Thousands successfully evacuated as Bali's largest volcano threatens to blowsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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Live from Bali: I encourage everyone who reads this to REMAIN CALM. The media around the world have been playing their usual role in creating panic and I am here in the heart of Bali to calm you, giving accurate and informative facts around what is actually happening.

The leader of the community in which I live is involved in the evacuation process and after a chat with her last night I feel ready now to share some facts with you.

Mount Agung

The above photograph shows Mount Agung, taken with my drone a few months ago.

For the last five days the volcano has been releasing a small plume of smoke from its crater.

There has been a lot of seismic activity in the area surrounding the volcano and the intensity and frequency of these tremors has been increasing, leading to the prediction that something dramatic is about to happen.

The threat level was today raised to its highest level (four) by Indonesia's Geological Agency.

The Previous Eruption

There is very little to go on in this situation except data collected from previous eruptions.

The last time Mount Agung errupted was in 1963 and it kindly gave everyone ample warning to evacuate.

  • February 18 - Local residents hear loud explosions and see clouds rising from the crater

  • February 24 - Lava begins flowing down the northern slope, traveling 7 km over the next 20 days

  • March 17 - The volcano erupts, sending debris 8 - 10 km into the air, generating massive pyroclastic flows

  • May 16 - A second eruption creates further pyroclastic flows

Despite this ample warning around 1700 people are said to have died.

This time we are more prepared!

Knowing what we know now, the evacuation of the surrounding areas began almost immediately. And I can tell you from the horses mouth that this evacuation is going VERY WELL.

A worst case scenario has been adopted and the area being evacuated is substantial, taking into consideration too the potential lava flow channels as you can see in this image.

The difficulty has not been getting the people out, but setting up the camps in which they can live for potentially quite a long time.

The media here would have us believe that the eruption is due in the next 24h but in truth no one knows for sure.

Volcanos around the world have been known to do this before without the big disaster everyone was expecting.

Bali is primarily an agricultural island and those who are being evacuated have had to leave behind their crops and animals. And personally I am more concerned about these animals right now!

Below you can see a red circle where the volcano is and all the markers are where make-shift camps are being created.


In this image taken by a friend yesterday you can see where people are waiting to be housed...

IMG_8883.jpg areas like this one.


Media Madness

Upon receiving many concerned messages from friends and family around the world I became aware that the media machine is doing its usual thing.

Reviewing the headlines today I can see that the UK newspapers are amongst the worst in over-hyping this situation, speaking of an imminent tsunami and advising people to cancel their travel plans to Indonesia!

I would like to clarify now that WE ARE NOT EXPECTING A TSUNAMI.

And you don't need to change your travel plans! The airports will be closed as and when they need to be.

The UK media seem more interested in giving us very little information on what is actually happening here and lots of information on completely unrelated eruptions, focusing our attention on the death & destruction which followed.

If you fancy a giggle check out the UK's Daily Star HERE


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What can you do to help?

Please focus your attention on this SUCCESSFUL EVACUATION.

Know that it is the MOST EFFICIENT evacuation this island has ever seen.

Everything that can be done is BEING DONE as I write these words.

And now look to the awesome beauty of Agung. Translated, the word means King. Because around here there is no greater KING than this one!

Amed sunset 1.jpg
I took this shot a few months ago on Amed beach, watching the sun set behind Agung, taking the last rays of sunlight into my consciousness.

I stand in awe. And I am deeply grateful, for everything is exactly as it should be 🙏🏻

I will keep you updated on events as they unfold.

Blessings from Bali.jpg


do you know @mammasitta she did a post too.. I just commented in it

I do know her yes. Thank you :)

Media madness is for sure there but for me 11000 people were evacuated. Valid concert and emphacy for the people who live in the areas
Let's hope it stays calm and all handled well.
Keep us updated

The number of people arriving in these camps is rising constantly and it will be hard to tell exactly how many their are until everyone settles. I will be sure to keep you updated.

But I do believe the best people are on the case here and so far handling it very well.

Those "Gods" will calm down !!
Thanks Sam!

Having been here for two years now I wouldn't be surprised if their Gods were a little pissed off with them! The island is changing so fast. Though in truth this is largely beyond their control.

Whatever comes now...we are as ready as we can be and I am ready to play my part. Whatever that may be 🙏🏻

Thank you for putting the clear calm truth out there! I have a friend in Bali who is quite worried.. and as you say, this media hype is so out of control..

That picture of a Bali beach is stunning!

Thanks for the comment my friend ;)

Whilst I am conscious that should it erupt there will be much stress around here, I am still a little bit excited too and ready to play my part.

Perhaps I have been placed here at this time for a reason.

Friggin' English! Hah! Good "on the ground" reporting. Keep us informed, and try to take LOTS of photos. I got some excellent volcano and lava photos when I lived on the Big Island of Hawaii. I'm sure your drone will be able to catch some REAL GEMS for us all here on Steemit. Just stay safe...

Should it erupt I am poised and ready to establish wind direction and find a safe zone from which i can launch the drone and shoot some time-lapse ;)

I can see you have messaged me on but cannot access it! For some reason this site is a nightmare to use where I live. Can we switch the conversation elsewhere? R U on FB?

SSS logo in 1st image, above the volcano made me chuckle.

Made me chuckle too, the moment i thought about it! Thanks for noticing ;)

it's nice to know that everything goes as planned with regards to the evacuation of the area being affected by a possible eruption of the volcano. have also read that animals are restless including snakes seeking refuge on a higher ground. take care and be safe. keep us updated.

Yes, a few people here have mentioned seeing an increased number of snakes passing through their land. Like I said in the article, it is the farm animals I feel sad for.

I will certainly do my best to keep you updated...

Resteemd , upvoted as usual @samstonehill , do respond to my friend request in your Face Book Group please ,

Sorry for the delay with that one. We make it intentionally difficult to get in.

Now you are in :)

Thank you so much! Got you

Between I do not mind reading other people shits , nice line in You Tube. Hurrah Bali

Harrah Bali :)

Whatever it is, my brothers and sisters from Bali take care. There may not be a reason for panic, but always remain safe don't underestimated the power of nature

We are 100% safe where we live ;)

Thank you for your comment!

The media is out of control on this subject! As someone who as a rule avoids the news like the plague, I accidentally ended up reading some of it and it scared the anxiety right into my heart! Obviously after further reading and asking around, the AU gov't is largely at fault for this hype and it's unfair to tourists or those who are not familiar with this level of threat to be posing those scaremongering articles! I too hope to get some cool footage and to do my part in whatever I am here for!

Thanks for posting this Sam! Good luck with the drone flight! I am wishing everyone safety but should anything happen, it would definitely be interesting to see footage!

Thanks for your support! I've taken it to the next level now and the steemit community have responded in such a beautiful way...

Hope to be able to add your name to the list of donators!

Everything will be 100% visible on the blockchain and I will film the solar products we are able to buy with the STEEM donations as they are handed out to these refugees.

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