Airy and Carrie || Tikus-Tikus Cilik

in #pet6 years ago (edited)

Good morning friends!

I have been up since 4 AM, yikes.

It's been a couple of nights now that I wake up so early, as early as my husband (as he has to leave for work at 4.30ish).

The reason?

Sammy and Hemmie, or Airy and Kerry, or Airy and Pocky, or....names still changing! But yes, most of the times it's Airy and Kerry or Carrie or something that rhymes.

Yes, we caved in. We got the boys teeny tiny pets. Hamsters.

On Monday after school we took the boys to Friendly Pets and my 8 yo got a pair of hamsters. Jeez, they aren't cheap, hey, once you also get the cage, the food bowl, water bottle, etc. 😌

We had wet snow that day, so yeah, wet, wet, wet




I suggested to get two black ones as they seemed calmer than the dalmatian ones (don't ask me what they really are, I don't remember!), but my son chose one black, one dalmatian.


On our first night with them, for sure I thought to myself, what the hell I got myself into???!!!!

These critters are nocturnal!

I should have searched info first before saying big fat YES 😝

As soon as we are turning off lights, getting ready for bed, saying good night one to another, tttrrrr ttrrrr tttrrrr

The sound of the hamster's running wheel appeared!

That lasted all night long, until around 6-7 AM, when the boys are finally up.

Cray cray 😂

So noisy even when doors are closed. Wowzer🐭🐁🐀🐹


So much energy they got. But actually, only the dalmation (Airy) who is working out like crazy. The black one (Carrie) is very laid back. I knew we should have gotten only the black ones, aaarrrghhh! 😨

Lucky they are cute though. Otherwise they'd end up as sammich! Guess why I'd like to name them Sammy and Hemmie 😂✌️✌️😂

Now, how to tell if they are boys or girls. Anyone know? No? Alright, Google and YouTube it is then 😁


Pa kabar teman?

Hari Senin tadi kami akhirnya bersama anak2 beli 2 tikus kecil, jenis hamster.

Kok mau yah sama tikus. Kok ga gelih nih anak2, yak 😂 Ga jadi deh adopsi kucing, lah ntar ribut dirumah, kucing VS tikus 😂 Jadi Tom and Jerry, dah. Tau kan? Film kartun ala Disney 😂😂😂😂


Eh ternyata para tikus ini termasuk kalong. Kalau siang bobo, kalau malah bergadang seperti pos kamling 😂😂😂😂

Jadinya kami susah tidur, euy

Ribuuuuut amir.

Nih tikus2 doyan lari2an, kejar2an dalam kerangkeng mereka. Gedebuk sana gedebuk sini. Alias kalau mereka dah main di kincir khusus untuk mereka "olahraga". Wow bener2 ga bisa tidur meski pintu ditutup rapat, kita masih bisa dengar mereka😨


Mereka kami panggil Airy dan Carrie. Warnanya tamti (hitam putih) dan hitam legam.

Untung mereka lucu. Jadi yah, ga apa2 deh ribut dikit 😂

Thanks For Looking!

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hahahaha they are cute. I wish my parents had let me have a pet when I was younger. Though I don't know if would have been responsible enough lol

I grew up with tons of cats (more than 20!) in Indonesia. We were that crazy cat Lady house 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Then in Australia we had 2 cats CJ and Ceefa, plus a spaniel, Huey. CJ died from nasty tick, and Ceefa...Dad run her over as we were leaving for my school dance night 😢 I feel terrible to this date.

🙀 more than 20 cats!!!!😻😻😻 I wish I could have that many cats lol

😿😿 that is sad you lost your two cats in Australia. I am sorry for you loss and how you lost them 😿

The life needs some more creative and fun.

Is that what they're doing? Having fun?

I know nothing of hamsters 🤣

terima kasih telah bisa berteman sahabat ku, salam dari steemit pemula @donald27


Sudah kukunjungi beberapa blogmu Bahkan 😉

terima kasih juga atas kunjungan nya @thekichenfairy nya

Thought about getting hamsters for my daughters . They are cute. Btw, love your picture of running on the wheel @thekitchenfairy. So adorable :)

Come download bitmoji 😊

haha keingat waktu pertama kali berkeluarga, sebelum istri hamil, saya sempat tuh pelihara hamster sampe berkembang biak, sampe susah ngurusinnya. akhirnya dibagi2 aja ke teman2. harus rajin ganti serbuk kayunya. kalau gak..baunya lumayan tu mbak. btw.. siapa tu yang bikin gambar kartunnya mbak?

Disini dikasih soda kue agar tidak bau. Waktu beli serbuknya sudah Di Campur Dari tokonya

Download bitmoji, bang, ntar bisa pakai gambar2 lucu juga 🤣🤣🤣

Lol!!!!! You cracked me up @thekitchenfairy!!! I did the same 2 years ago! Got a few little cute hamsters and then ........ the trrrrrrrr started at night😂 had to put them in the farthest room in the house and close the door😂
Wait till they start to have babies... 😉
But as long as the kids are happy, all good 😁 ❤
Good luck!

I wonder if ours are girl and boy. Didn't cross my mind of the babies part. Yikes!

Neither did I😄

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