* Do not let evil be in your environment, do an act of kindness *

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

yesterday I read a publication of @krnel that talks about evil if you want to read it click here and it gave me the curiosity to find out more about the subject I found it a very interesting topic, for different reasons, there are people who walk through life thinking that any damage suffered by others is an advantage for them, so they do not hesitate to rejoice for it and even to cause it. To this type of people the best answer we can give them is a lesson in kindness. This is the most successful way of acting and respect.

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In this sense, the concepts of good and evil have given much to talk about throughout history, especially because the human soul can approach both. Also because it depends a lot on culture, society and other variables that we can introduce into the debate.

Beyond a technical and scientific contribution of the subject, in this article we are going to look for individual reflection. The point from which to leave will be a concrete and abstract situation in which a person acts with evil and harms us. How do we respond to that?


There are many reasons why goodness can be considered a great lesson, even if we never understand what has caused the other to harm us. Essentially, with it as an answer we do not liberate the other from his role, but we liberate ourselves from negative emotions.

In many cases it is highly complicated to forgive the other and it is understandable. However, it is enough to remember that you can forgive without forgetting or without giving back our confidence. Thus, forgiveness does not make us naive or more vulnerable, it only frees us from a heavy burden that keeps the wound open from the damage caused.

"To each new exaction, to each new cruelty, we must oppose a small supplement of love and kindness that we have to conquer in ourselves"
-Etty Hillesum-

Goodness acts as a lesson because it is rewarding, fosters solidarity, benefits self-esteem and opens the door to pain and learning. An act of kindness looks for the good of others and for their own. Evil, on the other hand, only looks for itself and seeks only to affect its interests.

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Kindness is born from the heart

One of the most common opinions is that we are not born good or bad, but we cultivate goodness or badness as we grow emotionally. For this reason we can say that goodness comes from the heart and feeds on it. If during our life we

want to progress without harming anyone, how can we respond with vengeance to the one who only seeks to harm?

A response to the height of a bad action does not change anything, does not fix the damage and only relieves momentarily. Resentment destroys, transforms and does not collect any positive fruit in oneself. Moreover, the other person will continue to see you fall at the same speed; and, then, you will not only have lost everything but you will not gain anything.

"But I also had a bigger art, an art that is not learned:
the one of goodness "
-Ursula K. Le Gin-

As stated by M. Gandhi, it would be beneficial if we were the change we want to see in the world. From those greater and more complicated situations, difficult to overcome, to those other small ones. We can also look at Kant's ethics, which affirmed that virtue was found in "making our work a universal work".

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Do not let the evil around you

We are surrounded by hate, violence and fear so it is necessary to educate in values that contribute to social and individual well-being, values that prevent an escalation of the reprehensible attitudes that surround us. In fact, whoever has experienced it has discovered that this "eye for an eye" is no longer useful because in the end we all end up blind.

We can not allow the evil around us, just like we can not punish with it. Goodness practices by example and does not give way to all those feelings that ultimately poison. His way of channeling them is different: he keeps events in his memory and banishes negative feelings.

Faced with a bad gesture, respond with a good action. And, if it has hurt so much that you do not know what the path is, give yourself enough time to heal. Not to forget, but to direct your movements with rationality and not from anger or anger. In the last case and if there is no remedy, if you can not do pedagogical work, get away without hurting because that is not your rubric.

"The world is not threatened by bad people,
but for those who allow evil "
-Albert Einstein-

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               All the images were taken from the public domain

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