My latest Singularity and Internet TIME

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)

ntopaz-image-0Here is a bit of my latest painting with digital oil added.

Here is more of the piece:


I've actually played with her face more and did some changes to her top from the last shared watercolour study:

This is why I often do a few studies before switching to digital oil.

It allows me to tweak things I might want to change about the piece before going into the final look.

When playing with my Singularity pieces I often think of Time.

In this way I often feel as if I am tapping into a future space that does not yet exist. It's a fun way to play with time and really, when doing creative work, TIME does seem to have a different feel and movement.

I've often sat down to just do a quick 20 minute sketch only to look up at my cold coffee three hours later.

I have also found Time odd between my IRL life and my Digital life.

To me TIME has always been a sort of false construct.

I mean humans have divided days into minutes and seconds (actually with the advent of the train) and days into months and years. Yet, to me, Time has always had an elusive quality about it.

In many ways Time to me seems like a bit of a trickster.

She can lure you in with the comfort of days on calendars and tick tick tocking away numbers on a screen or round the circle of the clock; but, it is in many ways, made up.

I have had many times in my life when I've felt TIME to be elastic.

Memories will flood into my brain with a scent I've not smelled since I was 5 and it's like a time machine jump of standing in the same spot only years later, but with the full recall of that moment 'back in time'.

Now, what am I on about?

Internet and Digital Life Time seems to be a different animal to Real Life Time.

Case in point was that I've been off the internet more over the past few days and thus have been 'out' of the Steemit village as well. Yet, when I hop back into it, seemingly only a day or two passing, I often feel like I've wandered into a new Time stream and weeks have passed.

I've Rip VanWinkled myself into the center of town wondering why is everything so different.

And truly a few days of Steemit can seem like a long time when I see my feed and some of my favourite posters just going on with their life in leaps and bounds.

I suppose that is part of the perception of having 'friends' that are met in a digital space in a time constraint that doesn't fit into day and night in the conventional sense.

Who can say? Or possibly I'm just rambling away, as is my want. But, I truly do feel TIME very differently in my ONLINE life then I do in my waking IRL life.

And it would be a lie to say that we are not living an increasing greater portion of our lives in the ONLINE world and thus that Timeframe.

Anyhoo, my long-winded point is that I FEEL Time differntly living online then I do in normal 3d life.

  • Do you ever feel this way?
  • Does Time take on a new perception when you are plugged in then when you are not looking at a screen?
  • Do you think we will ever tell time or express it differently as we move more and more into our Digital Lives?

If you feel so inclined please upvote, resteem, and by all means comment below.

My Previous Post: Another sketch of French Bulldogs

Copyright @donnadavisart - All Rights Reserved




Gorgeous piece! I really really love all the butterflies, gosh! Time is elastic, and it's mysterious... How can time seem to go so slow and fast at the same time?

By the way, I've been a bit less uptodate with your posts lately, where in the world are you at the moment? Because there's a meetup on London this Wednesday and I'll be traveling to London Wednesday!

OH bother, I wish I was there, I should still be in UK, but had to come home early to USA due to family things, currently in Midwest, hoping to head back to Toad Hall soon. I'll probably be in UK again in September @soyrosa

Ahhh - bad luck! Hope all is well with you and the family things are not of the bad kind.

Returned early this year because father was ill. I'll be back again in Autumn, so no worries. Now, if I can just get away from SNOW! Is it Spring yet?

Amazing artwork @donnadavisart I love both the quick sketch and the final digital oil painting.

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Thank you so much @livvu

Hello @donnadavisart, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

I am amazed to see this close up:) It is a perfect scifi portrait because it has links to the past and the future. Nice way to visualise time e?:)

I believe that we see the passing of time in a subjective way but time itself is objective. Every day an new day will begin and will end, until the end of time.Maybe the big bang was an explosion that started time from a still moment by throwing one thing after the other in a cosmic timeline.

@georgeboya thanks, yeah I'm obsessed with the past and also the future so in a way, their occurring in tandem to me, thus another way Time is a tricky little devil ;)

Is a very tricky devil indeed:)

The painting is shaping up nicely so far :).
Time is definitely funny, and especially true when we compare real time and digital time. Everything seems to move so fast in digital world, some people similarise it as dog years XD.

Thanks @scrawly , I like that "Dog years" it's so true. If I'm offline or even just miss one Steemit day I feel like It's been much longer!

Usually I feel like it's sped up but that's mostly because I have to do a lot of things and "doing less" isn't really an option XD I can slow it down again but it's tiring.

I don't understand how you work but I love seeing it :)

I feel you @ryivhnn with the option to do less, is not really there. But, sometimes I'd love to freeze time without me so I can get more done and then let it catch back up, of course, then you'd age at a different rate... so many paradoxes in Time Travel, isn't there.

I should show more layers of my work, sometimes I make an animated gif, but for oils, I take a sketch, usually the ones I used to ink the watercolour studies, and then sketch more over that on more layers and then I block out colours, like I do on real canvas, with a background colour, usually an orange, and build up colour blocks and then go in and begin adding highlight and low lights and blend it. That all happens on one layer.

I love the expression on her face! Gorgeous work as always!
Cheryl <3

Nice blend!

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