Please send some love our way, our dog has been gone over 14 days

in #poetry7 years ago

Chivo, I miss you.


For you:

It feels so different without you here

Are you off chasing deer?
Did a rancher shoot you?

Or are you miles away?
On some rumspringa
An eternal play

Will I ever see your face again?
Smell your wet fur like sheepskin

I miss you so much

I’m not sure if you’re gone
Forever or will return again some day

It feels so different without you here


I see signs of you everywhere
Memories on the landscape
Your fur caught in fences

I ask Luci,
Where is your brother?

I send her on your trail
To no avail


I walk the moors in search of you
Praying you’ll do what you always do

And come home


That's so sad :( I hope and pray he finds his way back home!

thank you for your love & care <3

My heart is with you and I am sending prayers that your precious Chivo comes home. ♥

thank you @walkerland, means a lot <3 <3 <3

Oh no! Sending love and thoughts of safe return.

<3 <3 thank you <3 <3

That is so sad. I pray for your dog's safe return. My son's dog keeps running off, and it is so worrisome.

thank you shevans. it is worrisome and he has run off before, but not for this long. i'm trying to keep hope, but it's a hard balance.

Beautifully written. Sending prayers up and good vibes out for your Chivo.

thank you @powellx5 for taking the time to read it and send your prayers and vibe our way. he's such a special member of our family....

My heart aches for you!!! I hope Chivo comes home very soon.

thank you <3 so do we <3 !!

I can’t imagine life without my dog. Seriously, hugs to you!!!

Having them missing for even a few hours is stressful enough, so a couple of weeks would be madness. I really, really hope he returns to you guys safely.

Have you tried anything 'out of the box' to locate his whereabouts? Like dowsing, or meditation?

My fingers are crossed! <3

thank you @ravenruis, for this. i feel such a kinship with you. haven't specifically tried dowsing or meditation, but i do feel something whenever i think of him, like a strong message that i can't quite put my finger on. like he is still alive somewhere... maybe with someone. perhaps in the morning I'll try properly dowsing or spending some time in meditation for him specifically. thanks for this!

My fingers are now crossed extra hard for you.

If you want more ideas or to chat about it, you can DM me in Discord. :)

oh beautiful Chivo hope you make your way home xx much love to you both, I know how this feels x

I think I’d be absolutely beside myself in your position, I’m sorry you’re going thru this.

<3 yeah it's happened before when he was gone only 4 days with the other dog, Luci, and I was totally crazy. this time she is here and I guess i just figured he'd come back. but now it's really hitting home and i'm feeling devastated... praying for his return <3

I assume you’ve already contacted your neighbors and local shelters and posted about your lost dog in your area? Of course you have. Dang. I’m so so so sorry.

<3 yeah ... have for sure. have friends in the local paper, posted on facebook today & on local paper's page, called the sheriff. pyrenees wander... and he's got a habit of it, but he always comes home... <3 thanks

He’s so beautiful.

thank you... i know, i miss him like crazy. really special spirit. traveled with us everywhere and touched so many people <3

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