How to STEEM: The Advanced Guide

in #palnet5 years ago


Steem is not Reddit. It's not Youtube, Instagram, Blogger, Medium, Twitch, or Twitter. It's it's own unique system that has considerations that none of these platforms have. As I've been Steeming now for about a year and a half I've made some observations. Things that I think it would be best if everyone took to heart and considered as they figure out what they want to do on this platform and what they expect to get out of it.

I came up with something, I'm going to coin it the four pillars of Steeming. These are:

  • Content Quality
  • Engagement
  • Curation
  • Community Value

I think that if you feel like you aren't getting what you feel like you should from this platform, consider these pillars. Let's examine each one.

Community Value

I want to start here because I want to start with how Steem is different from the centralized platforms I listed above. Let's look at Youtube because of all those platforms, Youtube actually pays it's creators.

Why does Youtube pay them?

Content creators on Youtube are paid based on their ability to earn Google ad revenue. Some of the content creators I like create independent news media. They're regularly demonetized and talk often about how they feel like they shouldn't be because they aren't breaking any TOS or producing any hateful content.

They're fundamentally misunderstanding the issue. Google doesn't care about your content or what it says. They care whether it adds any value to their bottom line. They aren't demonetizing people because of their ideological beliefs. They're demonetizing them based on the fact that they aren't creating any value for Google.

We'd like to think we're a lot better than that, but are we really?

Here on Steem, you are a part of a collective investment in this system, a collective ownership of this system. The reality is, we are also wondering how you're adding to our bottom line. Obviously some more than others, but it's there to some degree. I think one of the beautiful things about Steem is that we can afford to be altruistic to a certain extent. I for one am excited about the potential for the Steem blockchain to be a global force for good and having the power to give aid to those who might need it, but...

In order to have that power, we have to grow. We have to get stronger. We have to become powerful.

So as a member of this community, that should be in the back of your head. How does this help the community. Are you bringing eyeballs here by creating great content and bringing your followers here? Are you making people want to stay, by engaging with them? Are you holding a huge stake? Are you developing applications for Steem? Are you promoting Steem? There are tons of ways to add value, think about what you have to offer.

Content Quality

If you read my little graphic up there you MIGHT have seen that and said "There's no such thing as objectively good!" I disagree. I don't like mayonnaise, beets, country music, horror films, bright colored clothing, etc. These things aren't my taste. The fact that I don't like them doesn't mean they aren't good, they just aren't for me. The opposite also works. There could be something that I like that the vast majority of people don't like. The fact that I like it doesn't make it objectively good, it just means it's my taste.

So how is this determined?

Usually by the crowd or an expert. Someone why actually understands a thing, it typically a good judge of what is good and what isn't. Gordon Ramsay is a better judge of what good food is than I am, even if I might like some things that he thinks are shit.

Anyway, this should also be a consideration as a Steemian, if you're writing, singing, drawing, painting, taking photos, vlogging, whatever. Try to do that thing to the best of your ability, don't half ass it, do your best and strive to get better.


This is extra difficult on Steem. There's just not enough people and you're going to have to go out of your way a bit to have strong engagement. I'm finding myself repeating this a lot these days, but Steem is like Reddit without subreddits. It's the whole world dumped into the same feed. We're all vastly different with different values, beliefs and cultures. It takes thick skin and a global awareness to have strong engagement on Steem, but there are plenty that are pulling it off. Talk to the people that leave comments on your posts. Look at their content, comment on it, try to cross the barrier from meaningless comment to chatting with a friend.


This is something unique to Steem. It's on all of us to distribute this Steem(or PAL or whatever). If you don't have a stake, or you have one, but don't use it to vote for content, you're missing a big part of what it means to be a part of this community.

Now, with all of those things in mind, on a scale from -100 to 100, where do you think you fall? I think based on this, it will typically make sense how you're doing on the platform.

When I look at some accounts, for example, I won't name names, as there are several and they all do the same thing. The people that have a pretty large following on youtube, and just drop their content off here without any consideration of the other three pillars I mentions. Steem is a side chick to them, and based on my observations, they don't get rewarded much.

The 100% self upvoter has a -100 score in curation.

The starving artist, may have good content, but very little stake.

If you're one of the cool kids you might have really high engagement, but not much on the side of content.

I think it's worth noting that it's fine to be a specialist, to be much stronger in one area than another, but I think you'll do better if you try to maintain some semblance of balance among these categories.

If you're not particularly strong in ANY of these, Steem is not going to be that fun for you.

This post is getting a bit ridiculous in terms of length so I'm going to stop rambling, but I'm curious where you see yourself? on a scale from -100 to 100 what would you score yourself? Let me know in the comments!


Yep, this nails it. Adding value is the most important IMO.

Well you're definitely at the top of the leaderboard in that category :) If you could just clone yourself about 19 more times that'd be greeeeeat :p


To answer the question, I think I am at about an 11, maybe a bit higher. I think you did a nice job with that graphic, it pulls people in and lets them get a pretty good idea right off the bat. I do okay in one category, need improvement in the other three, I do think I am above the zero line threshold though.

Well, I think it's good to start thinking along these lines. When I look at the community and how much each user is being rewarded, for the most part I don't look out and feel like most users are being under or over compensated when viewed through this lens. Of course there are some outliers, but I just mean for the majority of users.

I figure only an eleven for me since I am pretty much here just for the fun. It would be nice to be here for the investment also, but for now, just the fun side. I like to post, but also really enjoy the reading/viewing aspect, so more of a user than a creator, but I do like to vote, and on occasion to comment. (okay sometimes a lot of comments).

Honest engagement is also super important. I think for a lot of creators it's actually MORE important than the financial aspect.

Great article this - I always appreciate a good post on which metrics we should be using to measure progress.

Nice graphic too.

It's odd isn't it that somewhere around 10 000 of us make Steem the most insanely reflexive social media platform - then there's the majority of passive users who are just here for the money.

We just need changes which reward all of the four things you mention here more, rather than passive investment, or at least striking a better balance.

Difficult to do which I guess is why HF21 is creating so much drama as it's a fundamental rebalancing!

Posted using Partiko Android

I think Steem will always be split between Users/Workers and Builders/Investors. I don't think we should fight this. In order for this system to be healthy, we have to be profitable while people are making positive cash flow out of the system.

For this place to have value for the user we can't have the expectation that everyone will invest in it, they won't, more than likely the majority won't. That's why I think the moves to rebalance the author curator split are the correct move.

If Steem became popular and all the users were just selling, we wouldn't be growing, so I think we have to push more to the curators as these are the people holding stake, and I think of them sort of like a distributed treasury.

I would hope my score lands on the positive side of the scale. I am not much of a content creator, but came here to push myself to attempt some content creation. I do try to curate, mostly by reading and voting. I have trouble coming up with what I consider to be valuable comments that would be worthy of further engagement. I have been encouraged by several awesome communities and that is mostly why I hang around. I had a thought about STEEM communities which @pixiepost turned into the following image:

Posted using Partiko Android

💕💕💕💕 Thank you @mytechtrail. Fwiw you contribute a lot to our community! 🤗🙌🧚

Posted using Partiko Android

Just keep learning and doing your best. Zero chance you won't find your niche :)

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

I'd say I'm a pretty well-rounded steemian but I could be lying to myself.

  • I don't self-upvote
  • I curate
  • I try to leave meaningful comments
  • I post my own ramblings
  • I do participate in competitions
  • I do sell my vote when not manually upvoting
  • I do shill projects from time to time

But overall I don't see myself as someone who uses this place for profit or livelihood im just having fun with it and learning new things all the time. I think what also makes a healthy ecosystem is having a balance of consumers and creators at the moment people are creating and not consuming.

We can see that by the low levels of curation and engagement, people complain about rewards but they not actively consuming other peoples content what kinda hypocritical shit is that lol? I don't get why people see themselves as either a curator or a creator, you're supposed to be both!

{you're supposed to be both!} - why?

don't tell me what to do lol

Well since there isn’t a growing number of people lining up just to consume content if everyone is just posting and no one is consuming what’s the point?

Until we have people who are happy to be sort of passive steemians just enjoying content it’s up to people to do both to keep the system going

Lol no one said you should do it! You do what you feel is right for you

Posted using Partiko iOS

haha. :)

Get out there and dance for that crypto! :p

That sounds like a pretty good balance. There are lots, actually the majority of people here, if we're successful will be like that, just using the platform because they find it fun/interesting.

The beauty here is if they do that honestly, they'll earn crypto without even trying to.

thats a great guide and well put together! i mentioned a few of those things in my videos. great job

Which video?

You have just say it all. Most of the fundamental factors you have listed and explained on

Thanks adenijiadeshina!

Quality work, loving the diagram :)

I'm here via soyrosa's latest post and will likely delve into this soon.

I agree with @abh12345 regarding the diagram! Did you make that yourself btw?

From your 4 Pillars you should be able to come up with a Vision/Story I'd think?

I got visions for sure, just gotta be in the mood to talk to a wall to write them up. :p

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