Happy Birthday steemit, but...Where oh where is @nonameslefttouse?

in #nonameslefttouse8 years ago (edited)


Having a steemit celebration is just not the same- without our very own @noname. So everyone on here who agrees, shout out to him in the comments Please!

Aside from his colorful masterpieces,


many people know him as:


or for being a wise-


comedian who occasionally likes to rant and say...



...he also has a very sweet and thoughtful side. On the day marking my first month of steemit I had also hit 100 followers and made my first milestone post. His words in the comment section are enough to make me weepy now that he's MIA
Read Them Here

I re-read that post a minute ago, and in it I say that if I keep getting to know such amazing people, my next milestone post will be a small novella...For those of you who read my steemit journey/multiple milestone post a few weeks ago I can hear you giggling your arses off at my prediction, (@meesterboom)--Unfortunately it wasn't until after the post that I got to know this spectacular Scotsman, or he would've been a big part of the--

BIG POST-Heavily featuring @nonameslefttouse

Incidentally that post was put up on the day that steemit lost its images, and for those of you who know me, you know that is true shit luck since I generally post chapters of a book that only contain One image and I chose THAT day to make a post that completely relied on Many, Many images grrrrr...

Okay, over it now.

But what I'm not yet over is...I bought a High Quality 36 by 42 inch piece of art from @nonameslefttouse called foryerfacious-


-with plans to frame it and hang it in my dining room. I ordered the frame which took forever to arrive, and I was just about to make plans to go to a print shop when he disappeared.

Three Fridays ago he said that after five straight months of posting he was planning to take the weekend off. He was adamant I contact him if there were any problems with the printing, so I figured when he returned from his break, then I would go.

After bantering with him nearly everyday for three months, sometimes for hours since we are both chronic insomniacs, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him, or that I wasn't worried.

For those of you who use different forms of social media to get the word out on steemit-y stuff, such as @hilarski and @merej99, consider this a missing steemian alert and do your tweety facebookin' thang.

His name is Damien, he's 36 and from Saskatchewan Canada. He works on a farm where there is at least one llama, (about which he told me one day "That fucking thing hates me" so lets hope he's not lying in a hospital bed after "Vicious Llama Attack)

You can see the evil creature in this post:
dream weaver

If you haven't seen that sublimely creative piece of artistry set to music, I highly recommend it. Make sure you start playing the song and wait until the words begin before you start to scroll down to get the full spectacular experience.

Oh, and I think you can see the creature in this one too:
Did you ever have that dream?


@nonameslefttouse the artist/writer himself is very sensitive about the use of his images. I have been given permission in the past to use most of what I used today, provided I did not alter them and the copyright plus digital signature remained visible. Also it was our agreement that I include multiple links to his posts. And this permission was granted in friendship. I ask that no one take advantage of his sabbatical or choose to see this post as a reason to do so.

Wait...I almost forgot, This Man has an enemy called:

When This Man was taken by That Guy

Let's hope he has not been taken again!

**This post was written as a Happy Birthday to steemit and to honor one of steemit's most artistic, entertaining, and integral content creators. As I stated in the first lines, please let him know what he means to this platform in the comments below! Thank you everyone, and I hope you have a Very Merry steemit Birthday!

***Also I'm not one to generally ask for a resteem, but I would appreciate it with this one, I want to see that comment section filled for him! If in the event this post becomes lucrative, I will share its proceeds with him when he returns. Thanks!!

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


I've missed seeing "that guy" and "this man" around lately. Brought some good humor to the place!

Yes he did! And there was nothing he loved more than comment engagement, I've found some of his comment sections to be even funnier than his posts :)


Where did he go? Hopefully he'll come back.

Yeah, I'm definitely hoping. It's been weird for me, talked to him nearly every day for three months, sometimes bantering for hours, and then...nothing. Trying not to be worried. Could just be that he needed a long break. Or maybe he met a beautiful woman ;)

Something tells me I'd get along really well with This Guy.

Your response to me in the raining whale votes post reminded me of him in a de ja vu kind of way. Also, I've read his early posts now, some of the best writing he did, just raw and real. Just a regular guy...Yes! I think you would get along with him! Hope you're enjoying the platform, welcome to the circus!

I have been looking for This Man in my feed and have not seen hide nor hair! I really do hope he's all right and perhaps a visit to his website might be in order. Steemians unite! We're on a treasure hunt for a beloved member. Hopefully That Guy isn't holding him hostage somewhere.

He no longer has a website, I have already done every bit of searching someone who is not tech savvy can possibly do. I even emailed whonamezuhstudio, but I encourage others to do the same, bombard him with mail!!

Also, I know you're a reluctant a resteemer, and I would normally never ask, but I really want to see this comment section packed. I know how happy it would make him. So if possible...and if turns out being a lucrative post, I will be sharing that with him when he returns. I am using 'when' for the sake of optimism!

I can do that :) My resteems usually get auto-shared on FB and Twitter, which is a contributing reason why I don't resteem a lot of stuff.

Thanks my beautiful, darling friend! Honestly...I've been trying really hard not to feel anxious over this. Failing sometimes. Miss the funny bastard!

It's amazing how close we can get to people we've never met in person. I still have online friends from the 90s and some of them are more dear than family members. LOL

That's so true. I've never really experienced this before steemit. I'm so glad that you're on my facebook, a couple of others too, that way we have other avenues to be in touch. It's become super important to me now, and I'll be talking to a few others about doing the same. Because this? Ouch.

posting here because nesting limit...
You just gave me a reminder of a post that I really must write. I'll do that one some time over the weekend. Right now I'm working on my Steemit birthday post. I can't believe how many milestones I have to be thankful for! :)

I will definitely be on the lookout for that! Have I ever told you how glad I am to have met you? Well I am, you are fabulous my darling friend. Where in Florida do you live? I lived there for nearly four years, in Punta Gorda, right on the Charlotte harbor. I have many friends and relatives down there in Sarasota, Tampa, St. Pete. Fort Myers, and most likely we will be making a trip down next year. And you and I will most definitely be going out for some drinks when I do!

Definitely! I'm in Hernando County, about 45 minutes north of Tampa and been jonesin' for a meetup with real people. :)

Steemit Birthday Card

That's awesome! ;)

Haha! Nice of you to say 😊. Thank you

Even my computer wants @nonameslefttouse back; if I type a '@' anywhere near an 'n', it gets excited and suggests "@nonameslefttouse? We can go there now?"
I'm sure he'll be heard from soon, he's no quitter-- he signed up here even when there were no names left to use. I can't imagine what's keeping him. I'm just worried that maybe the Mounties found all of those bodies...

Hahaha! This comment is awesome, he will love it ;)

I been wondering where the hell you have been @nonameslefttouse. Where are you?!?

Yeah! You yell at him! LOL Thanks for commenting ;)

You are absolutely right. Sometimes you don't notice when someone is gone till their name is mentioned then you competition see the lack!! Hope he comes back online soon!

I do too...I noticed from the beginning, because we were in the habit of daily bantering. He did say he was taking a weekend off, but Canada has a very different idea of what a weekend means, LOL! On a serious note, I sure hope he's safe and sound :)

I am sure he will be. At worst be well just have chucked steemit for a while. Or maybe he has found someone with an ample booty and is holed up in a cabin!!!

Hahaha!! Yes, that is what I hope has happened, for damn sure! And if he has, then I'm sure eventually he will want to show her his art and comedy, so it would be awesome if he could show this bountiful beauty how important he is here ;)

That's very true. Let us expect him back on the arm of a fine filly then ;0)

I've always enjoyed his posts, hopefully he will return soon.

It is my fervent hope as well, thank you for contributing. I would love to show him a packed full comment section of those who missed him when he returns, so he knows how important he is here :)

Apparently another hero among us may have fallen, it's time to track him down and lift him back up!

Amen to that! Thanks papa!

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