Where is the Europe you talk about?

in #opinion6 years ago (edited)

Frequently I read content about what people in Europe think,

how they live or what they believe.
Weird thing is I do live in Europe, lived longer in several European countries. I went there to school, did work there as well and I never bumped into or heard about many ideas or ways of living, written about in content, in Europe.
It is as if I read the google ads telling the same nonsense about Europeans (they all get rich over night, all buying BTC etc. etc.).

I love to read. I am interested in all kind of stories. I have been reading many fairy tales and folk tales as well.

For example @awhsarada wrote in her photofuncontest #13 about spreading salt and bad omen in Europe, it should be known (and done?) for centuries. I wonder where this Europe is since I never heard about it.

If it comes to the devil personally I only know one country where the devil seems to be present in many folk- and fairy tales.

This country is Hungary. I cannot say I am impressed by these stories. It always turns out the same. The smart Hungarian (no matter how young or old he/she is) is fooling the devil and the devil is too dumb to live (and not mean at all. No revenge or hate or punishments because he was fooled or the human being did not keep his/her promise. Which is a bad life lesson for sure. It only teaches how to fool people and not to keep your promisses.).

If someone says it is common or a habit in Europe I always ask where this might be.

It is not to offend the writer but it makes me curious. I love history and tales. Pity enough I seldom (read: never) get an answer.

I assume if it comes to it nobody cares and it is easy to make people believe what they want to believe. After all we all paint our own picture about people and their habits in the combination with the country they live in.

To make one thing clear. Europe is not one big country.

Europe is also not one big rich country. On the contrary most countries are poor.
Each country in Europe has its own rules, laws, habits, way of working and way of talking. Even each region in a European country can be completely different from the other one and they can have a hard time to get along with each other.
- There are many languages and even more dialects.
(Even in my own country I am not able to understand each dialect.)
- We all have our own habits and own way of cooking.
(Mine might be more international because of my parents and grandparents but this does not mean I am less Dutch or I am the standard for how Dutch people live.)
- I do not wear wooden shoes any longer (I still did as I was in high school although it was even at that time not common),
- I am not surrounded by windmills (I would love to live in one) and
- I am not eating flower bulbs and I am not blond either.
But guess what? I am still Dutch and probably way more as most people living in Holland (even I can not say I am proud to be Dutch).

Like to know more about me? Please read my other posts.

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