My Journey in Freewriting using @mariannewest's Daily Prompt | It keeps me going in Steemit | My 'Over 20 Club' Post

in #over20club6 years ago (edited)

The point of the freewriting session is to get out of our heads and tap into our creative self - allow things to flow. Sometimes, great writing will result. Well, and sometimes - not. The point is to get into a daily (or however often you can) habit of writing.~@mariannewest


I have always been wanting to post daily on Steemit ever since I started on Dec 12th 2017. However, it is challenging when it comes to thinking what to write on a daily basis.

Sometimes, it was a struggle when your brain got stucked. Sometimes you wanted to write a topic but you felt you could not do it well enough. Or you stumbled upon someone else writing the same topic you wrote which was written way better than you. And sometimes you wanted to draft a blog but you had limited time. Often, life is also filled with random challenges which makes it difficult to post on daily basis. Maybe I was the only who faced this problem?

I found out @mariannewest's daily prompt 5-minute freewrite through @elizacheng's freewrite. I took some time to 'stalk' her and other freewriters before I officially posted my 1st 5-minute freewrite. I became interested because it seemed to cast the idea of being free and without worry or pressure while you steem on.

Without worrying if what we write is good or bad.~@mariannewest

One day, all of a sudden, I was prompted to write my 1st freewrite as I desired to leap into the joy of freedom to write without worrying about whether about the shorter post. I heard it was addictive and well, it IS addictive. I did not do it daily when I first started but now I can safely say I will do freewrite daily if there is no emergency at home to handle.

Let me warn you again, it is fun, free and addictive, at the same time you get to know many amazing freewriters around. Besides, the support given is amazing.

Let's have a glimpse of my 1st freewrite.

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A Switch Into Ballpit (prompt - switch)


When I was a child, I was eager to quickly grow up to be an adult just like my parents. They could go to work and they had money to use, whereas me as a child had to ask them for money every single day. I hoped there was a switch that could turn me into an adult promptly. Please click here to continue reading.

What do you think about my 1st attempt of freewrite?

I lost count of how many freewrites I had done. I should keep track of them soon in a note somewhere in my phone. However, I am sure I have written more than 20 of them.

Hence, I am honored to be invited by @freewritehouse and @mariannewest to be in "Over 20 Club" to allow some of those long forgotten pieces to shine again, to showcase three (or more) of my favourite freewrites.

*Designed by @fireawaymarmot and I can now use with pride! *

This is a difficult call because as I read back some of them, I fell in love with quite many of my freewrites. Therefore, shamelessly, I will showcase more than 3 of my freewrites. Please stay tune with me.

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Describe a Bird


Looking out the small window here, I was jealous at one bird that flew freely at the beautiful horizon of the blue sky. I truly regretted of what I had done. Feeling remorsed, but I could not turn back time. Please click here to continue reading.

Working as a full-time pastor at my church before I become a stay-at-home-mum to take care of my CDH son, I had always pondered about life and people who faced so many challenges in life. I always had passion to reach out to them and to help them come out of their darkness. Little did I know, my passion is being expressed in my freewriting.

I really love freewriting as you can freely access every part of your brain whether it is your emotional part, or your past hurts, or your fear, and even the creative part of you, and then you get to write them out, without any worry. As I freewrite more, I realise I am a very emotional and sentimental being, towards the relationship side. LOVE, family and relationship are so important to me. Often, I translated them into my freewrites.

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As I write more, I got inspired by others who could do poem, so I challenged myself and gave it two-time try. Have a read! And don't laugh. Lol.

Potatoes in Poem


Potatoes oh potatoes
My toddlers pronounce you as tomatoes
You have many usefulness I know
I can cook you daily in a row. continue reading

A Petition from Half-alien Half-human (prompt using the picture given)


From Saturn, I am thinking of a return,
But look at me, how can I even make my face turn?
Not only am I so distant,
I am also very different. continue reading

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I realised most often than not I tend to write thoughts-provoking stories that relate to life as a whole. The stories can be very emotional and touching. Perhaps that is how my emotional side is being built. No wonder I always tear whenever I watch sad movie or any movie with people especially family members passing away. Below are a few stories which I had written with my feeling engaged into them as I wrote. Truth to be told, I never really love writing stories but freewriting allows me to shine in story-writing.

I invite you to have a read if you like thoughts-provoking touching stories.



Smiling depression is a new form of depression where the person appears jovial but internally she or he suffers from depression symptoms. This is the most subtle form of depression because sometimes the one who suffers do not even realise it. Get help if you need to or if you notice some loved one needs help, then reach out. Read on to find out more.

Beyond Her Good Appetite


One can tell she is always having good appetite by her size. Well, she is 100kg, around 220 pounds. But behind the good appetite lies a story of past hurt - which is still undealt with. Read on to find out more.

Keep Looking


No. 1095. This was the 1095th time he wrote the note "I love you" and put it into the helium balloon to be released up to the sky...... He found himself not able to let her go. Read on to find out more.



She is so beautiful. Just like her mom. Her smile and her dimples, so much resemblance as her mom. But she will never have the chance to touch her. To feel her warm caress. I showed her her mom's picture before. She will giggle with joy as though she has known her. Read on to find out more.

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Besides poem and stories or random thoughts, I also attempted a scary story which I was not sure whether I pulled it off well. But it was fun to be able to imagine and to be more adventurous in writing.

The Scratching Sound


Her mom knew how to comfort her when her panic overrode her neurosenses and she started scratching frantically, sometimes till the skin bled. Autistic. Mary became a mother to an autistic child since Gem's arrival. Gem's inability to express herself correctly often landed her in a self-ferocious skin scratching. Read on to find out more.

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Plus a freewrite which enabled me to come out from my comfort zone to compliment myself, something I disliked doing. Usually, I praise everyone else but myself. But freewriting allows me to ponder on myself more, to know myself more, and to boldly declare what I love about myself. You can try too!

My Favourite Body Part


We all had our fair share of body comparison, highly challenged self-confidence and self-esteem while we were still figuring out our identity. Whose waist was smaller, whose boobs were bigger, whose legs were slimmer, whose buttocks were firmer. Argh! I hated all those conversation I heard from my friends. I made me compared! Read on to know more.

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Lastly, a happy story for everyone . This allows me to dig into the sweet lovey dove part of me and created some romance into the freewrite.



She never really has good self-esteem. Very shy too. Eventhough sweetness and kindness are part of her features and nature as a person, but she has one problem that she hates.She sweats alot. A lot! Read on to find out how her sweat landed her into love...

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Freewriting using this daily prompt is really fun, at the same time challenging, yet it is not stressful and you do not need to think of your title. I could never be thankful enough stumbling into @mariannewest and those awesome lovely freewriters. I almost gave up writing after one-week of stressful time at hospital with my son, but 5-minute freewrite bring be back to Steemit's life again.

Thank you @mariannewest and @improv for initiating this, gradually gathering more passionate freewriters, and give us a chance to free flow share out our thoughts and everything beneath our brain in our freewrites. Thank you @freewritehouse for always have fun prepared for all of us. Hereby, I invite fellow Steemians to join us too!


If you do not know what freewrite is, it is a plan by @mariannewest and @improv to just free flow write out our thoughts, where there is no fear of whether what we write is good or not. Just relax and have fun and write in that 5-minutes-time. Here is the introductory post. Come on, you can start joining and have fun too! ☺ And now we have @freewritehouse, yay! Have a visit and you will not regret it!


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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


You were stalking me... Ooh... That's a bit scary... LOL...
Freewriting is totally FUN!!! Anyone and everyone can freewrite...
Yay!!! Welcome to the Over 20 Club!!!

Haha. I thought you knew I was stalking you. I even read your 1st freewrite as you stated there. And it was so much fun. Hence thank you for advertising to me in a way about Freewriting. :)

I am a blur sotong and a fish with Dory's memory... LOL...
But so glad you decided to Freewrite all the way!!!

Hehe but that's so cute ..hehe I thought I was the only one doing the stalking hehe 😋😋😻

I wish i understand this freewrite stuff, i really desire to post daily on steemit but hey its not easy

You can try daily freewrite by @mariannewest :)

I am so happy that you are writing with us - like I said as the Freewrite House, but wanted to say it as myself as well 🤪

I feel so honored.. Really.. 😍 Thank you @mariannewest.

Hehe sis you are the Freewrite house ? 😻😻😋Hehehe 😈😈💓

Mostly :) I do all the commenting and most of the posting. Byn and wandrnrose do the compilation posts and brsiby had done a few interviews and probably will do more... Otherwise, the crazy ideas are mine :) Oh, and improve did a post on Monday... But the votes you see, the comments - that is me LOL

Hehehe wow 😍😍😍 the mystery is out hehehe 😈💗💗

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Congratulations! Always love your freewrites! 😍

Congratulations 👏 on completing your Over 20 Club post. It was cool to visit your old posts once again. Keep them coming. 🎉

SO glad you're with us!

So glad you had gone ahead of us and chart the path for us :)

I so loved your writing sis ❤️❤️ , I also want to do this over 20 club.. hm maybe one of these days I'll read what this is about. 😘😘

One day you will be nominated too. 🤩

Love you walk down memory lane!! We are so glad to have you writing with us!!! Welcome to the club. It will be no time and you are in the Over 100 Club :)

Welcome to the club! I always enjoy your scribbles and freewrites. Thanks!

Thank you for all the support given :)

Welcome and congrats!

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