You Are Not Entitled To Your Opinion

in #opinion6 years ago


I've been hearing this a lot lately:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Really? Was Hitler entitled to his opinion? What about Stalin? Wars are started over opinions. People fight and die on a daily basis over opinion, and we have the audacity to float around in our cushy life bubble and make the ridiculous claim that everyone's matters?

Valuing everyone's opinion is an ironic direct threat to democracy. I feel stupid even saying the word 'democracy' because it's always been a lie just like 'communism' is. Neither of these governments has ever existed in the history of ever. It's a trap. It's a polarizing form of othering; a way to divide and conquer the population just like Left and Right politics. These words have been crafted as triggers to catalyze unfounded emotions.

When everyone is given an equal vote the elite still gets exactly what they want. How do they perform this black magic? Have we forgotten how many billions of dollars have gone in to manipulating public opinion? They've tricked us into thinking we have something special when in reality that phantom freedom is just another means of control. When you want to manipulate someone, it's always best to make them think it was their idea.

The establishment has the means to bombard us with whatever information they choose. It doesn't matter if they can't change your mind. One person doesn't matter. This is a numbers game, boys and girls. Statistically, big corporations like Google and Facebook know the exact effect information has on the masses, and they charge accordingly with frightening accuracy.


We get lied to on a daily basis and don't even realize it. My roommates are always watching cop shows. What do they all have in common? The 'bad guy' always gets caught. Everyone likes to think that justice gets served the majority of the time.

Welcome to the real world where only dumb / unlucky / overemotional people get caught. This is pretty easy to tell when you watch non-fictional documentaries on crime.

What's even worse is that we have citizens who like to delude themselves into thinking they're "good Christians" when in reality these people clearly thrive on the revenge that the broken Judicial System dishes out, and the icing on that crap-cake is that innocent people get convicted all the time. So much for forgiveness, rehabilitation, and redemption.

I remember in high school they would make us watch West Wing every Friday in civics class. What a crock of shit. Again, yet another example of the establishment spoon feeding us a fairy tale; pushing a narrative that doesn't exist; checks and balances. LIES.

You know what the truly messed up thing is? These falsities wouldn't be spread like wildfire if the general population rejected them. No, instead we beg to be lied to. We want those feel good feels; truth doesn't matter.

Taking that stance that all opinions are entitled is an extension of these lies. It's such an easy stance to take. Anyone can attack what I'm saying, and make the argument that I'm being a completely unreasonable bigot. Ah, well, I'm not. If you think we should bring back slavery, you are wrong. If you think it's okay that the military industrial complex kills millions of people in the name of profits, you are wrong. If you think you aren't part of the problem, you are wrong. We were born into sin; it is our birthright.

If you were building a new computer chip, would you want the general population to weigh in on it's design? If you were training a race horse, would you want gamblers to have a say in that process? Obviously not. You don't let the uneducated rabble have a sway about topics that require expert-level skill. Why would government be any different?

Short answer: it isn't any different. We don't control government; the elite does, and they are so good at doing it that they make us believe we have a say in the matter.

The next time you hear someone say, "Everyone is entitled to their opinion," remember these words. That opinion is itself a pillar in the illusion of freedom we experience on a daily basis.


The muck have always had their irrelevant opinions throughout the entirety of human existence. The only difference between our past and now, is the insane political system, under which much of the civilized world operate. Now, the muck have the power to choose their king, and the political leadership has devolved into populist whoremongering. When even 16 yo children, who would not be able to secure a loan or acquire employment, are allowed to determine questions of national sovereignty, why wouldn't the muck consider their ignorance as purity of thought and obstinancy as consistency?

I agree with you, but what I'm wondering throughout the post is what led you to it? It has plenty of emotion but no clear target besides the statement.

The peons do not control the electoral process, that's why I am refusing to now vote. After the whole Bernie debacle I learned the hard way. Say what you want about him and his policies but they were certainly anti-establishment and although I got caught up in the populism, I learned quite firmly that our vote and opinion doesn't matter at all.

When I hear people argue about things I try to identify the underlying manipulation. This is one that gets thrown around a lot.

The masses rule with a you can have your opinion as long as it is the same as mine mentality.

Divide and conquer has been at play for millennia, stopping it is the key to life.

Sadly my vote power is still down, so!

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