midweek : my little inflation pony rising, the versus "out of stock" edition

in #jansesonderground2 years ago (edited)

It was around €28


By the time we got this backpack it was around €38 , not really "five years later"

now we think it would be about €50 but we'll find out soon enough, income went up by about 0.1% or something since the first

"Hoezo niets aan de hand ?"


you cant get your cats fav food anymore - WHAT ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT, its just some catfood its temporary

well, two years later

it takes 20 webshops to find 3 who have that jav-sake we like and then 5 more who dont sell it for €30 instead of the usual €12

what are you complaining about ? sake

and so on for years and years

last time we said something about medication not being in stock so the infirmary had to give an alternate

SO ? its temporary

thats GREAT !

life is slowly picking DOWN here but HEY ....

so this time ...

the medication is non-existent, in all infirmaries out of stock, the solid and liquid versions


where do you live ? afghanistan ?


ah UKRAINE , yea the war, huh ...


soviet Helgium, the capital of Europe


yea it wont be too bad after all its just some compound that includes anti-depressants , only been taking it for .. six ? years daily

how hard can it be

well we'll see in two or three days if i make headlines b/c i whacked someone for just looking at me funny ?

i dont know, its been six years, i cant tell what that gives

but HEY !

they give it to epilleptics too ... so by next month there's gonna be some contractions, its gonna be like a moshpit

but HEY !

so ... yea the guy with the pancreas thing in france couldnt get his either

but HEY!

so the elders might have to stock up on the blood-pressure, heart and bloodthinner so they dont topple over dead some day in the next six months

but HEY !

  • its only temporary -

april fools 2022 , its almost may huh

ah no waiting for the doc to call back, nothing to do but wait


thank you america, thank you lagardeland

thank you five supergovernments of soviet helgium


so far ...


we advise not coming too close in a few days from now unless there's an alternative by then

dozo : your artpiece for the week : "my little inflation pony"

o, 32.05

must be 2 years ago then :)


no its nothing obscure, ask your local epilleptic (if they're not spazzing out as the mericans say b/c they have none)

its made by Roche, which is a major player , so the only ones who could be hogging the resource to make it ?


(definitely not russia atm)

or if its mericans then its a stuff used in the fabrication of iPhones or Tesla cars (or general motors)

priorities :)

but HEY !

two bottles of wine work just fine

thats just twice the price a day for what cost a month and HEY!

i'll be not depressed until i wake up and HEY

theres always heroin :)

aw, for the P;ps

dear Joe :


its not like theres logistics problems because theres logistics problems too

its like Roche (who might have been pfizer level money and brand before your little plaything got released) does not have the chemicals needed to create the compound to put in the bottles and sell it so even if there's 500 fedex vans waiting, they stay empty

the silo's are EMPTY


doesnt have the resources needed


but HEY !

what are you complaining about, you should go out and support de middenstand, het is al erg genoeg !



just saying


i could add one more afterthought


but i guess i'll wait for the doc to call me back , crack and taliban dealers dont wake up till late afternoon and

o yea the taliban quit growing opium , that was a good one too

nothing but lulz lately

all around

... it says "in stock" ...

do you SEE ?

"in stock"


someone care to explain ?

no i dont, i dont think you can pop someone on antips for six years and then cut it - and yes i do , i hold the chino-muricans and their little tradewar just as responsible as the laxity and dried up oldworld shyte from lagardeland

did anyone notice that since they put their filthy paws on crypto it became as stale as the economy ?

thats about when it started, wallstreet and the 2500 touched it

now its dead

like the rest of the world

look at the site yo, FYI thats $1 a pill, not a pot ... dearie - - - but look at that

clonazepam, diazepam ... codeine ... oxy ... METHADONE ... lol


if i were a chemist i would know what those are , luckily im not


ill be waiting for that call

in bed

well , not

5 pm, to be complete since someone already felt like rubbing my life out in public , the doc fixed me up with an alternative a bit ago - so we will take the last bit, get the new tomorrow and see what it begets

its definitely a situation where jesus doesnt save - it doesnt take away the fact that a giant like ROCHE cant get the molecules it needs - thats YOUR world,

in which you keep us prisoner

see what it gives, dont know what it gits to switch mid-ses, the fallout should be about 3 to 7 days i think before the down comes but normally you have to pick these thing for a week or ten days for it to get hold so the overlap ?

im not a chemist

ill find out - in doc we trust, see, i keep telling pukkers this IS me being positive and it IS since im actually already on (mild) antideps

so maybe you just dont wanna know what standard east-flanders gravelpits is heh

its probably something like "white noise at channel zero by the age of 20" as a coping mechanism but we when i was i and the kid have always been a mutant

might as well be an alien in some cases

or most places

doesnt change the inflation basket - the state of the state or the fact that "supply chain" starts with " a v a i l a b i l i t y " (might wanna stick that word in the spelling contest for the kids next time, its gonna be a big word for a while , if not forever

and no the -zepam ending doesnt make it slower, in fact i been dropping things all day, having wobbles and been very clumsy and think at the speed of two characters per minute , so after the whole day of epniefrin buildup which i been told in some anime series is what overhtere they call adrenalin (:p) now mixes with teh dopamine of YAY no cramping up and shoulders 2 to 5cm higher in rest-position , how that combines i would love to ask doc Sapolsky but the internet classes dont have his number

i just had a giggle


it was really weird



(please keep in mind : the world is still shyte even after this)

usually dont go around with a t-shirt that says "this is what happened in the past 30 years" and no intention to either - -

guess that was part of the venting and adrenaline first


leave it at that, this feed is to be about the site, the compos and the game that will probably never be anyway, there's guerilla radio a plenty somewhere else

im sure if you look around

hhhaaah ...

adrenalin is not good for people who shouldnt be stressing trust me, especially when life is shyte and fuses are short in an environment thats basically hostile kryptonite to the superman that never got a chance inside you

which ofcourse leads to blabla , you see?

i think, and i respect all faith if it helps you, thats good for you, personally "i dont believe in gods who care" so they wouldnt listen to prayer anywya but if yours does and it gets your thoughts sorted then BY ALL MEANS

but i think last time he woke up he took a look down and killed himself

or left

if there is one it would explain a lot if there is none anymore

since what ?

Eden ?

its like "jesus saves" but not from catching a stupid, you see, the man was a buddha in his own class but so was newton

its too bad that book got influenced so much by only two guys ... what was that ?

james and euhm


constantine but theres another haaah forgot

who each revised it in very specific ways and sadly lots of your species seem to take it all literally

but the others too , suni ans sji's dont mind shooting, see ?

ortodox and no-rtodox

and if you go back historically it all stems from abraham, go figure

and how did i get to this ?

no idea

must be the adrenalin mixing with the others as it tones down

but yea

god killed himself last time he took a look

living in a place where you dont get shot or decapped for saying that is worth something i guess but see here

"because someone in africa is starving does NOT mean i should be content with what i have"



(i wish it were an act ... i could make money like de fucking niro)

i could probably say fucking an dget away with it too then

heh 6:15 ... i can feel it coming down , it IS like drugs

thats probably why they call it drugs in english, right ? not medication ?

it would be really nice to just be able to get up , 5 minutes shower jump out go 12 hours and repeat 5 to 7 days again

only thing, not for the boss anymore and that seems to be impossible , born in the wrong caste in a place that claims to have none but

im too tired

from resisting - the adrenaline going down, the meds going up

its a lot better if uninterrupted

even better in a place where you WANT to be

as the bibles and books yes - afaik james was mothermary-obsessed (who is or is not the same as meriam in the other books i dont know im not theologist) so that reflects in his revision , constantine, (aka as one of the great western philosophers for some reason) , a pope who used to be a sex addict and did more hoez than yo momma did crack in her prime , turned over and became saint Chaste - which shows in his revisions and the other guy, whos name eludes me atm and too tired to google actually got the job b/c of translating greek-latin for the upper class ladies so his translations simply turned into the version the upper class took for "THE" book

the others say its never been altered but sunis and sji's seem to find an awful lot of friction in what supposed to be the exact same words the prophet once spoke and so on

history is funny since its written by the last man standing

last man standing writes the law

and humans are humans

far from gods


thats too much filosophy

i wonder by next year how many gaps we'll see in "the supply chain" since the global grainshed is slighty under question atm

bread already rose in price (here at least) quite some

all things considered, erosion being erosion, population being population and no human on the planet understanding that more is NOT better in a place where automation and erosion would demand the exact opposite

au contraire, big government seems to be promoting "breed more" policies

some weird idea on how the next double-boom will fix todays shortage

i think they're preparing the recycling tanks

to dump the excess guttertrash in

"if you cant do your bit for society"

"now you can do your bid for society"

21 grams lol



sadly after-shower i have to revise myself (ahem)

been dropping things all day and errant (more than usual) its AUGUSTINE

not constantine

constantine did some bad-ass stuff too during the crusades like enlist the hooligans under the guise of "my team is better" to re-build the city walls in time before the Huns arrived (mongols so to speak in the powerdays) simply by using the already-present fighting spirit that wont let one team have theirs underperform the other

(the baas uses it still today)

and they did

build the whole city walls of the worlds megalopolis in time

all b/c they didnt wanna lose to the opposing racing team

(ofcourse back then gangs of constantinopel with leanordi di capoli was even harder than new york when they had a discussion and probably legal too)

aah, the good old days when you could settle a discussion in five seconds

with a good old trusty battle axe

how dearly we miss them

AUGUSTINE, saint AUGUSTINE the revisionist reborn pope

sid meyer even honoured him with a quote

*"the wicked have told me of things that delight them"* *"but none such things as your law has to tell"*

probably talking about bureaucracy there after he saw the light on a hungover morning after a night in the papal district

and on and on

the whole thing is a mess , very useful for the leaders of men, just like urkaine at the moment, ... sucks to live there atm ofcourse since they're the convenient bit

they dont

and i hear google has satellighted the russian army so anyone can see it

but i wont feel safe until it does that for the american , china's , islamic state and taliban as well


i can see that by the way you fight and shoot eachother over everything from god to politics ?

you are ONE, ... everyone can see that, and everyone feels you're the good guys , everyone who lives there

we all know that

so yea it would feel safer

to have them highlighted on google maps

and the others ?

you know if you read bin laden on the crusaders in letters to his groupies he's hardcore but compared to the islamic state his writs make him look like a social worker

but the islamic has a state

a real one

so does the taliban now

a real one

all global jihadis (if you dont really know what jihad means maybe you should look it up, bc to these people thats real)

all too often mistaken for sandrats with beards in a robe ...

talib-an actually means "scholars"

i think they proven by now sun tzu will slap you for not respecting them as enemies (or allies depending on what side)

so the good thing is its divided

saint Corporus still rules

but for how long

taliban and IS fight eachother

ten ton christian factions bicker

we havent even touched o lets say

1.6 billion hindua

1.8 billion china


the Tao of NOW

where hindu is hard b/c when you read these letters from bin laden about the crusaders preaching "monotheism" he means HIS mono - so despite 3 tribes having "one god" it doesnt mean mono-theism as such it means the RIGHT monotheism , the one true interpretation

hindus actually have a concept of "the one" but all gods are facets of it and i bet since its already poly there's ten ton versions of each too and

if m not careful im gonna hit the 64kb limit

good , thats practice for that c64demo i sitll wanna write

some time

i found where D012 is, thats a start

yea there's hours more

thats why your sister creeps in MY bedroom at night

not for the large d-ock to put the phone in, not for the money

for that endless pillowtalk

ha ha


im SO not pimp

go on

go home


im tired

upon tired of already being tired for 30 years now


the last one certainly captures "30 years of marriage" well




they're not smart enough to get that, the only way is out but theres no room

and off-grid is actually not legal here

so, that once more leaves the lottery b/c empress lagarde and her dwarves will make sure it wont be crypto

i somewhat admire your sunny side on life but overhere life is certainly slowly picking down

and downer

The main takeaway from this report should be that Bitcoin has fragmented the world order with a superior payment network, and the old guard is nervous.

for a while now - i fear the digital dollar will be the death sentence, then only the protectorate can skim

the truth is they never really had a chance and now that we know their end game even less.

eye of the beholder i havent been following anything and my stance is still the same : if ukraine surrendered on day one, knowing very well no one would help they would have roofs and schools and together-families and could fight from the shadows. Joe the fox Diplo wouldnt be playing saviour in this re-mix of no boots on the ground with free suicide squads where 800.000 dollar is a trifle compared to dumping hi-tek on the taliban for 20 years only to run away ... so that leaves the status vs. china in dubio, some guy already quit b/c they dont have the tek-advantage anymore.

I wonder where you get your information, but actually

inflation, lack of free speech, lagarde and elders-against crypto in a soviet islamic state stuck with two people who are too old to give a shit about the coming 20 years is just more pressing to me.

i seen nothing but propaganda on all sides for 4 years now - using the artificial crisis very well. If you get some realfact the world looks a lot different


in the meantime the world is a fabulous place, like a poisonous swamp with footholds of sulfuris acid and all humans are trusty reliable creatures whos sole purpose in life is not to rip you off :)

its good to be born on earth !

im gonna play some elden ring, finally guidelessly accidentally bumped into the second main boss i found so far - -

he looks like a nice guy

absolutely right they might still have a home and what little dignity! but the game of monopoly begins every time the US leaves somewhere there's consequences hmm testing new stuff eh so trump just helped it along when he pulled them out of europe:))) well its all a ruthless business in the end day its all about the dollar.

addams family Felix Silla appeared as Cousin Itt.jpg

yea - theres Iraq and Syria and afghanistan and ... well ukraine is ongoing - but putin did all that

no one remembers the filippines i think - - its been 400 years of racket

War is a racket

( S Butler )

i think Joe doesnt have to under-do obama, lagardeland, uncle xi or uncle vlad when it comes to informing the people - ole 'Donald was a bit more "gagyou" about it

the only type of freedom is to not exist

but it just wont work without barter


i think i have no opinion on the matter :p , feeling kinda flat but not at the same time, a perk of being a multi-dimensional creature thats been sharded and once was one

but one of the only ones



still up for suggestions on sites - opening accounts costs nothing but to divulge my sister panties and bra size in 2022 i suppose - coinbase wont do for actual trading the way it is (not that i have but guttertrash needs noise or it'll never turn 1 into 1.5 dollars)

elden ring is SO not souls (ahem ...)

but i only bought it b/c it IS

... i fear im reaching the finals there and the end of guideless gaming for now

sometimes i use simpleswap.io works fine :) but there's minimums

well minimums is one thing but fees another and mostly the part where open trades gather entropy over time and its probably that just doesnt feel trustworthy for the future, thanks ...

I just heard here 2 (THE 2 major) supermarkets didnt have flour on the shelves anymore - - like "not" so thats not a logistics problem

it keeps getting sunnier :) thanks for the tip ill check it

one game that was worth the €50 for an AAA game

very strange though

my total mental resilience of not having opened one half a page of guide for the game since it release doesnt seem to make it to my crotter and protectorate profile saying "dont bother trying to make him" ...

even the gene that put it there doesnt get it


i think you might be looking for Jerome probably spelled closer to hieronimus or something

thus far the fact-and-politics-free site only feed



im really broken and exhausted from resisting today - that was JiT

back to the site only

quit scaring the natives

thats me in 20 years if im still stuck in helgium -



nursing home edition

that was an episode where too many at once shone through

this is JoG only territory

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