The Truth of A Mark of the Beast

in #christian-trail7 years ago

Rev 13:16 he caused all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and bond, TO RECEIVE a mark in their right
hand, or in their foreheads that no one might buy or sell." NASB

TO RECEIVE is ἵνα δῶσιν αὐτοῖς hina dosin autois.
Greek Strong Dictionary Number 2443 hina ἵνα means,
"in order that & purpose or the result."

Dosin G 1325 is from didomi δίδωμι means "to give."
Autois αὐτοῖς G 846 is "SELF." The Greek grammar here indicates
indefinite plural dōsin of second aorist active subjunctive means

Scripture sounds like the Beast will force everyone TO RECEIVE,
but peoples want the mark & give themselves.
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one
and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other.
You cannot serve Yahweh and wealth." Matthew 6:24. NASB
Here wealth is μαμμωνάς mammon from G3126 mammōnás
for "the treasure a person trusts in."
The Luciferian Bible depicts the son of Satan as Mammon.

When Satan came down to earth in Revelations 12,
He needed a system to run the earth.
The Mammon is the Principalities' Ecomomic software
that runs the earth as a hardware.

Soon UIB, the Universal Income Benefit will replace SSN &
Foodstamps with cashless World. UIB will give $1,200 for 18
years & older & $600 for under for each month.
There will be dept forgiveness all of the world with the new
Block chain gold or asset back financial system now in effect.

Because of the UIB, dept forgiveness, & love of mammon,
peoples will give themselves a Mark. I know that my brothers
& sisters in Christ will not receive it.
Please prepare for the time we cannot buy or sell.
May our Almighty Father in Heaven Protect & Keep you all in Christ Messiah.
Please use it freely that I freely received.

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