Since you asked

in #janesonderground2 years ago (edited)

"i am nobody"
stop asking

someone owes me for the money i couldnt make since you stuck me here and thats it

atm im waiting for a parcal that has been signed by someone who never was at the door and isnt on the security cams but has signed as delivered

sadly, to my guttertrash ass that takes precedence over ukraine or mars (... or syria, lybia, myanmar, colombia, venezuela and all those other places where things finally got settled so they could start on the next thing)

sadly ...

"Scientifically Accurate Star Trek Wars"

if its too small click to get the full pic, copyright by people with lambos xept the good jazz ideas

part of it is from a meme i cant find anymore so props to the starwars guy whoever it was

the rest is inspired by :

"Tyson : tell the pukker to start with a space elevator and an orbital factory instead of sci-fi for Kardashev level 3" ...

i COULD have been playing elden ring

ill be waiting for my money or my table then

? yea cut that

its too late to not stop me again no one

i'll think about it when crypto rises to a point where i can pick up 30 years ago and move to mongolia with my cats to start a life and "something"

otherwise its not worth it

you could have come up with that sooner okay but i said all of that to the point where it even bores ME

enjoy the lol (but its true , and kardashev is kardashev ... space elevator might be hard, an orbital factory is actually doable at current levels)

SO, leave me alone then, until shiba inu stands at $5

yea that look on your face again

but euhm

i keep saying im nobody

what you want to ask yourself is probably "why is a broken broke bum with not even a hischool degree and no money stuck in a hole in belgium"

right about it ?

but there's something blocking the view

i asked its name and it said

"i am johns narcist ego"



fuck off, yea ?

i TRY not to talk because i AM that big burning ball of hellfire and hate YOU created dripping vitriol and oozing from all pores

i am NOT your entertainment or mule or bag of jazz ideas rich boy


when trailerpark trash like Eminem did it


all the hellfire made him millions

which he probably spent by now, having to "team up" with pop tarts to keep that 500 dollar a day habit going

to end up like DMX in a few years

which probably beats getting old if you actually like the spotlight

im not even trailer, just simple gutter and i can't ?


this is not america

noon ... high but not me


well i think i'll leave it like it is - - - it looks like your world is doing fine so you'll have plenty of time to harass me again then

i can hardly wait !

told you its a curse - and also this is like the camping festival if it were a concert the opening act even has to yet begin

you focused on that little bug (and couldnt even control that)



my religion forbids me to propagate goodfact over realfact .. to smile at piles of steaming shit as if they're gold dust and to cheer a moving train as it speeds towards me because thats great !

it also forbids me to say i told you so because gloating is for plebs and divine beasts have to have some dignity

after all

knowledge leads to understanding is 90% of the witches power

we found three of them alive - ishtar, freya, bastet/sakhmet - lions and cast, but the witch of the west is missing

its not hillary

its not oprah

its not kamala

... someone over-wrote her during colonization


we'll leave it at that

enjoy the wait - pick on some weak parties in the mean time

that'l make you feel good

blazing fools : you would just happen to live in a place with a guy thats dis-liked on facebook :

we all knew the neo-chains are ruled by a small cryptogarchy (just like steem btw) that allows a very few people (even less than the dollar people) to cut you off if THEY choose to - ...

but hey, its worth money !

naooooo - we dont HAVE money to hold eth dearie - but we probably wouldnt if we did, for that exact reason, after all , in soviet russia

someone just has to point at you and you're locked away :)

right ?

and the things and ways that made putin the power he is/was as well as "block whole russia from the internet" ?

actually since february last year russia itself has been practicing blocking itself off from the global internet

you see ?



"the sino-russian" continent

you think its the madman ranting

and YOU dont see it because the pile of money you sit on is too high

but here coffee is expensive


chips are hard to get

soon potato-

nothings gotten better

everything that was going on is silent

"belgians cant pay the bills no more"



and with that , my dear and good friend garibaldi, nonkel stasi, kozzen gatpolis en afluisterboekje

lotj er a ish me trekken

(but the meme-ga wasnt half bad if we say so ourselves)

we'll feel mentally stronger if we succeed in opening up steemit only once a week (unless the feed turns into interaction but the next plan : to buy a steam deck and start its own demoscene has been fucked - buy one with steam ? well

that would require atm $399 times 3.5 in steem

however the eurotrash version is €465 you see it adds up less

musk wont mind since DAFUK is 100 ?

usually if its $399 its €399 (which in reality is $440)

now its $399 and €465 , which in reality is $500

you see ?

and gatplebs still no clue it has


the governments found the solution

by 2029 EVERYONE MUST have an electric one

(must have !)

so you throw your old one in the ditch

and buy a new one,

right ?

thats easy , its "only €100...Xxxxx000" after all)

xept that electricity prices rose by 50 to 400% too

and they like :


o right, no webm on steemit - its a bit of a new thing i understand

so they be like :


who ?



who else

(en je moeder en de baas natuurlijk)

goed ?

so with this again we move to "one post per week on sunday relating to the site and compos only, the steam deck will have to wait though $500 for a toy is a bit much atm)

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