#nftyr example : loader

in #nftyr2 years ago (edited)

submission , section "loaders"


This type we dubbed "uncle bobber"
this is one would be : "Uncle Bobber (nonkel Triton miks)"
since we are a broke bum without a highschool degree we can actually make up our own language and will not fall into a debate on "what is the nature of one bob clapping since this is called sprite in phaser syntax" - it just sounds better, okay ?

hm ten ton edits, still wish steemit would still be under development and consider stuff like "lock it into the chain after x time" b/c the chain holds all edits (unless they did that) which makes it unneccessarily heavy over time (and you cant edit a chain unless you re-stream it completely (you COULD do that btw, re-stream a chain from block one and remove everything you dont want ... ofcourse, you COULDNT do that for bitcoin because more than half or more the nodes would have to comply to it so it would be a fork - see < - - - thats semantics already)

we have no affiliation with Triton (find them on pouet and demozoo) but ft2 was our first music love (also no school like no school) and mister Triton here was supposed for a web-thing

but steemit was supposed to go somewhere too

and so

foods getting cold

eh, one more then :

music by MrMalice : "o my soldiers" way back when PC meant personal computer

and YES , if we succeeded in doing THIS in ASM on a c64 we WOULD call it a demo

truly, even without a scroller hahah


starting to wonder if moving to and back a keyboard between bites is good or bad for digestion

we'll find out soon enough

#loader because to us its not enough to be a demo and its lacking all elements to be classic cracktro or intro-style not that either of those couldnt be classified as loaders if they dont make it past galmeetsdemo

the main site is still Janes OnderGround though https://tyrnannoght.eu still points at the same but we'll probably switch that on the next renewal of the hosting sub - (unless we suddenly take off like our name is "musk-shoots-rockets" for no reasons given)

(the url will be changed to JanesOndergrond.art (since thats the name and the other is a zbelling booboo) and this one will be kept until expired , since we have no visitors it doesnt really matter. Registration on registration, submission atm by leaving a link here or mailing it.)

you can see "loaders", "freestyle", "logorrhea" and "galmeetsdemo" there as well as styles of loaders

if you're interested enough, if you're not then it doesnt matter, does it

we're not selling anything ... right then

sites listed , CHECK !

oooh, we dont have sceneid or csdb , when we wanted to register it said "why would you need an account" and someone inhere went "actually yea, thats right" ... so we didnt

(if anyone would insist we have one you can always mail us, atm we dont really see the point in having one)

this is a snippet written in phaser, mucking about with tweens , if you wanted to do this on the ole '64 hashtables would be needed and plenty of that unless you prefer doing realtime floating point math in asm on a 6502 while stxing gfx ror and rolling

  • we are not exclusive-64 clearly since its been 30 years since we had one and we never got to ASM further than a power cartridge snooping and altering said tables , colour schemes, logos sprites and scrolltexts in existing games and demos, but the kid loved it - that said, its our first girlfriend but we did have one or two human ones and mostly some who pretended to be human at first but ended up being man-eating vampires from the great beyond

former examples :

freestyle :

Uncle Bobber (nonkel Triton miks)loader
Tower of Tweens (sinezit miks)loader
sprinkler splashloader
my little inflation ponyanim/gif-webp-apng
dance of deathrender
the welcoming partyfanart - comic/manga
lazing on a sunnyfanart - comic/manga
the roadfanart - comic/manga
it felt her skindeepretouche
scientifically accurate star trek warsfanart - comic/manga
loader:frottish -pollen miks-loader-AGK

some #stuff you might want to read if you're interested in knowing more

there are no actual real rules atm other than what the state and crotter forces us to, ... which is mostly negated by having only a session cookie and zero tracking code



euro is down 41% to the dollar

bitcoin up from $1 to 20000 since


i found CHF has a stablecoin, sadly its on ethereum, and here i was thinkingthe suiss had brains

b/c if you go to a suis bank

one goes WE ACCEPT EVERYONE , minimum entry 1 million

the other
WE ACCEPT EVERYONE, minimum entry 50.000

so thats more than 500

les rhumedes lol

bien flambé


looks like the heat is back too but they forgot to rain in between ...

but there's constants


so until the place runs out of kobalt and mica there be phones

after that no more spaceX

(but phones!)

this makes perfect sense now

phones !


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