One Week Media Detox Complete: Thoughts and Reflections

in #psychology6 years ago

I've just wrapped up my 7 days of no media except for music and books, and the experience was completely worth it

Visual media is ubiquitous these days. If you have a smartphone, your ability to consume endless amounts of scattered and short video is greatly enhanced, but to the detriment of your overall focus and attention.

Taking 7 days off of consuming any type of visual media has been a wonderful experiment, one that I would highly recommend to everyone that wants to gain increased perspective on themselves.

Media affects our minds in ways we cannot possibly comprehend until we go without it for an extended period of time. After only a few days, I began to notice that my mind was generally more clear and at ease than when I was in midst of the media haze we're all existing within.

Increased focus, productivity, and wellness

This media detox experience has shown me that a more balanced approach to media consumption is essential for me going forward. I don't want to completely forgo all visual media, but I also want to moderate and control my usage going forward.

I am still pondering how that will look, whether it will include specific days where I don't consume any visual media/social network scrolling, or if I will simply be more disciplined and structured with how I use these types of media.

I have a feeling it will be a combination of both, as I abhor mindless scrolling on newsfeeds, something I find myself doing much more than I would like. I would also like to have regular days that are completely free of these forms of media as a way to encourage myself to grab the day by the horns and direct my flow more consciously.

We are being gamed by our media

It's no secret that facebook, netflix, youtube, and many other forms of prominent media are specifically designed to keep us in an endless loop of passive media consumption. I believe these forms of media still have their place, but with our current societal level of awareness I believe their overuse is contributing to many social and psychological problems.

Taking a week off has made me much more sensitive to these aspects of these particular forms of media. I think one of the biggest issues in our world today is that far too many people have become passive consumers instead of active producers.

This isn't just in regards to media, it's also relevant in areas of agriculture, education, political activism, and practically every area of our society. If we are to see a significant change in these areas, we must leave the comfort of our couches, our digital boxes, and actively use our minds and bodies to participate in the world around us.

Media consumption choices are a small part of the picture, but their impact should not be underestimated.

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All uncredited pictures from or my personal account

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Your experiment is exactly what my experience has been. The fast-changing news overflow everyday naturally lends the feeling of inner turmoil.

I am happy to not have any smartphone, TV or Facebook anymore. The only website I am now effectively visiting is pretty much Steem, and here I either create or comment. Steem and readily available cryptocurrency is a wonderful project to be part of, yet even knowing that, the moment I entered I had already been anticipating the day when I would let go all of this and experience the next adventure in my life, hopefully without AI :)

that's a good idea - I might do that

Did you notice any physical changes in your body during the week long detox?

Hmm, not really. Maybe a little less tense, but thats it. It was mostly mental benefits

It seems to have been a hard and tiresome week
A very special article was well done

you have challenge yourself a great thing. I appreciate you sir. In these days 7days off from media is not that easy.

Great challenge completed ✅ it is difficult to stay away from but you must hv noticed that it feeds our mind so much sometimes with unnecessary info

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