North Korean Slaves and the Case of "How to Tackle the Threats of War"

in #slaves7 years ago

Despite their threatening language, the Americans also know that a military attack on North Korea is not possible. Hitting military targets leads to the death of thousands of civilians.

North Korea would make an inferno in South Korea, not with ballistic missiles, but with its colossal arsenal of ordinary old-fashioned artillery. The Korean Peninsula will simply be swept away from the map.

Classical rhetoric - possibly military intervention, more sanctions, further isolation, diplomatic pressure - does not produce anything. China and Russia demand America to stop joint military exercises with South Korea, and remove the THAAD anti-missile system from South Korea, but that would not help.

Bombs do not solve the issues; Sanctions do not help, diplomacy does not work either. Then what? The answer is: deprive North Korea of ​​one of its main sources of income, the slavery. It is estimated that at least 100,000 North Koreans work as slaves in Russia, China and other Asian countries, but also in Europe. In St. Petersburg, North Korean slaves worked as construction workers at the Football / Soccer World Cup stadium in 2018. The FIFA knows this, and does not say more than an occasional stinging statement "we made our concerns clear".

The slaves also work in the European Union. The Czech Republic has terminated guest employment contracts for North Koreans, but other Eastern European countries - such as Poland - did not. An ongoing study by Leiden University (Netherlands) also refers to Western Europe, perhaps even the Netherlands.

How does it work? North Korea - through foreign governments - signs contracts that fully meet international criteria on paper. For temporary work in eg construction projects, a normal salary is paid with standard working conditions. In reality, North Korea keeps employees passports, collects salaries directly or forces workers to submit, slaves work seven days a week and 12 hours a day, sit behind barbed wire, be supervised by slave drivers and be arrested with continued threat to their family in North Korea. If the slaves violate the rules or try to escape, their government takes revenge on their families.

Perhaps when starting a real campaign against North Korean slavery, we are likely to reach our goals more than the impractical threats with a military attack or sanctions that do not work. Hitting North Korea on financial grounds - by tackling slavery - choose the path of decency, has a significantly higher chance of results the western world wants.

sources [1][2][3]


follow me @edje


It's a pity that there's still this kind of communist system.

I do agree that most (maybe all) communistic systems failed in their implementations. But what I'm even more astonished about is the behaviour of the western world 1) provide North Korea with funds by allowing their citizens to work for us int he western world and 2) to threaten with war against regimes like North Korea, while we all know that such was will not solve anything, it'll only have changes a lot of innocent people will die and even the whole thing will escalate; While we have so simple tools at hand, stop allowing North Koreans to work for us in the western world.

I did not know about this issue before. Sending slaves to other countries and keep the salary? Wow! This is simply incredible and unacceptable. I assume if media would expose this as much as possible, it might help indeed to stop this trade with humans.

I hope so as well, but I'm afraid it doesn't. Have linked a Guardian news item in the sources to the post, not a small news channel. The world is a strange place, the collective can be darn stupid.

There was a report about North Koreans working in Poland here on TV in the Netherlands a couple of months back. They tried to speak to them and they only shortly told how many days and hours they worked but they where to afraid and forbidden to talk longer. But it is true, the report mirrored what is in this article.

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Thanks, but not sure what the Social Media Queue is? Is that the Blockchain? Or some curation service?

Good question


The US is only interested in material gain from the Korean peninsular

Probably. However, going to war worth North Korea does not provide direct material gains from that peninsula. It provides gain to USA military industry, but that has nothing to do with North Korea, that counts for any war.

sad but true, gotta hit 'em where it hurts.

And wow...that picture speaks volumes

Let sense drive the solutions.

Yess bombs dont solve problms...and hope politicians realise this ...upvoted....feel free to checkout my new post @caffienecoated

Bombs never solve problems imho :(

Never say never 8-)

History showed: Never :)

Unfortunately no one is interested in the human being, they all follow a line, and this is the maximum benefit.

Sorry, English please!

What I know of politics is that although individuals may be intelligent, the collective is not.

Corrupt to the core.

Not necessarily

It is a shame that slavery still exist in the world this is really a terrible fact !

For sure not a fact that we shall be proud of!



And I had to post this image I have drawn in 2013 - @steemtruth
He inspired me today to be a bit rebellious :-)

This was not just the title image of my master thesis - it also was a flier, which I have thrown from the roof of my university.

All rights reserved by @art-universe

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