A call for help - a #payitforward post for Michael @thecrazygm

in #payitforward7 years ago

What do you take for granted?

If you were stripped of everything, what would you absolutely need returned to be whole again? There is no right or wrong answer. I would even go a step further to say that the answer could change from moment to moment.

We human beings are strange and fascinating creatures. We are resilient and selective, sometimes by choice but more often than not because we are forced to deal with given situations.


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What makes me whole?

When I graduated high school, the only thing I wanted to do was sing. I had been accepted into Westminster Choir College with the hopes of being a Music Performance major. Three weeks before school started I was hiking and fell - or rather bounced - down a 15 to 20 foot cliff, landing face down into a puddle of water only about 3 inches deep.

It was the strangest experience because I fell in slow motion.
I could no longer see anything but I could hear my body bounce...bounce...bounce... then a splash.
I'm not entirely sure how long I was face down in the water but the voice inside my head said, "Meredith. If you don't get up right now you are going to die."

The black void didn't scare me. It was quiet and peaceful actually.
The voice was matter-of-fact - get up and live or stay down and die.
One or the other. Nothing else mattered but the choice.

I didn't want to die there! I survived high school. I was three weeks away from leaving for college. My life was to sing!

Little by little I moved my limbs to make sure I wasn't broken and lifted my face from the water, gasping for breath. My vision came back rather quickly but my hearing was gone! I think I cried more about the loss than the pain that racked my body.

I can't sing if I cannot hear! Could I live life without music? Did I want to?

Then I felt a pop in both ears. Water and sand drained and I could hear again. I cried with thanksgiving as the pain of my fall began to descend upon me. I suffered the pain of a concussion and a broken tailbone in silence because nothing would deter me.

Sometimes I wonder if that was a sign back then to pivot in a new direction? I've since retired my voice and I'm beginning to be hearing-challenged. It's ironic that I've landed here after all the other pivotal moments in my life.

Is there a point here? Well, yes. Michael's story

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes a sudden turn of events outside of our control changes the trajectory in our life. Sometimes we make solid decisions only to deal with unexpected consequences. Sometimes we just need to accept that it is what it is. Good or bad, these pivots often carom us into unexpected places.

Michael, aka @thecrazygm, has been dealing with these pivots.
About ten years ago he went to work like any other day, but he didn't go home that night. Instead, he found himself in the hospital with a broken spine, a botched surgery, and a future of pain that would forever change him.

Read about his story here

Unfortunately, Michael is going to have to get comfortable using a wheelchair now because he's fallen a few times and traumatized his lower back. At this time the doctors cannot do anything to help him with the paralysis he's beginning to suffer as a result.

How can you help?

If you've followed me you will know that I've launched many #payitforward campaigns to help Steemians in times of need.

Giving is SO easy! How?

  • Visit @thecrazygm and upvote his posts
  • Start your own post and donate the liquid rewards to him
  • Donate directly to his Steemit account
  • Upvote and resteem this post to your tribe.
    All liquid STEEM &/or SBD from this post is going directly to Michael.

Earlier I asked what you take for granted.

Is it your health? Your family? The roof over your head? The food on your table?
Is it the ability to walk or sing...or do any thing?

What could you bear to live without?

Michael never made the choice to be in a wheelchair. I'm sure he's taken pain-free days for granted in the past.
Perhaps he's reached the point where the void swallowed him and a quiet voice in his head said, "Suffer alone or ask for help."

A very good friend of mine says, "We will never change until we've hit critical mass."
Asking for help is never an easy thing to do and Steemit is an amazing community. We can come together and help a fellow out. Will you acknowledge this pivotal moment and help?

Thank you for reading.


My pleasure, Michael. I know the dread and worry of pending bills and wondering how the hell they're getting paid or what you may have to go without. This is one way I can help.

I used to run. Literally run to balance my life.
Last year I ran until I tore my spine. 7 marathons in a week, flying each day to different cities from west to east Australia. I was injured from head to toe.
It went undiagnosed for many months. Finally lying on the floor at home for months I watched a YouTube video. It was csf leak week. A doctor from Stanford had a clinic where people with connective tissue disorders (like me) we're being treated for holes in there dura that disabled them. He was driven to do it after his daughter had the same problem. I knew what it was, now I needed to find a doctor to believe me.
I finally got diagnosed. I had not a puncture but a tear, and with my problem this is not easily repaired. I have had 2 repairs now.
This week my second repair failed.
The picture you sent me with the window. I drew it on my back after the first patch.

Thank you

@girlbeforemirror - I remember that you'd drawn that while in the hospital and for some reason it just resonated with me enough to keep and throw in a few window scenes when I see your posts. At the very least I hope it brings a smile to you. HUGS.

It was a beautiful, timely, thoughtful gift that brought tears to my eyes. I treasure the like minded souls I have been lucky to meet through steemit.
I'm most likely heading back to hospital this week.
My heart aches for my children who are just getting used to having their mum back.

@merej99 thank you for another #payitforward post and making the community aware of another person in need. We do not know what many people have gone through. I did not know your story. That must have been scary the moment you thought you couldn't hear.

We as people take many things for granted, and we should be happy for being able to wake up another day and share experiences with our loved ones. Thanks again for your post!

I know it sounds strange but for my young self just starting off in life, I could have just drowned right there and I was okay with that, but the idea of living and being deaf was a more devastating thought in that moment. Crazy, right?

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your thoughts. I give thanks for all my blessings every day. :)

It sounds crazy, but when we are younger we think differently.

@mathworksheets was also the one that told me you encouraged him and his daughter get started on steemit, So in a way i owe you thanks for starting my daughter @cmgsteems on here :)

That's so cool! I'm following you both now. I really believe in the potential of this platform. I saw it from the first day I joined. Imagine the nest egg you and your daughter could build for your future? I'm jazzed about it :)

Yes it is crazy good! lol She understands she gets money from posting on the platform and gets excited from her comments and upvotes. But of course, she doesn't fully realize the potential in the long term. This will pay for college, help her future etc! It's great! :0)

You are so generous @merej99. I am following mike and will help him, thanks for this post and #payitforward campaign.

@mathworksheets - even in my hard times I've been so blessed. I have a hard time thinking of this as generosity, but rather my way of paying a debt back to the universe. Thank you for giving Michael your support. I appreciate you!

I salute your thinking @merej99. You are great!

What an endearing blogpost and thank you for doing this for Michael. This exemplifies the power of this community - we will embrace and support one another.

The Steemit community is awesome! I cannot imagine my life without this place and I barely remember a time before it existed because the people here are smart and so giving - but it takes time to build that tribe.

Such a great post that brings about a valid point. We as people tend to take everything for granted because we believe it's a "right" to have it. When in reality, everything is a privilege. Always thank your lucky stars for what you have and make the most out of every day! And don't forget to thank people along the way :)

What a great response @cryptodata
It was a huge awakening for me after it felt like I had lost everything -- and realized the things that mattered still remained: love, family, food, a safe place to sleep. If I had only those things I could still be happy. Everything else is just stuff. :)

Great way to raise awareness. You have a great heart @merej99. Resteemed

@matthewtiii - holy crap, love! Where have you been?

It's so good to see you back. <3 <3 <3

I have been back a little while. So busy in here now. It's good,but it's hard to see everyone. I have to weed out who I am following I think. Good to hear from you.

I am still trying to figure out who to follow and now with HF19 coming up, who to keep in SteemVoter too. I need to scope out your blog and see what you've been up to. :)

Just my life. Unedited.

@merej99 what is steemvoter? Thanks!

@sgnsteems - SteemVoter was created by @cryptomancer and @thecryptodrive http://steemvoter.com so people can have a voting bot. I wrote about it here about 3 months ago but it may need to be updated because hardfork 19 launches tomorrow and a 100% upvote is going to be worth 4x as much now so tweaking may need to be done with my bot. Let me know if you have any questions. :)

Wow the things you learn daily on steemit! :) thank you i will check it out and if i have questions i will definitely let you know. Thanks again!

Can just upvote and resteem for now, also am following Michael now.

Thank you so much for this @gduran Every bit helps and I appreciate your time to do it. HUGS :)

Interesting post, I like it keep the spirit, maybe that's the best for you..

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment @zacly - you are appreciated. :)

This is a very kind-hearted post. I have followed him.

Kindness is never hard to do but it does take a conscious effort to look outside of one's own desires to help others. I'm no saint but I do outreach when I can. Thank you for giving Michael a follow. Your support is appreciated. :)

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