Obama's Speech 13 days prior to the 2020 election while stating how important that number is to them. Given in the Keystone state in Philadelphia. What is the Boule Secret Society? Are they being signaled in people he mentions?

in #obama4 years ago

This is from a Facebook Post which covered some interesting phrasing I heard from Obama during a speech in Philadelphia.

What he references appears to be key as 13 is a Big Number for the cabal. Once again, doesn't make numbers evil. ..they nefarious co-opt them just as the serpent of old tries to co-opt God's creation and tamper with it at the dna level because, one should Never forget, there is POWER in the blood! Satan knows this so will continue to try to tamper with God's creation until his time in this realm God gave him dominion over is OVER!

Here is the post and a link to it.

So they pulled Ob@_@ out last night to do a speech for you know who.
Here he is in the Keystone state talking about 13 days left to election and 13 being their "Lucky" number! Oh we KNOW BS we Know about the original 13! You might be calling on their powers, but we call on a power much higher and greater!
Nothing like telling us who is in charge of Their game! The verse John 8:44 so two eternal numbers to boot!
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

I'm afraid we Already had your number a Long Time ago BS (b@rry Sot*ro), but thanks for signaling to your peeps and trying more of your "spell casting!"
I assure you, We will Trump your spell Every Time!
Still time to repent, but the Day of the Lord is at hand so tick tock.

Here's better use of that number 13
Romans 10:13
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
10 the number for completion. My advise. ..latch on and turn away from the evil!
Check out the Eternal and the Divine
Revelation 1:8
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”

You keep showing the same hand in your MO!
We saw the same before. . .Patterns, always a pattern!
Ecclesiastes 1:9 (son another 10 for completion and a 9 for the divine).
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Hear him state right here where I bring this in at around 1:421 "Philadelphia we've got 13 days! That's our lucky number right here! 13 days until the most important election of our lifetimes. He goes on from there and Quite a Tell IMHO!
Find more evidence in comments of this Original Post which shows a direct link to sp*ll Casting. Who is always involved in casting? You know the answer!

A shout out and Thank you ahead of time to all Warriors. As you know the overlords and tech giants do their best to limit my reach so am grateful to all who share out information! Stay Strong, Stay Vigilant and do not grow weary in doing good!


Here is the link to the speech where he mentions their "Important Number."

Obama in Philadelphia on Oct. 21, 2020 13 days prior to election

From comments in the post showing connections as things tend to "disappear" on platforms like this, so important to archive!
At 10:48 admits they left a Pandemic Playbook

Do you suppose that was in conjunction with Event 201 ran by Bill Gates and funded by a former FB founder’s charity JUST before the pandemic broke out? Interesting!
Did BS conveniently forget that Joe didn’t Want to shut down the borders and even their Own Health Authorities stated that POTUS save Thousands of lives in doing so?
OOH he’s asking where His Playbook went. Whoa. ..apparently it was used in the Pandemic Exercises put on by World Economic Forum and Gates! Bringing this in Right where he mentions their playbook for the pandemic. Interesting plan? You decide!

Concerning Obama's speech, What’s with the India signaling?
For example. ..

Speaks on weather and isn’t that culture appropriation when he states “Indian summer?”
I listened to President Trump’s entire speech and he never complained. They take everything out of context then always blame the other side. Always been their MO as that’s what their hero Karl Marx told them to do in his writings and “Play book.”

Mentions Charlie Mack and his daughter India Maria at



An article here states,
Will Smith and Charlie Mack have been involved in a number of business ventures together in the entertainment and film industry?


Interesting because Will Smith is said to be part of the The Boule Secret Society for the elite and upper echelon. See more info here all verified from someone who has peered at the inside of this organization. https://steemit.com/illuminati/@artistiquejewels/the-boule-secret-society-of-the-black-elite-the-twin-to-skull-and-bones

Here is the video link from one of my great warrior followers, Stormy Birdsong Thank you! Broke some of this down in the article above. ..so Worth a Listen as he covers so much important ground!

Surprise, surprise, just saw where That is not available either. ..let's see if there is a work around.
· Reply · 35m

This one is interesting. . speaks about huge, gigantic mansions around Harvard no one knows are owned by these societies.
Hear how Dr. Ian Smith Exposes them.
Whoa! Even talks about the risk he took and wrote a book on this. Verifies the upper echelon and I think he doesn't realize WHY they want certain people with skills who can connect into medical and power places/players.
Others talking with him clearly realize why they target upper echelon or those they can turn into the upper crust. What's interesting is how they poke some fun about the one talking about items needed which everyone knows are used in rituals.

This other commenter comments on the similarities with gangs and the secret orgs. How they even promise spiritual protection which of course. . .the spirit world involves a Good side from the Creator and an evil side from the entity which used to be lucifer, God's most beautiful angel prior to him getting arrogant and trying to take God on in what was known as a rebellion and Fall from Grace like lightening to the domain we all reside in now.
No more safe space since Adam and Eve fell for his deception so were kicked out of the protected speace known as the Garden of Eden.

Abraham Hamilton III speaking on who the do it with spell casting. This is something else! https://www.bitchute.com/video/tILuUcfCOHtx/

Screen Shot 2020-10-22 at 12.53.41 PM.png

Okay, so those who know, KNOW so going to have to make mention of this one. ..dares to speak of "concrete plan."
We know all about those too Obama, trust me, we KNOW!

This covers the area where this happened so matter the controversy surrounding this group, I can assure you. . .this is KEY especially when you consider locations and the fact there is also one in close proximity to a certain Standard hotel in Shiffty's district! Check out the lay of the land!

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Peace with Israel and UAE, what is the deal with the creepy Gotthard Tunnel Ceremony

Photos of Obama allegedly from drops interesting as the seem to depict some of what we see symbolized in what appear to be blatant rituals.

Is this Obama? You decide. If so don't the horned gods herald back to ancient occultism which are still in use and appearance today?

Screen Shot 2020-10-22 at 12.40.18 PM.png

What does all this herald back to and is there a connection to corrupt entities and over reaching intel organizations and mind control techniques? You decide!

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