How My Heart Chakra Got Activated

in #philosophy6 years ago

I am inspired by my friend @zero-infinity to posted - and posed the question: How did your heart chakra get activated...


It was in 2009... I had been doing a lot of Spiritual Work to heal my childhood trauma of growing up with an alcoholic father and a mother who was emotionally unavailable ... as a result of growing up that way, my heart was sealed in a protective bubble and not even I could get to it. I was unavailable too, and of course I attracted unavailable men.

The latest in the series of unavailable dudes was an artist cat, and I began to pursue him by going to church with him and making art in a collaboration...

Here is a link to the 300 pieces we did together over the ensuing 18 months. He and I made Christian Icons out of found materials that we dumpster dived in the Denver Alleys.

I believe that I was unknowingly practicing a form of "Lectio Divina" while making these icons - in other words, by creating these images, and spending so much time with them - I had a spiritual awakening to the heart of Jesus Christ, and my heart broke.

The first sign of this, was in church, I would just start crying while singing hymns. Then I would cry at my other meetings where we would close with a prayer. Everywhere I went suddenly I would just start crying - when I saw a beautiful sunset or a flower - Nature made me cry, singing made me cry, praying made me cry...

And that was not all - at some point, I experienced a Burning Heart - which I have not really found talked about anywhere - in which I feel a burning in my heart - a supernatural burning - it's not heart-burn, believe me - it's not acid reflux - it's a supernatural burn in my heart chakra. At that point, I got a piece of moldavite which I wore over my heart chakra for several years to increase my experience.


And here I am. While I write this article, I can feel my burning heart.


This is beautiful, @in2itiveart. This resonated so deeply,

I had a spiritual awakening to the heart of Jesus Christ, and my heart broke.

The first sign of this, was in church, I would just start crying while singing hymns. Then I would cry at my other meetings where we would close with a prayer. Everywhere I went suddenly I would just start crying - when I saw a beautiful sunset or a flower - Nature made me cry, singing made me cry, praying made me cry...

Just this morning, something similar happened to me. It's been a part of that heart chakra awakening, galactic level.

I know that moldavite is a wonderful healing companion in this. I wear moldavite, too. I wrote a piece about a gorgeous and unique piece that came to me under highly auspicious circumstances.

Wow! Thank you for sharing-Please share the link!

Here you go!

This piece is quite incredible. Should have you over to have lunch or something! You can see it in person. It is very wonderful.

That would be nice!!’ Call me 7202430545

Resteemed! Thank you for sharing a very personal story.

Great artworks and the text. ❤️

Please join the @ARTzONE discord channel when you get a chance. If you’re interested, I would love to have you on our team of curators.

Fantastic choice!

@in2itiveart is one of my favorite if not my favorite artist on SteemIt. Both her art and the philosophy of her art are a gift to humanity. She would serve the SteemIt community well as an art Curator.

Wow! What an honor! What do I do?

You r so sweet!! Thank you

Thanks for sharing something so close and personal :)

"The first sign of this, was in church, I would just start crying while singing hymns. Then I would cry at my other meetings where we would close with a prayer. Everywhere I went suddenly I would just start crying - when I saw a beautiful sunset or a flower - Nature made me cry, singing made me cry, praying made me cry..."

That is a common symptom. In Qabalistic teachings, that is referred to as having "Tiphareth moments". Tiphareth means 'beauty' in Hebrew, so it is what happens when one is overwhelmed with the beauty of manifest existence that our soul is able express itself in our bodies in ways that effect our physiology.

Wow - thank u for sharing that w me- I like the heebster history lessons!!

I am a walking talking dispenser of Heebster history lessons.

Lol!!! Post them!!! Like the chicken qabballah -

Little by little. Not all in one go. Although I will be writing future books.

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