in #opinion7 years ago

President Trump Lost!

Now the hostilities between North Korea and USA seems to be ended because Kim Jong-un decided not to send some missiles to Guam, it is time to identify who won this 'fight'.

You would think Trump won, but maybe Trump lost the game.

I cannot imaging North Korea would like a war with the United States at all. Kim Jong-un wants to be recognised as a power in the world. A country that is recognised having nuclear weapons and missiles. Why would someone want to sign its own and its country's death penalty? Maybe Kim Jong-un is a power tripper - and maybe he is not - but he and his advisors must know that when sending missiles to American soil, it will unleash massive military power against his own country, and himself.

Kim Jong-un played the highest level of bluff poker. He played this game purely to get Trump to play the game. That worked very well!

What did Kim Jong-un win?

So far, the item on the agenda was for North Korea to stop their nuclear programs and the development of nuclear weapons. Kim showed the world and the USA that is now to late to demand that. The program delivered nuclear weapons, they are there!

A reason why not only the USA but also Europe is so busy with the North Korean topic, is the fact North Korea supplies - conventional - weapons to terrorist and even more importantly to Syria, Assad. We all know this, but now the western world are also facing the consequences. Due to the ongoing devastating war in Syria, many Syrians are seeking safety. They seek shelter not only in neighbouring countries, but also in Europe. And we in Europe do not want to many refugees, many countries in Europe do want to see new refugees coming in anymore. So it needs to be solved where the problem starts. Assad probably had much more difficulties to keep his position when he would not have been helped by North Korea. The Syria case would then look quite differently, and it can be expected that - although there are many groups fighting each other in Syria - lower numbers of Syrians would be seeking safety somewhere else. What if peace was negotiated already years ago? We for sure would not have gotten the large influx of refugees the last two years.

New Weapon Race?

Since North Korea does not have any official export, and the country's internal markets are not really working, it requires the income it gets from selling weapons, amongst others. Now North Korea has nuclear weapons, the chance is for sure not zero North Korea will start selling these. This will result in a new weapon race. In several countries the call for developing nuclear weapons started, in South Korea - they have nuclear energy and therefore nuclear knowledge - and in Japan.

What IF

  • What if we would approach North Korea differently?
  • What if we would stop taking North Korean workers into our own countries (read this post here)?
  • What if we would not develop new nuclear weapons?
  • What if we would not make the game to be the USA against North Korea, but a united front consisting of many countries against North Korea?
  • What if we would talk more instead of shouting and showing our muscles?
  • What if Trump would be replaced?


The only solution to any disagreement is to talk, talk and talk and while talking trying to get a true understanding of the other side, whilst seeking win-win solutions. And even when the other side does not seek the solutions, be the bigger one and continue the other party to calm down and become rational. Humans react primarily the same way, when anger is countered with anger, everybody will get more angry. When the one who is angry, will get a good listening ear, without any threats or attacks, the anger will flow away, and the brains get room again for rational thinking processes.

sources: various TV and Radio shows
image sources [1][2][3]


follow me @edje


LOL, I remember that post! Such a good one :) I think we should try to turn those big speakers at the border of North Korea and South Korea to be turned into a massive rave party / festival, we feed everybody with the love drug (here) and we are done with the anger.

The best Idea ever ! Give them all some more MDMA and something to dance

Those 2 would look great slowdancing haha

So we get some slowdance music at the border party! with some M they will start to love eachother!

Hahahah ! As @euni said :

Who is the leader of NK ?

Kim Whooooo 😳

Haha I had seen that post before well done.


Great post !! All to true sadly enough . You would think lessons would be learned from all the other wars !! But sadly enough , history tends to repeat itself !! Its just a fact . Upped and resteemed !!👍👍👍
Wishful Thinking !!

But I never thought this would become a war, it is just powerplay with the mouth, since NK cannot afford a war, they will be crushed. It is the same as always, even between Putin and the western world. The leaders have to play powerplay to show their own society they 'care' about them and through such play keep their popularity, as Putin has amongst his own citizens.

Very true !! Its the "Im The King Of The Castle " Mentality !! LOL!👍👍👍

Essentially all politics.

Illuminati controls all even NK.

You Think? Illuminati is to me more a myth, although I believe that there are powers we dont see and they are not part of any government. From a far distance not knowing at all the details, I think North Korea wants to be recognised and the government want to be able to show proof to their citizens that they are relevant, even or maybe although the government controls their citizens so much and keep them poor. But you may have much better analyses of the situation.

Oh nooo another conspiracy theorist 😜

But there is some smell to it.

WTF!? resources. The claims you make (missile to Japan to support prime minster and now this with Trump also at right time) is based on other sources as well, or is that your own analyses. The Trumo I can see indeed. The Japan thing I didnt know, did see in the news, nor I researched. Linked to the newspaper article on resources it has the impression it could be a collusion of forces between many countries including USA, Japan, North Korea. World as stage.

Illuminatis are PTBs Powers to BEs who controls the money. Take a look at this

All Wars Are Bankers' Wars. South Korea with Samsung, Hyundai, & LG etc. Very high tech without satellite. North Korea with two satellites flying through US everyday with EMP bombs. Does it make any sense? Who gave them? Who gave ICBMs to NK? People told me just take out Kim Jongeun, but I am telling you there are many Kims.

Very interesting events indeed. And yes, even in the dark ages, banks were required to go to war, so they always were part of making this happen.

I agree a 100% that talking is the only good way to move forward. There are basically three forms of existence: tyranny, slavery and negotiation. You are either an oppressor, a slave, or a free human who negotiates with his neighbors. Let's choose the last option.

Ego meets ego. One has to step back a little that they other one can follow the back trend. That's the only kind of negotiation possible inbetween 2 "idiots" = egomaniacs

Agree to the negotiation part :) Thanks!

Well stated, I like that last idea best, why don't we just get rid of trump.

And then ? Get who ?! 🙀😜

I'm thinking a sea cucumber would be a step up.

Hahahah this would be for sure a step ahead

Some are trying :) Hopefully more wil be trying, or he runs away himself after some time

My best guess is that he will quit in frustration and blame everything on others.

He is already scared anyways ....might run away sooner than we think for another golfing journey

He can quit so he'll have time to go build a new course in Siberia.

Could very well be, but I'm ok with that to happen.

LOL.... Trump has more support in America than before election. Open borders would be destruction to a country. Imagine allowing everyone who wanted to just come walking in? How about you letting everyone into your home first?

I sit in Europe these days and know very well what it means to have open borders.
Who was involved and why immigrants flooding Europe ? Hmmm! I understand why US needs a huge wall, to avoid a big mess, like we see every day.

Not sure of the wall is needed in the USA, what is needed is that Mexico standard of living is brought up. I dont know the politics ongoing between USA and Mexico, but what I know is that we do not have a wall around Europe and we border some interesting countries like Moldovia where the Mafia is boss in the southern part of that country, and we are bordering White Russia with a true dictator onboard. BTW, a wall will not solve trafficking and drugs transports, on both sides the polices is corrupt as well and the dig tunnels anyway.

I'm pretty sure @mammasitta realises that, and I do to. But to close the borders, a physical wall doesn't have to be in place. A physical wall gives fuel for more anger, that will not solve the situation. We hear different things here in Europe about Trump. Trump about to resign his position, before the house will 'let him go' him. Wrt North Korea, I think Trump did a very bad job, and those who believe he won, they are not objective, but that is just my humble opinion :)

Media makes up stories about Trump, none of which are true! He has to constantly defend himself b/c of this. There is massive amounts of support for Trump from the silent majority.

There is massive amounts of support for Trump from the silent majority.

I quite astonished. Wondering why.

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