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RE: Is The World Run By Pedophiles- Part VII... Madeleine McCann- The Search That Wasn't A Search

in #palnet5 years ago

Sorry for the delay - life has been crazy. Anyway... Given My experience watching a friend murdered on an altar when I was 5, and given that the child was the daughter of one of the ritual participants, and given sometimes They sacrifice the children of the participants without Their knowledge (explaining the mother's horror to discover it was Her daughter dead on the altar when the mask was lifted)...

And given the People (like the pope) that They rubbed elbows with afterward, I have a strong suspicion Madeleine was sacrificed at some ritual, and the cover story and BS that has flown around the case was merely smokescreen.

I have felt strongly this was the case since I heard of the story.


I think you're probably right... the only other scenario I can think of is that she fell or had an accident while her parents were out and they're covering up an accidental death... but why the involvement of all of the high profile actors- and an $18 million "investigation"?

Exactly.  There is little to explain all that.  I have to give highest probability She was a sacrifice.

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