Get it together with organization

in #declutter7 years ago (edited)

Beautiful open spaces reminds me of organization and decluttering.

Time to look at organization again, after all, spring will be here soon.

This is how I am moving forward, you can make your own plans or use mine.

I took these tips and modified some out of a book by Jamie Novak, "1000 Best Quick and Easy Organizing Secrets".

I figure with1000 tips there must be something that will work for me.

  1. Before and after photos (so you keep it nice)
  2. List of hot spots – pick 3
    Pick 1 from your list and complete before moving to the next one. (This way you are not spreading your energy thin.)
  3. Create your own list now.
  4. Set a deadline for decluttering so it gets done.
    Break down large tasks into smaller intermediate goals.
  5. When you know why you want to do something it makes it easier to do.
    Jot the top 3 reasons why you want to get organized. Keep it in mind the reason while getting it done.
  6. Work in small blocks of time slow and steady.
  7. Reward yourself when you get it done with anything but shopping. (You don’t want more clutter.)

The last two were way down the list in the book but I am doing this my way. You can see there are a lot more left since the author goes to 1000. I may do a post on more of them later on.

Wouldn’t it be fun to show up unexpected to the author’s house and see how organized they are? I live in a small place so I go through decluttering periodically and am always creating more ways to keep organized.

Source of image igor-kasalovic

Enjoy my other posts on organization:

The first one was about a month ago and the other 5 months ago.

Three organized people I admire most link
Clutter and Yunk – Time to get organized link

Please feel free to share any of your decluttering tips.

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It was really a beautiful open place. Good expression and lovely picture

thank you. time to declutter again.

Totally i am not an organized person ...
I am so lazy and late also....@rebeccabe

me either that is why I am working on becoming organized

This tips are just what i need right now. And i will put this 👇into action immediately

Jot the top 3 reasons why you want to get organized. Keep it in mind

Nice one
Waiting for more tips @rebeccabe

thanks and I am glad you can use them

It is quite informative, helps to do things in an organised way.

I like organization! I just live with slobs! Or normal people?.....I may be OCD!

I'm not an organised person, I'm so unorganized yet. But I want to get there. And beautiful picture, great scenery.

hey thanks. same here I am working on it.
the photo credit is at the bottom of the post. I did not take this one. So beautiful all the same.

nice way to present a post.especially for newbies.

If someone starts following the list above he for sure will succeed.

I certainly hope you are correct because I am giving it a try. Lol

No these are just so simple to understand and worth giving a try.. These will work in any case of course if first you have got the time.

This post has received gratitude of 1.98% from @appreciator courtesy of @rebeccabe!

Here is a post I did on organization today Sunday, May 6, 2018

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