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in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

Today the "Contest Looking back/Look forward /Mirando hacia atrás/ mirando hacia adelante contest #CCC 2.13" will end.

If my connection stays as bad as it is now I get into my car, drive to town and find a better connection to announce who won and post the new contest.
I wonder how many Steemians would do that. How many of you try that hard to join Steemit?

After HF 21 and 22 it became quiet at my address.

I know I am the only one. Many lefts, the motivation is gone and it is hard to find it back.

There are plenty of contests and giveaways to join.
Hardly anyone does. It is a way to make an income even a basic income! (A basic income you make by collecting as much SBI shares as you can they last a lifetime).
I wish I could join more contests to earn a bit since my earnings here are not even 1/10 of what they were before the HF.

It is the same if it comes to the comments. Three comments a day is what I received yesterday. Three!
Any idea how many comments I write a day with my lousy, annoying connection that eats all my time?
I work hard to make you feel someone read your post. Someone cares about what you wrote, good or bad I read it and I left you a comment.

@abh12345 has a weekly post named Curation and engagement leagues.
Here you find Steemians who try hard to engage, to make Steem a better place.
I share the latest link with you. It is good to be aware these people exist and you can be one of them too! You can be part of this league and do your share and even win a nice amount of Steem by changing your habit of posting into reading, commenting, voting. After all, this is social media in the first place.

At the moment I feel the same about Steemit and the Steemians as I did as I just joined.

It was a good reason to leave to a better place. I still would be at that place if my connection would not let me down.

To be honest, I prefer not to look back to that period although it was a better time to earn, which I did not because I did not know how to lay hands on it.

To my opinion curating not gets the best out of people.
All contact is gone, so is the need to write. Writers hardly earn, it saves a lot of time indeed if the need, burden, to write is taken away from your shoulders.
"Why post you book here if a photo of a heap of dogshit on the pavement is made within 3 seconds time gives you more upvotes (the voice of the crowd?) asked @meins0815 on dpoll. A question we already discussed in the @freewritehousegroup during our #MarchMadness contest _(write a novel within one month).

Now only 5% seems to rule and do well. Question: will you give up or join them?

Yesterday I read posts written by @forexbrokr, reasons why no longer motivated to invest in... perhaps you should too. This Steemian is a bigger fish as most of us, but after you read it you get the picture of how it works and how easily it is to get downvoted by a whale or mob.

Let us look forward!

If we want Steemit to be a better place we all should do our share.
You have 10 votes of 100% use them!
You have 2.5 downvotes of 100% use them too.
Fight for you right, against the ones who do not care about good content and drain the pool. What they take you cannot earn.

#ccc supports good content.
You know what that means. You write original content, write the content yourself! No plagiarism. You also write a minimum of 200 words and you edit and make it look better with a photo or some art. Yes, this does take time but it is also your face to the outside world. No one likes to be seen as the one with the "shitty posts only".
Practicing the writing skills you can by free writing daily with @mariannewest. It only takes 5 minutes of your time to write about the prompt given and you set a timer!

Joining contests is the way to:

  • earn extra (a prize)
  • get extra upvotes (you use certain tags)
  • be noticed (your name shows up in different places).
  • to engage with others.

My hands are tied.

I will not push you to join contests. Looking back I noticed reminding people does not result in more entries, also a higher price and getting rewarded for joining does not.
From now on I will save me the time and energy and focus on me. You are free to join.

Contest running you can find back at @team-ccc.
My other account @wakeupkitty.pal gives all kind of tips to grow here.

Sunflowers die too... there is a dark sky ahead.

This is my entry to the contest "Contest Looking back/Look forward /Mirando hacia atrás/ mirando hacia adelante contest #CCC 2.13".

#ccc contest to join you find at @team-ccc

This is an Invitation to join #ccc for Guaranteed 👍 Daily Income 💵 and Payout 💸 for Newbies (2.0) 🐟 🐜 🐛 in #ccc 👣 and Follow 👣 the Honor Code 🏅 - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside)
the latest update <<< please click to read.

Posted using Partiko Android


Good advice. Gotta fight for your right to party.

Good to hear from you again. I hope you are doing well. Have a !BEER to celebrate the weekend and we are still here 💕

View or trade BEER at steem-engine.

Hey @joeyarnoldvn, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

howdy @wakeupkitty - ich habe mich tatsächlich durchgekämpft xD

ich lese ja soooo ungern auf english, aber wenn dann schon mal mein name fällt.....

deine beobachung über die faulheit der steemians ist natürlich völlig richtig. oft hat man den eindruck man müsse die leute noch extra bezahlen und gesondert einladen um bei irgendwas mitzumachen.

so kämpft sich eben jeder hier irgendwie durch :)))

Lieb von Dir, dass Du mal vorbeischaust. Hoffentlich machen.andern das auch.

Ich lade ein und zahle auch noch (neben der Preis zu gewinnen) trotzdem wird die Chance nicht genommen. Da wurde ich sofort mitmachen.

Ich verstehe einfach nicht wieso gemeckert wird über keine Verdiensten auf ein Platform wo mann schreiben soll und dann zu faul 200 Wörter zu tippen. 🤔
Fann wird Hilfe auch nicht gebraucht.

Wir haben schon wieder Samstag ein !BEER für Dich und alles liebe 💕

View or trade BEER at steem-engine.

Hey @meins0815, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

@wakeupkitty What happens if you vote more than 10 times, I have never counted my votes, if I like the content I vote for it. Does voting more than 10 times take anything away from the person I voted for or does it just make my vote not worth anything? It is only worth a penny so I do not think I am hurting anyone.

I think it takes something from you and it might be the other person get less but I doubt that.
I was voting like a wild man too and noticed the amount I gave is counted to what they already had. @partiko show it clearer as steemit.com.

It takes your voting power so I guess less power means something.
Just check your power if you vote. You can come back later to give the vote.

If I know the answer I let you know.


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@wakeupkitty every time I vote this gauge comes up and it says 100% then I click it, I have never seen it say anything less than 100%

Hans antwortet. The receiver gets less or nothing if you keep voting. If you do not have a slider to change the 100% into less yet stop after 10 votes.

You have to change it. Don't you have a bar/slider you can change the 100 into 50 or less? I know at start you don't so if that is the case do not give more as 10 votes a day.see the attachment the 100 you can change slide to the left.

Let me know if it works

Posted using Partiko Android

@wakeupkitty I have the slider but I thought it was to tell me how much vote power I have left, I wondered why it stayed at 100% with all the voting I did. I like to give people 100% vote. So I should not do this?

No, if you vote a lot vote give less.
Be a bit more selective to whom you give how much and why. Unless you give only 20 votes a day. If you keep voting they get less too plus you are out of voting power soon!

Also a tip vote on posts of that person whit the highest earns unless it is just posted you can be the curator!
Therefore do not vote on comment.

@dustsweeper stopped so low earnings will never be paid! It had to be higher as 0.020 I believe.

Voting is not as simple as it sounds. Many reasons make your vote useless for the receiver.

Happy day, or studying on voting 💕

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P.s. I vote less too so more people have benefit from it.

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@wakeupkitty my votes are worth one penny at 100%, I did a vote of 50% yesterday and it was still worth a penny. I was thinking if I voted less percent, the person I voted for would get less but that did not happen. So now I understand I can vote more people at 50% and they still get the penny, I know it is not much but a penny is better than nothing and if enough people vote with a penny it will add up.

Exactly perhaps if you go to 40% it is still one. At times I see there is no difference between 15 or 20% so you pick what is lowest in % and that amount. 👍😍

Posted using Partiko Android

hola @wake... mi teléfono dañado, en búsqueda pronto de su arreglo. Ni foto, ni publicaciones.

Lamento escuchar eso. Mi teléfono está bien pero Internet es demasiado lento. Espero que se pueda arreglar. Te deseo un gran domingo 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @wakeupkitty

If my connection stays as bad as it is now I get into my car, drive to town and find a better connection to announce who won and post the new contest.

I admire your patience and dedication. Upvote on the way :)

I surely wouldn't do that. Most likely I would decide that it's sign from heaven that I need to let my eyes rest.

I wish I could join more contests to earn a bit since my earnings here are not even 1/10 of what they were before the HF.

I wasn't aware that you care about rewards in that way. Are you really trying to make $$$ for a living on Steemit? That must be a nightmare.

Any idea how many comments I write a day with my lousy, annoying connection that eats all my time?

The problem is lack of visibility on Steemit. that's why I'm sending memos to all my active followers to promote my content (I also remember not to over-do it).

Hope you're gonna have an easy monday :)

I am not trying to make a living here. What I like to write about is not what is appreciated here and a waste of my time and good content.
If my connection was better I would invest more time elsewhere.

I understand you are not following me or see what I do. I am hosting two contests and hope to help newbies and those who need it with the prizes and bonuses I give.

I hardly earn anything here not even 10 Steem a week and that is not enough to pay out the prizes and bonuses.

The idea of earning a bit here to buy something for my kids for their birthday or theirs I already gave up on.

Thanks for the upvote/commenting.
I think I will let my eyes rest more in the future too or on something else.

I wish you, your family and project good luck, happiness and love 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for prompt reply @wakeupkitty

I understand you are not following me or see what I do.

I'm trying, hoever unfortunatelly it's very difficult to follow everyone I would like to follow.

I wish you, your family and project good luck, happiness and love 💕

And vice versa :)

Wow - I did not know things are going so badly for you, @wakeupkitty. I have been in my own fog. I do not use steemit at all - only the dApps. You are one of the shining stars here. I want you to succeed. The issue with less comments is because the little fish who left them are gone now. We need to hang in thereto help the new ones who arrive. I am so tired and sad, I have trouble working, but still trying as best I can. Such a mess they made with the disaster of posts under $1 getting cut so bad.

What happens with the post under 1 Steem? Every post of me is, not even 0.5 Steem.
I have the feeling there is a very long list of reasons why there will be no payout.

I still don't know how to motivate someone to join the party here. I asked many people and did not receive one single answer. All the positivity brought with #seven77 is gone.
Did that whole group left too?

I guess we need to build a new community.

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Hi @wakeupkitty! You were selected for curation support in a HoboDAO contest!


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