Seth Rich murdered by a current DEA agent and a current ATF agent. Tuesday Press Conference...

in #news6 years ago

Bombshell News!!!

I have no crystal ball to tell the future, but I believe someone is about to be killed.


All press should attend my press conference TUESDAY at 1:00PM at the HOLIDAY INN Rosslyn Key Bridge. We will present a witness who brings us close to resolution in the Seth Rich case. #SethRich
— Jack Burkman (@Jack_Burkman) July 8, 2018

As reported on The Gateway Pundit's blog

There will be a witness at the press conference tomorrow who can identify the 2 federal agents who killed Seth Rich. 1 DEA & 1 ATF agent still employed earning wages your hard earned tax dollars.


Who is Seth Rich?

He worked for the DNC.

  • He might have been killed because he leaked about 20,000 emails to WikiLeaks about corruption all the way to the highest levels of the DNC.

The "official" coverup story is that the Russians leaked the emails. HO HO HO! I don't believe the "official story" and neither should you!

Julian Assange seems to suggest on Dutch television program Nieuwsuur that Seth Rich was the source for the Wikileaks-exposed DNC emails and was murdered.



I have no crystal ball to tell the future, but I believe
1 - someone is about to be killed.
2 - I believe 2 agents are going to be killed before tomorrow (or at least made to look like they were)...
3 - even if this proof makes it into the lamestream media, no one will go to jail.

...and to think corrupt Killary is saying she is going to run again!!!



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My Crystal ball is really fogging up bad with Trump having meetings with Putin right before he goes into NATO meetings.......Sure would like to be a fly on the wall sometimes

The sad part is there are so many stories like this one quickly forgets the ones from last week as the shock of the new ones hit.

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