We Need To Talk About Leftist Violence

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Hey guys.

This is an important topic... because things are getting worse and worse.

I started out as an Independent

When I first became old enough to take an interest in media and culture, Bush was president.

I hated him.

The neo-con culture that became popular at the time disgusted me. I saw no evidence that Iraq was involved with the 9/11 attack, and a lot of my friends from highschool went and fought in the war that was pushed by the Fake News Media that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

At that time, in the lat 90's early 2000's, I would have considered myself something along the lines of a left-leaning libertarian (a liberaltarian), and then began to shift into the more fringe primitivist and green anarchy philosophies of John Zerzan.

When Obama was elected, I hated that, too.

The whole 8 years of Obama was a continuation of the creeping power-taking of the Government over the American people.

I watched as Obama received a Nobel Peace Prize, yet was the most warmongering president in the history of my country.

Still, the Left remained peaceful for the most part.

Then... Trump

When Trump came on the scene, everything started changing.

The Left began to morph into something that I could no longer identify with at all. It became a reaction rather than a position.

People hated Trump so much that they began doing what is described in the video above. I've seen it for myself: Trump supporters suddenly becoming targets of violence, and a growing political movement justifying this hatred.

That's scary.

And now, the violent rhetoric has come to a head, and people are being targeted for execution because they are -- "Republicans."

Partisanship, in my opinion, is the hallmark of laziness and/or ignorance. And when it comes to the point of inciting violence, it has officially become the personal weapon of a powerful controlling class of people who cannot win with arguments and thus turn to bloodshed.

Senator Rand Paul

I like this guy.

He is one of the few representatives in the American Government who is willing to stand up for your constitutional rights, especially as they pertain to privacy and the spying of Government into the lives of citizens.

I supported him in his campaign for the GOP presidential nomination.

He was at the baseball practice where this recent shooting took place.

That kind of touches home for me, because I have a lot of hopes for Rand in the future and I see him as a rare bulwark against Government violation. So to hear that someone was trying to kill him because he was a "Republican", inspired by endless months of hate-filled speech from Leftist groups against Trump and "Trump-supporters"... well, it becomes personal.

Senator Paul is an eye doctor who goes to Africa annually to operate on people who have nothing. He literally goes to where the most impoverished people in the world are and causes the blind to see. And some guy wanted to kill him because he was a "Republican."

Can we all just take a second and objectively admit that this is a problem?

What do you think?

Have you seen this coming?

What do you think of the various events highlighted in the video?

Follow me @shayne


Once again, you are spot on with your assessment. Especially the part about partisanship being the hallmark of laziness and/or ignorance. If you don't mind, I plan to add that quote to my arsenal😀

I do not mind at all :D

And I thank you for your support.

Divide and conquer being taken to a new level.

And that's about it :/

He's got very redeemable points reg Rand Paul.

However I believe anyone touched by politics in this generation can be swayed, or at least silenced on certain issues.

Oh yeah. I've been following this for years. I was red pilled long ago, and I went through many of the phases you seem to go through. I'm now a pure objectivist/libertarian. Absolutely NO government. The end. If a group of free people want to create their own version of liberty, go ahead. If you want to live with others as a "socialist libertarian" or "anarchy syndicalism" or whatever, you must be free to do that - but not impose that way of life on others. Pure laisezz faire capitalism would save the world. This insanity that has risen on the left seems to me like something that happens when an animal dies..the last desperate spasms, the last desperate breath. No creativity left, no mind, no plan..just gasping for air. I believe we are living in the end time of socialism/communism/governmentism. Within my lifetime it will be over. I just wish that I live to see it. It will be glorious :)

I really like the way the Amish do things. It's very anarchic. I can see a viable society model similar to that except with high technology. Would be idea, I think.

Absolutely. The left has had about 2 whole generations of unbroken control. Sure there were a few Republican presidents and Republican controlled congresses, but the system as a whole remained leftist. This is especially apparent in the educational system from kindergarten thru graduate school. The reaction coming from the left is simply a result of them LOSING CONTROL. They got everything they ever wanted, and it was never enough. They pushed too far, now people who once considered themselves leftists are SPRINTING to the right, and they can't get there fast enough. They only have themselves to blame, but like any narcissist it is never their fault, it is everyone else's.

Senator Rand Paul is a legend!

We took similar, though different paths. I voted for Ron Paul back in 08, and I still believe he would have made a great president. I cannot say the same about his son.

Terrible though it may be, I think Trump was the best choice of a lot of bad choices. Does he act like a petulant child on a lot of sensitive topics? You betcha he does. I think that's a good thing though, for where we are right now as a country. Who's better at stomping their foot and shouting 'NO!' than a petulant child? Goddamn nobody is better at that. Right now there are a lot of fucktards that need to be told no. Very often, and very loudly.

The grown up children need a mirror held up to them. Trump is that mirror.

We are quite simpatico.

I voted for Badnarik in 04, Paul in 08, and couldn't bring my self to vote again until 16, when I did -- for Trump, and largely for the reasons you mention here.

Enjoy the Decline man.


The violence across the board needs to stop...but what I really think needs to happen is we need to get away from this two party system. We are stuck having to choose between two groups that are so entrenched in their ways that nothing seems to change. At the very least we need a third option that has a legitimate chance, maybe then the two major parties will be forced into adjusting their ways.

Its a very good point. A good example of this was the last election. Which was the better of the two evils?

Exactly! I voted third party, not because I thought Gary Johnson had a chance of winning, or because I even thought he was capable of being president. But because I was hoping he would get a large enough percentage of the total vote that the libertarian party would be guaranteed federal funds in the following election cycles. If they had gotten the funding it would at least show that a third party is viable, and republicans and democrats alike would have to look at why so many people chose someone other than their candidate, maybe some change could happen then.

I think we'll see the LP with a much bigger wallet the next election cycle. They are being taken over by globalist thinktanks and lots of money is coming it. They want the LP to be a disruptive force, and that's all. I can no longer support the LP, though I once did...

I agree about not being able to support them directly. Too many ideas that I disagree with, but right now I do hope they can be a disruptive force between the Republicans and Democrats. Force them to reevaluate their ideals and more importantly their actions.

Violence across the board? Are you suggesting that conservatives engage in even a fraction of the amount of politically motivated violence that the left does? Don't get me wrong the right and the left are artificial divisions designed to divide and conquer, but still lets place responsibility where responsibility is due. It is a daily occurrence to see politically motivated violence from the left. I can't remember the last time I heard of conservatives getting violent over politics. Lets not create false equivalencies to satiate some childish need for "fairness" by blaming both sides equally when both sides don't share equal responsibility for violence.

As far as the two party system changing nothing.... IT WAS DESIGNED TO DO THAT! The founding fathers knew that if they could keep government constantly bickering with each other they would be spending less time intruding into our lives!

I'm trying to stay out of politics.

I think it's a no-win situation.

I like Rand Paul, I wrote in a vote for his Dad.

But at this point, with the promises Donald Trump made, only to go back on (i.e. let's stop trying to overthrow governments we know nothing about, let's get along better with Russia) I don't think anyone who would actually try to change things would survive for more than a few months, unless they knuckle under to the Deep State.

Regardless of who is in power, I'm going to keep grinding away here for my 0.53 posts until I can just get the Hell out.

I hear Argentina is nice.

Yes my friend...I will reSteem this one too. I think you've articulated what's happening. But the problem is I think that it goes much deeper. We actually are in a war and they are trying to take out our president who was elected democratically (while they were trying to steal state elections see GA, NH etc.)

Btw, did you see Rand Paul on senate floor going off about the Saudi Arms deal?! Even if he did nothing else in life...that alone should cause people to rally behind him.

Partisanship is taught in govern-cement schools... nay, is it crammed down students throats in a brutal indoctrination ceremony that lasts 12+ years.

The left vs the right. Talked about like it is a one dimensional spectrum.
Where anything that is not on that line is omitted from being taught.
So that all the solutions and thoughts must lie somewhere on that line.

And thus, we have generations of people that think you are either wrong or your are right. When everything, both sides, are wrong.

Like you I hated Bush, the first one. And Bill Clinton should have been tried for treason. Bush... Obomba, all did the same thing. The same plan.

The left vs the right. Talked about like it is a one dimensional spectrum.

I think that it is; if we limit the definition to a balance of statism vs liberty. communism at the far left(statist) side and pure anarchy and the extreme side of the right (liberty) side.

Nolan and Pournelle overcomplicated analysis of the issue with two dimensional matrixes, based on secondary attributes like nationalism and racism...which in themselves can be placed mostly anywhere on the L/R scale, and have nothing to do with HOW government operates

The line from statism to liberty is fairly good. I will have to ponder on it.

I feel, that on that line, the republicats and the democrons would be the same point.
One wants the corporations to rule the govern-cement, and the other, the govern-cement to rule the corporations.... but in both systems, the same people are at the top. It is just a matter of rhetoric, or two masks on the same person.

So, the line with republicans on one side and the democrats on the other doesn't really exist.

Most of my current thoughts on political spectrums involve at least three dimension.

I feel, that on that line, the republicats and the democrons would be the same point.
So, the line with republicans on one side and the democrats on the other doesn't really exist.

exactly. the democong vs repuke line is one we should look at as a false dichotomy. Even considering Republicans as "conservatives" doesn't match their voting record.

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