Living clutter FREE

in #organization6 years ago (edited)


Clutter comes in many forms.

It forms in cabinets, drawers, car, or even your purse.

The good news is slowly, but surely clutter is one the first places one can begin to get organized and have a sense of ownership on what needs to be done.

Those that follow me know that occasionally I do a post on organization to encourage others including myself to keep at it. For me it is a never-ending chore, until now. I really feel I have a handle on things by getting rid of clutter.

It’s all-psychological

Now this might just be psychological but what isn’t right? It is all a state of mind and attitude in life. Organizing stacks is the best way to start out. I am not a filer and some things still come in paper form. So I sort as it comes into the house and put it in the right stack. Most of it ends up in the garbage, but until then this makes everything manageable.

Then when I feel like it I pick a stack and go through it. You may be thinking at this point this is all too simple. It works, give it a try and let me know. Maybe you have a better way to organize. I also use plastic storage tubs for say creative notebooks, photography related, and I have one for my crafts.

Added bonus – organize house

The place to start for an organized house, for me it worked on organizing the house, is the bathroom sink. Yes, mine is clean and has stayed that way for over 2 years and I must always credit Fly Lady for that.

Here are some of my previous posts on organizing the home.

Get it together with organization

How to get organized – uncluttered space

Three organized people, I admire most

Thanks for reading,


This post was created in #esteem thanks @good-karma


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On a scale of 1-10 in what would be organization, I would be a -1. The truth is that I like my disorder in a certain way, until it reaches that extreme point where you do not remember where you leave things, you forget everything and you have to put a stop. Thank heaven my room is small (in certain aspects).

OMG been there, done that. Read my posts and get a handle you will have more energy.

@rebeccabe ....I am so guilty of needing to organize TF outta my house. This little nudge of encouragement from you & the universe is received with a smile and deep gratitude. (laughing at myself right now, but in a good way).

Thank you kindly!!! <333 Much Love

Thank you soooo much for your comment. This is why I do a post like this once in a while. Again it makes things seem a little more manageable in the day and life. :)

My pleasure :) I really needed that little "hey, you....get busy" <333 the advice is great..but also knowing I am not the only one helps me be a little kinder to myself in the process. You are what I consider to be a true wayshower ~ thank you for that!

Thanks that energy flows both ways. :)

I feel like I'm pretty good with physical clutter. I throw away everything and keep very little.

Virtual clutter, on the other hand....

Well, we need to investigate solutions to virtual clutter. Get one of those google personal assistance (sorry, I am always thinking about ways to abort clutter, my bad).

All our clutter and everything else for that matter burnt in a house fire in 2011, since then we have without having insurance been able to aquire more clutter, and it is cluttier clutter. (Yes, I made the cluttier word up.)

I would throw away everything, but then it would be mostly my husband's stuff. LOL sorry...kidding around.

So so true a minimalistic life is simple, cheaper, and a lot easier to handle if you want to move home! The Japanese know it through Feng Shui, definitely messes with the head when there is clutter :)

Agree with 100% of what you wrote and then more. okay 110%
I believe in Feng Shui to my husband, in his defense we are in a small place.
He believes in recycling, I don't anymore. I am so done with it. I am the one that washes the mayo jars.

I just cleared out half of my wardrobe last week, it feels great!!
Now I can shop for more... hahaha

hahaha ...
No one said to get rid of your clothes so you can shop. Wait a minute, after you spend your money don't blame me. lol

Hahahaha.... in that case I better go spend someone else's money.... LOL

As a kid, I used to be super-organised. It was pretty much OCD, you may say. But now, instead of not giving a f*ck entirely, I've set my priorities. Like, all my artwork should stay in one particular place.

But mostly, I'm organised in my phone. It's much easier to categorize things there without all the physical hassle :P

My phone is the worst. I am glad you wrote that I am going to look at doing something on my phone.
I don't even know what some of the apps do and Google decided to download all of my emails. I must have pressed the wrong button. Don't worry I don't work in IT

My mother would have loved you to be her kid. OCD doesn't have to be such a bad thing then if channeled in the right areas.

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