasing awareness of what is really going on.

When we don't really have care for truth ignited in a significant way, we have apathy for truth. This is to remain "unconscious", "dead", "asleep", "sheep", unawakened and uninitiated. We are "dead" in the coffin or tomb, unawakened, asleep and unconscious to various significant quality truths and the importance of truth in life. It symbolizes a "deadened" "heart" center, a "deadened" core, "essence", "spirit" and consciousness.

When someone is asleep, not awake, they are also unconscious and inactive. It's to be unconscious and inactive relative to being consciously aware of the importance of truth, caring for truth and acting in alignment with truth. Analogy, metaphor and symbolism is used to expressed this understanding of unrealized and unactualized potential to care for, seek, embrace, embody and live up to our potential truer, realer, higher version of ourselves that aligns with truth, and specifically moral truth.

Having life is related to consciousness and awareness. Higher consciousness is related to being more "alive", to having the light and vision of truth in our lives, to having the flame of truth burning and fueling us from within, to drive and motivate us in life.

Death is being dead, in darkness, no longer conscious but unconscious. Lower consciousness is related to this symbolism, where we are "dead" in a tomb within rather than being "alive", in the darkness and not in the light, blind instead of having vision from the light of truth, to be in "eternal slumber" vs. "eternal life"/"afterlife" of being risen from the "dead" underworld.

When we choose to Care for Truth, and specifically moral truth, we develop a higher consciousness. We become "initiated", "awake" and aware, where we are "resurrected", "rebirthed", "reborn" and "raised" from the "deadened" lower state of consciousness. We rise to a higher, truer and realer consciousness, and are now "alive", into a "new life", a "New World", an "afterlife", "eternal life" and "immortal life", a "paradise"/"heaven", that is given to us by the "light" of truth in our lives, the "divine Word", the Logos, the Good.

This is symbolism of internal states of consciousness and being, not literal external death/life, or a heaven/underworld in some other realm or whatever. Although we can create a heaven on earth if we externalize our internal state of being in higher consciousness awareness of creating what is right, good, moral and true.

Truth, moral truth, is what creates order and determines the overall quality and condition of our lives. Moral truth/Law is the foundation for higher, truer, realer, authentic (maa) living and life. If you are familiar with many of the narratives and mythologies of religions or "mystery" schools, this is the deeper esoteric message.

The "god" of the "underworld" was called Osiris. Osiris was the Lord of Life, the "eternal life" through "resurrection" and "rebirth". The meaning behind the black/green symbolism that some "gods" had, representing aspects of generation and creation.

Various sources

He is often depicted with a green head. The crocodile chimera beast that ate the corrupted "heart" also had a green head. Osiris, the lord of the underworld, was also depicted as green or black. These colors were chosen to represent the generative principle of creative potential, just as Heka (magic) was symbolic of, and to create order from chaos. The underworld was a transitional location for the symbolic Hero Monomyth journey to renew, regenerate and resurrect ourselves in greater alignment with the principle of maat, order, truth, authenticity, justice, etc.

The underworld is the previously unknown darkness and shadow within us, where we face our demons in the darkness, and we need to use the light of truth to battle these dark forces and put them to death. Then we gain life, are "resurrected" and "rebirthed", "regenerated" and "recreated anew", and reach an "after-life/heaven" of a new world of being. It's all symbolism, not literal. This is the journey to the underworld, facing ourselves in the mirror, where we are our own worst enemies, we are our own adversaries, our own opposers (Satan), that we finally have the care, courage and willpower to conquer and destroy.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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I really enjoyed reading your article @krnel, although I feel angry at some level. Most of my closest friends and family are still asleep and do not like when I bring up the uncomfortable truth about our society. However, I have to accept them the way they are, because I love them. I have also my own theory, that not everybody can awake and be vegan, because our system would crush and that would be disaster. So I live with this understanding of some gradual process while each individual awakes at his/hers own time. Those of us who are awaken must lead the way. Seeing the reality this way helps me to convert anger and helplessness to love and purpose.

Everyone can be, the system changes over time. manufacturers go where money flows. If there is no demand, there is no supply. The supply is created more when there is more demand. People could awaken more, if they cared about fundamentals like truth and morality and not be blocked by thinking things that aren't true, like how animals are like machines, not conscious beings (a la moron of Descartes). Thanks for the feedback. Veganism is the future as I see it ;)

I cannot argue with what you are saying and yes Veganism is the future!!!

I wonder if chosing not to seek or see the truth is some sort of protection mechanism? Ignorance is bliss? Knowing and accepting the truth of our reality is troubling, not to say depressing. Even people who are awakened need some protection from all the truth out there.
Random thought - right now a child is most probably sexually abused in a brothel in some despearate country. If you focus enough, you can almost feel the child's pain and there's nothing you can do about it. Why burden yourself with such knowledge when you can ignore it!?

We can only do the best we can at all time to salvage the situation. A man who has sinned knows of his sin.

Yes, ignorance is bliss because knowledge brings suffering, psychological suffering. It's easier to deny reality than face the hard uncomfortable truth, and also to admit we were wrong in how we though things were. As for knowing about the wrongs int he world, that is part of the burden of carrying truth on our shoulder, to have compassion and care. The path and way of truth and morality is hard, arduous and narrow, with tribulations. The easy path is wide and open with little hardship, much more comfort and convenience. We have to walk the path of truth if we want to overcome. Those who need help can't ever get it if everyone ignores things. Even if we can't do anything individually, awareness of issues allows people to unite on truth and eventually be able to act in numbers to overcome the smaller group of evil doers.

When we choose to Care for Truth, and specifically moral truth, we develop a higher consciousness.

I feel so much disturbed anytime I fail to say the truth. I do go back and confes so as to free my mind of such burden. Truth is truth no mater how one hide it, it will still surface. According to Confucian,

there are three things you can't hide and they are; the sun, the moon and the truth.

There is this saying that only when you say the truth will you be set free. The truth is hard to tell but it will lead one to a path of self consciousness.
Sir @krnel your post do take time to read through but surely it is always a great lessin to learn. Great one

Yes, the truth will set us free, it may hurt, be hard, less comfortable, and be a burden to have in our consciousness, but it's worth it to be free from the falsity and ignorance. Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate that you appreciate the work :)

I hope I could reward more than what I actually do.

This is just an excellent post that you have over here!

Truth is so important for our society nowadays. As a society, we are moving towards nihilism just because we are losing the appreciation of what truth is, as you just stated apathy for truth. In times of massive information, the truth is the only way out for developing. However, it's taking a hard time to people to realize the importance of this concepts, nowadays what prevails is the so-called "Relativistic epistemology" I just harming our society in terms that we cannot even imagine.

Truth is the only way and that path that you just made and the steps are what we must follow.

Thanks :) I appreciate the appreciation. Truth is so undervalued as a source of purpose and meaning in life. Morality is one of the most misunderstood things :/

And one of the most important ones, people do not take care of this things, our education system does not teach us anything about morality and ethics. Just prepare us for life of work. We should all be concerned about that, but rather our population is concerned about commonplace things.

I believe that ignorance of truth is to protect ones ego. If we weren’t laced with heightened egos we’d naturally become more truthful. Thank you for this post.

The ego, like much, is dual, and has positives and negatives. Protecting ourselves is the default automated unconscious unthinking way of operating. We can overcome some limitations by evolving consciousness to be more aware of ourselves and how we function.

I do agree, could you clarify, as this is how I understand it: by protecting ourselves we are putting limitations on how we function?

We need to protect ourselves form many things. Don't walk off a cliff. Being an individual allows us to differentiate ourselves from other things. Ego-I-Self is necessary for survival. It's not all limiting.

Beautifully summed up, thank you :)

motivation is very extraordinary, I can only tell you and everything, do what to do, if it can not do you do not do, success for you friends, hopefully will remain happy. compact greetings from me.🙏🙏

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