Steemit openmc week #62 - ORIGINAL SONG - You Dirty Soul-sucking Thieves

in #openmic7 years ago

This was written for the songwriters competition on the theme STOLEN SOUL , but here it is again for the openmic weekly!
For my full post and accompanying lyrics, please check out the original post:

Otherwise, feel free to plough on and watch the video RIGHT HERE:

Massive love to all you amazing warriors of the OpenMic
Be good to each other!
Basil x


I really need my soul back please!!!! ahhhhh this was wonderful my friend you are aamzing

Hey miss @soundlegion my dear friend. Yeah I really loved this entry, he certainly is a genius songwriter in disguise of clever humor :)

I mentioned you as well in my judges top list, check for the 4th winner choice @lucybanks section.

thankyou @soundlegion! Im SO glad that everyones enjoying it! It makes the writing process feel so worth it. Im totally loving being a part of this community.....

I have a feeling that little kids adore you... Not that this would be the best kid friendly song lol, but the best folks are always loved by children and animals. ;)

One day I'll gather up the courage to jump in on open mic night, but until then thank you for the tunes and silly faces !

you're absolutely right! I run my own extra curricular arts education clubs for kids and its always a total riot! haha.Can't wait to have you get on open mic dayle, do it! Just do ANYTHING! Do it BADLY, whatever! You've just got to get off the mark :D

Haha I've always had a bit of weirdness about singing in front of folks- even digitally, despite years of vocal lessons and LOVING singing in my own time... I'll get there. Sooner or later... hopefully sooner ;)

well, you can guarantee you will have the full, loving support of this whole community when you do! Its amazing....Its kind of a first time for me as well but Im totally loving it thanks to all the supportive comments and I feel like its giving me confidence and teaching me about my own performance as well..... seriously cool to have the opportunity to develop in an environment like this

You're right, i wouldn't expect any less from an community as awesome as the one here. Of course I'm my own worse enemy, I've just got to get over the bit in my head...

Just start by doing something you're not even happy with. Im serious. Set expectations low, and then just receive the little bits of love that come through. Its so fun! Its just like jumping in cold water, you soon warm up and then you wonder what you were ever worried about! x

Oh I know it’s fully ridiculous, just need to work through it- baby steps like ya said 💕

Might be too soon to say this (considering we have never even met and had only seen each other through music) ... but i love you! . haha.

I swear to God your videos make my day! you have such a fun attitude and you are a genius writer/musician !! it must be a circus watching you play live haha ! I love that! (says that clapping) .

You British boys have such an interesting sense of humor.. i am sorry if this offends you in any way.. but since i have never been to your country and most the knowledge I've acquired about England and the UK in general is based on movies and TV, I got to say you are such a British cliche ,lol,(or at least seem like it, in a really good way)

So long as Im a good cliche, I think I can live with that! haha
Its great that you are enjoying my videos because let me tell you, it is VERY rare to hear me play live unless I am drunk! (which some folk may have witnessed at steemfest during a late night jam session....!)
But when its just me and a camera its fine! I don't mind sharing that for some reason...

Hey @basilmarples you have done it once again! I truly enjoy your wittiness, humor and vibrantly twisted style

You made it on my Official Judge's Top list for week 62. Read my full review here

thankyou so much! I think that might be my first honourable mention! WOOHOO!!!!! This is a momentous occasion and shall be Immediately celebrated with chocolate milkshake and 20 star jumps :D :D I am superglad to have entertained you Mr.D !

You're very welcome my friend but on the contrary, I had also mentioned you in my Week 53 list with you're heavy hit comedic and beautifully melodic apocalyptic "Acting Like A Normal Guy". I need a milkshake now! Time to leave the house and truck through the snow.

ah bless you dude! I hadn't realised! Thankyou so much for your support :) I guess its difficult to know when people 'mention' you unless you're checking some crazy deep steemit analytics or something.... gotta get myself geared up!

You’re very welcome. I notice people don’t see or they miss my judge’s list so if I mention anyone it is better to let them know directly with a comment. Don’t worry I will definitely let you know the next time I mention you firsthand. Your songs are hilarious

Very cute Basil! So look, when you catch him, can you look into his soul bag and check for Trump's?

Haha....sure. I'll make sure it gets returned.... but I wouldn't want to be Trumps therapist trying to pick up all the pieces afterwards..... he's genna be a mess!



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