Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 4 Let me introduce you to 3 new users

in #payitforward6 years ago

Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 4

source on original post page

My last week selectees were:

          1. @mr-bike
          2. @floxycool
          3. @dexvid
          If you missed them give them a visit and maybe a comment or vote.

This Week's picks:

          1. @headchange: I first ran across him/her in the long comment chain of @tarazkp post: Ashes to Ashes, Votes to Dust: Making votes count, where a very lively exchange of the values of a vote were being made, very interesting reading. There were a lot of comments, and his is one that got us engaging each other. A current post of his is an entry into @wizardave's 'what's in your library' competition.

Here is his entry. Like me he/she likes to comment and that is where his current focus is at. 370 posts only 8 of which are blog/post, in 53 days.

          2. @dddonnna: She is a photographer, and photo enthusiast. She participates in a few of the photo contest, but more important, she resteems and tries to support i her way the photo world. I know a lot of people do not see Photography Post as Quality Post, but there truly are some absolutely wonderful photographers showcasing their work on contest and on their own pages, and the pros Like @scottshots, share their knowledge willingly with the photo community. My wife @shasta introduced me the @dddonnna with this beautiful picture she took: Color Challenge Sunday Purple - a piece of sky. So if you need some eye candy to look at she resteems a lot of very high quality Photo Links.

          3. @ryanng: He got hacked a little while back, and before learning how to restore his reputation he deleted all the bad comments and was thus unable to get the flags removed. Here is the comment I made on the post of his I am featuring:I see your rep has moved up 1, I will be entering this post and you in the "Pay it Forward" challenge. Hopefully it will garner you a few upvotes and assist in your reputation being restored. I think the Daily post of what has happened to alert people of the problem and solutions is a good Idea, and the declining of the payouts is very unselfish. I am not sure that a vote on a declined payout would help your reputation so I chose this post to vote, and this post to profile even though i am not a big fan of sports. Here is the post of his I chose: Liverpool 5 - 2 Roma, Champions League Semi-Finals 1st Leg, Soccer/football fans I am sure will appreciate his post.

The little spacer above I made so feel free to use it, it wasn't like that hard to make.
If you would like to play in this round there is still a little bit of time, just click the big Pay it forward picture and you will be taken to the right page, or well heck - here you go - Pay It Forward Week 4 Contest Entry area

Visit @apolymask challenge by clicking the separator below. It really is a fun game.

yes I made this tiny separator also so feel free to use


I definitely like your entry this week! It is a great mixture of authors. Thanks for your continued support and participation in the #payitforward contest. I have read, commented and upvoted all your featured authors. All the best to you.

I did want to sort of mix it up a little bit, Thank you for visiting them.

Nice entries @bashadow, especially @ryanng's :)

Not sure if you saw it, but @thedarkhorse did a great post on the 'dust votes's as well. Wish it was something I'd known about a long time ago!

he commented on one of my post regarding this as well. didn't know about this. the next goal is to get my SP up so that each of my upvotes will be worth $0.03 at least.

Yes I did, I have been trying to vote those dust votes to give them value if I have the vote power, I mean it is someone that found someones comment valuable, that they want to reward as well as comment on, so if I see a vote and it shows no vote value, I try to upvote them. At least that way their vote is not dusted off.

gave upvotes and a comment . Nice that you put in @ryanng . hopefully he will recover quickly . thanks for your participation :)

We goof sometimes, he made a small error, then someone else trying to protect others did damage to him, without properly instructing him what actions he needed to take. They just flag, they could just as easily add a line addressing what the owner needs to do, such as - - - "After completing the Account Recovery Process, contact steemcleaners for instructions on removing flags, DO NOT delete any comments until talking to steemcleaners" --- But they don't do that. They just flag. As far as I know.

Thanks for the shoutout! Glad you like what I'm doing here. And iteresting contest...

It is, and give an opportunity to highlight posters that don't get to many views but put out nice content. The photo and Art world, I felt needed to be included. I plan on finding an artist for next week to profile.

Cool, following now and hopefully I'll see the post!

Awesome work you do @bashadow! ❤👍

Thank you, next week an artist. I know you know some. 50 REP and under.

It might sound like anarchism is purely negative — that it’s just against something. Actually, anarchists have many positive ideas about life in a stateless society. But, unlike Marxists, liberals and conservatives, they don’t offer a blueprint.

And that is what bothers some people, but life does not come with an instruction manual. A lot of the societies with blueprints are somewhat problematic. But Anarchy will likely not have a chance in today's world of nuclear bombs, and dna manipulate insects.

yeah,,i appreciate you,my friend..

Thank you so much! I was thinking of doing a Pay It Forward post myself, so I am extra excited to be featured in one.
I do feel a bit guilty now. The featured post is one I put together really fast just to make the deadline for a contest. Lesson learned on that one. Oh well Steemitt is an upside down Wonderland in many ways. I will be sure to do my own entry soon so I can Pay It Forward.
Thanks again

Not to late to put an entry in, Find three nice post, follow the authors, make a little paragraph about what caught your eye, and wallah, you have an entry.

Don't worry I haven't forgotten. I already have my picks in mind. I have work this afternoon , but may get on that later tonight. I will shoot for the new round just starting. I don't want to do two rushed posts back to back. Since I have a very small audience I better focus and try to put together a halfway decent post.
Thanks for checking in, that will keep me on my toes.

That's great, contest like this are a great way to reach out and help people. I see so many post that I may have missed, and some of them pretty good with tiny payouts, so it is nice when we can help each other out.

That is the truth. I may be in the minority because I come here to read mostly. But on the up side I run into so many great posts. This should be a fun topic to do.

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