Welcome the beginning of JTS Steemit Magazine, a collection of favorites I follow and those who follow me.

Emperor Bitcoin vs King Dollar & The Great Crypto Civil War Soon, even the newest member to the cause would know one simple prayer to keep them warm in the coldest winds of uncertainty. ~ @JacobTS
Christmas Conversations Lead To Bitcoin Buying Every year like clockwork we see new users flooding in after they heard about it at their family get-together. ~ @mrviquez
Learn Crypto Lingo! HODL, REKT, FOMO and More Explained! ~ @steemitguide
My Ether Wallet . MEW . Informative PopUps One of the main points is that you are in control of your account! This is a first as other systems needed to trust a third centralized party. ~ @virtualgrowth
Answering Common Questions: How do I use Coinbase This guide will walk you through moving your Steemit earnings to your local US bank as well as using your local bank to buy crypto. ~ @sykochica
Easiest Ways to Earn Crypto with STEEM and LBRY If you’re looking for options to earn a passive income with cryptocurrencies, you’ve found the right place. ~ @heiditravels
CrapCoin Trading, Pump n Dumps, & Twitter Shills Figure out what you want. Write it down. Get to work. Pay attention to the amount of BTC you are making, not USD. ~ @richardcrill
Welcome to Steemit. Managing Your Expectations It is great to see so many new-users signing up and checking out SteemIt. Let's talk about Expectations. ~ @whatsup
Steemit Coffee Contest Payouts! Steemit Coffee as always bring to you every month 3 contests. ~ @lordoftruth
SteemHoliday and Steemshop Updates!!! ~ @samstonehill
May the next year be good to you and the ones you love! I myself have quite some plans for 2018. ~ @pharesim
Utopian Public Poll 12-23-17 Utopian.io is the first Community-Driven Witness. ~ @utopian-io
State of the Sndbox - Week 22 Year in Review, New Incubator Program, Thumbnail Competition, Crypto Campaign ~ @sndbox
Photos from a St louis Christmas He knows how to keep it real and put a beer can on top of the tree while handing out presents. ~ @jacobts
Around the Hood. Beach Style. We went to a beach scene where the locals decorate lifeguard chairs for Christmas! This is what we saw... ~ @ats-david
Walking in a Winter Wonderland Here stands the intrepid explorers. The dog eat off chasing a ball. ~ @steevc
Reflecting On The Day After Chrismas. I love doing giveaways on my Twitter account and feeling in the holiday spirit of giving I did a bunch... A feeling of humility washed over me... Each and everyone of us has built something absolutely incredible. ~ @the-bitcoin-dood
Best Strategy to the Best Christmas Game Ever! My wife and I are about to have our first son and we will need to decide what our holiday traditions will be. Any suggestions are appreciated! ~ @littlejoeward
REAPING WHAT YOU SOW At that moment, the frustrating situation melted away and I stood there in awe and gratitude. ~ @papa-pepper
To be Frank, I have Entered Another Dimension I could use your friendly advice, guidance and criticism. Either way... I'm proceeding with the plan of Going Gault! ~ @frankbacon
Happy Birthday to Me! If you have a sausage today, think of me. ~ @lloyddavis
Go to your task with love in your heart... Daily Meditations by ~ @jamesallen
Special Thanks to @seablue @steemgigs @ausbitbank and many more to come...
If you want to possibly see your work featured in future editions, please upvote, resteem, and leave your latest greatest steemit article in the comment section below. No promises, but at the very least maybe others will see it, and maybe you'll meet someone new and interesting along the way. Loyal supporters will be given preference, but always keep doing what you do, here on @Steemit!
earn.com/jacobts contact twitter.com/jacobts
Micro Invest with Acorns | SALT Lending
Trade Crypto OpenLedger | Trade Crypto Binance | Buy Bitcoin Coinbase
Great initiative @jacobts ! You already know the initial 2 chapters/post for the steemit full guide to help as many new visitors, new steemit users, minnows, make learn easier and as much as possible of steemit, and help them make their way on the platform.
Chapter 1 of 11: Have you recently Sign up on Steemit and Don't know what to do First - Basic Things for New People make their way easier on the Platform - Part 1: What you need to know to be more confident & get rewarded on the platform?
Chapter 2 of 11: Focusing on the Details of the Steem Wallet to learn as much as possible How to use it - Transfer Steem SBD - Convert it to ETH LTC Bitcoin or other Crypto - This is part 2 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way
Regards, @gold84
:) Will be scheduling a lot your '' Steemit Magazine'' Posts to my Facebook & Twitter Profile. Good see you active on those Platforms as well
That is much appreciated. I used to do this sort of thing for Steemtrail. I enjoyed learning and sharing what I learned. This will allow me to do that. I hope to keep a balance of old and new steemers mixed with useful and simply entertaining info. It shall be a humble work in progress and only a couple times a week. We'll see. Also hoping to incorporate more of what YOU DO into the message. Wishing you a happy holidays and thank you for all you do.
That's a hell of a collection! I'm honored to be included with all the prominent authors!! :D
Thank you!
Well, I had to include one of Steemit's Guadian Angels. Thanks for being there for everyone here.
Thanks so much for including The Dood! Just added a link in the Steemit section of tonight's Daily Dood. Should have it up shortly.
Great collection of articles here. Thank you very much for the inclusion!
Nice to finally meet the Dood! Thanks and hope to see ya down the road. :)
I'm in the the first issue of SteemIt Magazine!
HIGHLY rEsteemed!
As always, awesome to see you good sir!
good job
Thank you Doctor!
u wellcome jacob
Nice @jacobts i like this culling and localizing of many topics. thanks for spreading the word about @steemholidays
All the best with SteemHolidays. Happy Holidays! And I hope to continue learning more about it.
Great suggestions, thank you!
Thank you. And cheers to the books in Minnesota!
Always learning. Thank you for sharing a smile today!
Wow Nice post.Excellent
Mucho gracias for the resteem :)