Is The World Run By Pedophiles- Part VII... Madeleine McCann- The Search That Wasn't A Search

in #palnet5 years ago (edited) 

I still can't look at that innocent face without my heart sinking. I did a post a couple of years ago just after Pizzagate broke about the McCann case and the possible involvement of some high-profile people, Americans John and Tony Podesta, who were staying at the estate of Sir Clement Freud, nephew of the eminent psychiatrist Sigmund Freud- a noted pedophile himself. I thought this would be a good segue back to the US and high-profile pedophilia cases here. Imagine my surprise to find almost everything scrubbed... replaced by what can only be described as a coverup.

Here's the new narrative: The Portuguese Police opened an investigation but were "ill equipped to carry it through," so the local police from Leicestershire (the McCann's home) were called in to help- but they, like the Portuguese Police were also "ill equipped." And so it goes up the chain- the London Metro police, Scotland Yard not to mention numerous NGO's sympathetic to missing children, all vying for top spot on the empathy hit parade and control of the narrative... somehow in all of the posturing and bloviating little Madeleine got lost in the shuffle.

The lineup of suspects has changed as well. You can still find a few pics of the Podesta brothers, but nothing in print. They've been replaced by "Gypsy George." 

I know this guy... his name is Licki Wimbo, an Elizabeth Warren-type Cherokee pedophile from my detective story Regnad Kcin. This is almost the exact mental image I had when creating the character... in other words this guy is straight out of Central Casting. John Podesta has also undergone a remarkable transmogrification. 

A remarkable likeness! He should at least be easy to prosecute- he's dead. Now, as recently as 2019 they have a new suspect- a German child killer named Martin Ney who's already doing life for killing three boys. If I may interject a note of sanity here: this man is obviously a homosexual- why would he target a little girl? Ah:  Portuguese police officer Goncalo Amaral said the German national was investigated in 2008 as part of the probe. However, it is thought he was ruled out of involvement by Berlin police chiefs, who claimed he was only interested in boys. I suppose when you're desperate for a suspect anyone will do. One thing is for certain- it will be a long time before they run out of suspects in Europe.

So what I've found in lieu of any substantive updates or leads are:

1) The "too many cooks spoil the broth" defense.

2) The Gypsy pedophile from Central Casting did it.

3) "The Black guy did it," (you know that one had to come up at some point)

Meanwhile little Madeleine has become just a sad footnote in this comedy of errors. Perhaps we should apply Hanlon's Razor to "never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity or incompetence." But I sense something more sinister at work here. This has been a cover-up right from the beginning- someone very powerful has been running interference. Like I wrote in an earlier post, sometimes you have to invoke probability. In a rationally run missing child investigation tracking dogs would have been brought in in a matter of minutes- or at least hours. It was months before any dogs were brought in and by then it was cadaver dogs. Big red flag! Someone was/is trying very hard not to find Madeleine.

Of all of the investigators on the case a pair of investigative journalists, Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan have been on the case from the very beginning and seem to be the only ones seriously putting forth any effort to find the missing girl. In their book Looking for Madeleine, Summers and Swan say, "...  it was a planned abduction, Mr Summers said: ‘The evidence says that the apartment was being watched during that week." In other words it was an organized pedophile ring that abducted Madeleine.

 ‘There was a man seen standing looking up at the apartment and that there was some sort of an operation going on. There had been phoney charity collectors coming around to that apartment just before the McCanns and to other residents saying they were collecting for a charity orphanage… it didn’t exist… there was no such orphanage. ‘Then we have the incidents of a man breaking in and interfering with little girls in the middle of the night. It seems to me that common sense would dictate that the information we have does suggest that it was a planned abduction.’ 

It's been 12 years and still not one shred of evidence except new suspects. Whatever concrete physical evidence there was is now gone. The rule of thumb in missing persons cases is that if you don't find them in the first 48 hours, they're never found. The authorities along with the self-aggrandizing NGO's spent more than that profiling for the cameras in a game of one-upmanship... valuable time that could have been spent looking for valid clues. This case was handled abysmally right from the start- the only real question is, was it done on purpose? I don't believe that Portugal is the cesspool of corruption and pedophilia that the UK is. I believe that the Portuguese Police put forth an honest effort to find Madeleine until stymied by British authorities. Pedophilia is institutionalized in the UK and law enforcement is controlled by Freemasons. That alone tells me more about the disappearance than 12 years of a feckless investigation.



Sorry for the delay - life has been crazy. Anyway... Given My experience watching a friend murdered on an altar when I was 5, and given that the child was the daughter of one of the ritual participants, and given sometimes They sacrifice the children of the participants without Their knowledge (explaining the mother's horror to discover it was Her daughter dead on the altar when the mask was lifted)...

And given the People (like the pope) that They rubbed elbows with afterward, I have a strong suspicion Madeleine was sacrificed at some ritual, and the cover story and BS that has flown around the case was merely smokescreen.

I have felt strongly this was the case since I heard of the story.

I think you're probably right... the only other scenario I can think of is that she fell or had an accident while her parents were out and they're covering up an accidental death... but why the involvement of all of the high profile actors- and an $18 million "investigation"?

Exactly.  There is little to explain all that.  I have to give highest probability She was a sacrifice.

Nice post, I like the way You see things, still, the timing on the ex-detective that was initially head of investigation, suddenly being removed from the case for stating truths that someone "big" didn't want the public to know is already a red flag..

I think Gonçalo Amaral was not entirely correct but was on to something.. I know its not the best source, yet, there are some details that might be interesting for You to check, there are red flags both ways..

MADDIE CONSPIRACY COP Who is Gonçalo Amaral? Ex-Madeleine McCann detective who claims Kate and Gerry killed their daughter

Anyway, thank You for posting this, have a great time and take care ;),

Thanks Cy! No such thing as too much information (I think)

No need to mention it =Þ

Just my two cents, because unfortunatelly in this specific case nothing will change =S..

Take care ;),

No, I'm afraid it won't, but this is a huge problem that permeates society and it's getting worse. I'm far from done exposing the perps!

Sorry, maybe I didn't made myself clear, what I was trying to say is that Maddy won't come back to life =|..

I feel what You're saying =)..

In the end everything will be ok!!

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