OpHumanAngels: Who Wants Reiki?

in #ophumanangels โ€ข 7 years ago

I used to do this on my Facebook periodically, but I thought I would offer it here for an OHA post! ๐Ÿ˜„ I am a level II Usui reiki practitioner, and I'd like to offer reiki to anyone who wants it. Reiki can be sent over distances, so it doesn't matter where in the world you are.

Reiki, if you're not familiar, is essentially Universal energy, sent to you to help your highest needs. You don't have to do anything in order to receive it, other than be willing. But be warned, I have been told by people that when I sent to them, sometimes they were overcome with emotion, as one guy (who I didn't know, I was giving him reiki via a barter site so it wasn't a friend stroking my ego or anything) told me he had to pull over as he had been driving and had just begun to hardcore cry as he felt the energy. And we hadn't set up an appointed time, so it wasn't placebo on his part that he was expecting to feel it at that hour. So ...maybe tell me if there is a BAD time, like your daily commute, lol. Other people OTOH, have called me up and said, "You sent it around noon, didn't you?" Me: "Ja." Them: "My migraine went away then!"

Disclaimer: I am not promising I can cure your migraines. Hell, when I get a migraine, I drink espresso (caffeine helps mine ๐Ÿ˜‚).

So! If you'd like me to send you reiki, leave a comment. It helps my visualization if I know what you look like and where you are in the world, so a selfie and general location in your comment would be helpful! I will reply to your comment when I have sent yours. Often I see it in terms of chakra colors, so I'll probably be giving you a comment about that. If you have a specific thing you want help with, let me know that too. Again, not saying I can cure you of all your ills. But sometimes (like my friend's migraine), it can help. Other times, I have literally had somebody's guide tell me "no" or gotten a visual block, so that person was really not ready for whatever it was to go away just then. Sometimes it's gone into a reserve, like, they're not ready just yet, but it's hanging out waiting for them to be ready to receive it.

Also, I can send to animals, so feel free to ask for your cat or dog or anyone, really. :)

I will be doing this until the post pays out. Thanks!

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about


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i would love some - thank you for offering this!! i can be still and ready tonight after 7pm PST - we can also schedule time saturday if that's better.

here's a photo of me from yesterday

the furbabes could take some as well if you're up for that too - one cat, one dog, both technically "seniors" ๐Ÿ˜

Sure, I will hold off 'til tonight and comment back then! Nice to see you! :)

awesome - thanks so much! it's nice to be seen

Ok, just finished sending! Of course my upstairs neighbor is positively BLASTING their television, so my focus isn't great, but:
Yours started orange, which is sacral chakra, which can be reproductive organs and other nearby organs, or also your relationships with others. Then it turned yellow, which is solar plexus, the chakra just above, which has to do with your self identity, your relationship to yourself, your stomach and liver. Both of these might also include your digestion.
Your cat was all blue and purple, so, throat chakra for blue, which is truth, speaking your truth, and of course the throat, and third eye for purple, which is instinct and intellect.
Your dog was all green, which is heart chakra, and of course is love and the heart. :) i hope this helps!

i love this! i had a bit of a late dinner & was probably in full digestion mode for you - i am also just finished ovulating & will start bleeding soon. so, physically spot on! socially & emotionally on point as well.

the cat has been complaining & talking for the last ..... well, forever. she's very vocal. the dog is absolutely a love bug, almost to the point of too much (like closeness when i'm loading the fireplace).

thank you for sharing your gift, i appreciate this ๐Ÿ’š

You are so welcome!

What a beautiful service to offer Phe! Wow, I have total goosebumps!!! I can't wait to shout this one out today in the weekly wrap up and I just know the ones who need it the most will end up here xoxoxoxox <3 <3 <3 <3 You rock broSTAR!!!!

Aw, thanks, sistar! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’™

Postingan yang bagus dan sosial,saya juga mau kalau anda memberi reiki nya kepada saya

OK saya mengirim beberapa reiki. Selamat menyelesaikan sekolah!
OK I sent you some reiki. Congratulations on finishing school!

Saya menggunakan Google Translate, semoga tidak apa-apa.
I used Google Translate, I hope it is OK.

beautiful, thanks. i practice reiki too and didn't do it for the looongest time and then had a healing crisis over the last two months and remembered: hey i know how to do this and i need to do this now on myself! lol... greatly helped and healed!

can you send some to my dog? he is missing (here's a post i wrote last night about it with his pic)... any insights you have appreciated. we live in missouri and he may be far from our home by now <3 all the best!

I sent some to Chivo and it was blue, so, throat chakra, which has to do with the truth/speaking your truth, if that helps? I hope he comes home soon. ๐Ÿ’™

thank you... <3 <3 <3 at first glance, not sure what the blue means in this situation, but i will sit with it. thanks !

Perhaps it's the truth about where he's been? Good luck and you're welcome!

How cool! I didn't realize reiki could be done over distances like that.

If you have some energy to spare, I think I could use some. I have kung fu tonight from 5-9. And then I work tomorrow 330 - 830. So not then.

You are awesome, Phe.


Yours was actually white and clear! ...which is rare! Clear like diamonds. As I was sending it, I felt something fall into place. So perhaps you will get clarity on an issue? White can also mean healing, or at least it does in my experience. ๐Ÿ’›

Thank you!

I think I did get clarity on an issue. I've just had a massive understanding/inspiration wave for a Kickstarter I plan to run later this year, and on marketing my writing in general that I've been working with for about an hour now. <3

I'm also feeling better than I have in a long time. :-) You're the best. <3

This is from last week. If you need a newer pic, let me know.

Can you make our son sleep all night? Jk ๐Ÿคฃ
I've always been too scared to receive reiki energy. I don't like getting all emotional. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

Most people don't; he was the first to have that reaction (his needs were stress related though, so it was a release, I think). In person, usually the comment is how warm my hands are. This is why I sometimes do it just to warm up when I'm cold. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I once did an Imbolc ritual outside (so, ~February 1st) barefoot. Everyone commented on it (no one else took off their shoes, it was cold), and normally I'm the cold one in a group. I was running reiki to keep my feet warm. ๐Ÿ˜

Hello there you. WOW! So familiar with this and have met some and have had it done. That is actually next on my bucket list after I get through my next life hurdle. However, I am interested ..very....so I will send my picture. I am a runner, so issue is IT bands, and Psoas, Glute Max and Min. mostly on right side. Radiating to knees at times. here is pic what else do you need?

Don't need anything else. Will let you know when I've sent it! :)

you are nothing short of awesome ..thank you :)))

Ok! Yours was root and crown chakra, so, root - your physical body, and your relationship to your tribe; root chakra is kinda like Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the basic stuff; and crown - your connection to the divine. :) I hope that helps!

oh you bet...thank you xx

maybe i really need reiki, please give me direction and directions.

Just share a photo of yourself and where you are in the world if you want some, and I'll send some.

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