White Helmets Exposed - Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group

in #news7 years ago

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Clarity of Signal - The following images prove clearly that the government, media and Hollywood promoted White Helmets are in fact terrorists posing in disguise as humanitarian rescuers. Their campaign in Syria is an elaborate UK and US government orchestrated propaganda hoax. The following images constitute the largest online photo cache that proves that the White Helmets are in fact terrorists.

The following images of the White Helmets come almost entirely through Facebook geopolitical groups that focus on the ongoing wars. A lot of the members of these groups are terrorist trackers and citizen journalists, like myself. I have been using Facebook strictly for geopolitical war information and conducting research since 2013. Some of the online researchers I collaborate with are in Syria and are receiving first hand information from the war zones and tracking White Helmets Facebook accounts. I collected the photos over the last year while also compiling all the info I could on the White Helmet terrorists. I am also Facebook acquaintances with some of the best citizen journalists speaking out about Syria, such as Vanessa Beeley (UK), Eva Bartlett (Canada), Patrick Hennigsen (US), Rick Sterling (US) and Professor Tim Anderson (Australia). All these global citizens are truly the hope of the world and work tirelessly to spread the truth and expose the lies about the war in Syria. As a former US Marine and concerned citizen I feel it is my duty to help where I can and get the word out about the fraudulent war on terror. In actuality, terrorist groups are being used by western powers to pursue nefarious imperialist goals that enrich a select few global elitists while costing hundreds of thousands of innocent people their very lives. (Please be forewarned, some of the images are graphic.)

For more reliable info on what is really going on in the war zones I highly recommend Tyranny Unmasked and SouthFront daily videos channels on You Tube. They have excellent direct channels to people in the war zones. I hope others also start using Facebook as a tool to get more active, thus turning that petulant selfie prison into a really useful resource, as I have here.

In this Steemit post I have included a large amount of the Facebook image material I have compiled on the White Helmet terrorists. A large amount of additional info is available at my official Clarity of Signal Wordpress site.

Link here: https://clarityofsignal.com/2017/02/27/massive-white-helmets-photo-cache-proves-hollywood-gave-oscar-to-terrorist-group/

The Clarity of Signal photo cache has also made huge waves on Reddit and has received hundreds of thousands of views globally since I first posted it online in February 2017. My work exposing the White Helmets continues and I hope to provide the Steemit community with more valuable information in the near future. Portions of any future revenue gained from Clarity of Signal posts will be shared with war region victim funds.


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This is only half the White Helmet terrorists photos compiled for this thread. The rest of the photos, plus additional videos proving they are terrorists, are at the Clarity of Signal thread linked here: https://clarityofsignal.com/2017/02/27/massive-white-helmets-photo-cache-proves-hollywood-gave-oscar-to-terrorist-group/

An additional entirely video evidence thread is available here: https://clarityofsignal.com/2017/05/08/direct-jihadist-collusion-over-one-dozen-videos-capture-white-helmets-working-side-by-side-with-terrorist-groups/

For more info on the fake White Helmets I recommend following White Helmets Exposed on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhiteHelmetsEXP


And somehow I seemed to miss those. I've read a lot of your pieces. I'm not sure how I missed those. Or perhaps I saw one and didn't quite make the full connection.

You're not the only one it seems, and by that i mean i'm surprised more people are not taking notice of this pro-intervention propaganda. It connects closely with the false flag gas attacks but thankfully people see through. The goal is to create enough outrage that western populations get behind US no fly zones and direct involvement.

I caught onto the gas attack angle on my own as soon as I first heard about it. Just based upon simple probabilities and things I had looked into.

Yet I hadn't really followed the WHITE HELMET information.

The WH story is insane, tbo. VEry sophisticated propaganda that they have sustained for years. Heck, they won a grammy and were nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize...wtf!!

EDIT: Oscar / Not Grammy - lol

They won a grammy? That's for music.

LOL...ffs, half asleep.

Now, THAT would be intense propaganda: White Helmets Christmas Album!

Thanks for those excellent links v4vapid. Your obviously well researched on the subject as you are citing the best source 21st Century Wire which features Vanessa Beeley and Patrick Heningsen who have led the way on exposing the White Helmets ruse. Great links and great work getting it out there.

Cheers, you did a great job putting this collection of images together. I never thought of compiling them all into a post, very compelling this way. Looking forward to more good stuff like this :)

We need to get Ben Swann and other people here on steemit. It is decentralized. It cannot be censored. They could take down this website steemit, or others like busy.org, eSteem, and a growing number of others.

The blockchain is more like a big file system. Our posts get saved in that.

Steemit.com is just like a program/app/browser that looks at that file system in one particular way. So if they take down steemit which itself is a centralized website, the data is still there in the blockchain so you can still see it. Furthermore they open sourced steemit.com and the blockchain tech.

This is a place that we can perhaps stand together and try to MOVE the world.

It does have its blemishes but they are the least I've seen in ANY internet based community. It is not really conducive to trolling and people being uncivil to each other because they don't get followers and they don't make money.

The money is real too. I have not spent a dime here, just my time. My account is currently hovering at around $40K in value, and I've spent probably around $10K in stuff I powered up a visa with. So figure $50K and I haven't quite been using it for a year and I'm just an average guy that posts regularly, engages in discussions, and votes stuff.

Right now this is the place to be as they haven't come out of beta, and they are not even advertising. So anyone joining now is still kind of considered an early adopter.

We need a lot of truth seekers here.

The key is be civil. We can talk about stuff we disagree about here and it usually doesn't go bad. Disagreement appears to be welcome as long as we're civil about it. That is pretty awesome. People actually talk about things here that if it was on reddit or facebook it'd quickly devolve into name calling, ad hominems, and not really go anywhere.

That really isn't a problem here at this time. So if you got more people like you. Get them here. Let's change the world.

Thanks for all the info dwinblood. I definitely like the format although the learning curve is a bit different. I am slowly coming up to par though. I even managed to get the first posts together with relatively quick ease due to the fast posting layout.

Civility is something I have strived for in the comment sections I presented info in and unfortunately, due to the material I was presenting, I endured quite a bit of abuse and even death threats. Sadly, it comes with the territory on this subject matter. It is hopeful to be in an online community where civility is rewarded. I will be telling other researchers that I work with to try to get more material up at Steemit as censorship is becoming more and more prevalent across other web social media platforms. Thanks again for the great info.

I was presenting, I endured quite a bit of abuse and even death threats

So far this has never really been an issue here.

We can have the occasional powerful account be a bit aggressive and even name call, ad hominem. It is rare. When/if it happens just resist the urge to name call, and ad hominem back and you'll have no problems. They'll move on and it is rare.

If they are not powerful and they are lashing out at people the community tends to deal with that quickly. Not getting followers, losing followers, and having your posts constantly worth $0 when others are making $1000+ tends to do wonders at discouraging such behavior.

I have a feeling you will do well here. Like I said, help us change the world.

Thank you.

As an American citizen, I am bound by my duty to my nation to exercise my sovereignty with due diligence, and my authority is bounded by my responsibility. Without the truth, I would be liable for such crimes as I would not know my authority was so abused.

Now I know. These guys don't work for me.

I will remember.

Cheers, thats exactly how I feel also. Thats why I took up this cause. Particularly when I saw them accusing everyone who spoke out of being a Russian agent or a Putin troll. As a U.S. citizen and former Marine it is my duty to help get the truth out and expose corruption......especially lies that start wars that could get our sons and daughters killed. And you are 100% right, these criminals don't work for any of us. They are in it for themselves and their families only.

For a first post on steemit this is a well crafted post. I recommend you do a post about yourself also with a tag introduceyourself and reveal whatever you feel safe revealing about yourself. Welcome to Steemit. I'm going to resteem this article as I'd like to encourage you to stick around and keep producing such material. Keep at it and I expect you'll have a lot of followers.

I also may comment on this article. You provided a lot of information and this is actually a new topic I knew nothing about until reading your post here. So I need to mentally digest this and add it to me world view.

Understood. It is indeed a lot to absorb. I became interested in it after investigating the faux investigations of Bellingcat who are a Mi5 propaganda laundering outfit who were pumping out misleading info on the Ukraine war. That quest has now led me to helping to expose the White Helmets ruse.

I think whose who hero worship Hollywood are still brainwashed about the white helmets.

Spot on. George Clooney and Ben Affleck are two of the biggest cheerleaders of the White Helmet terrorists. This is a video that I put together to expose the whole damn charade after they were awarded an Oscar by Hollywood. It currently has received over 60,000 views in the last 2 months between multiple You Tube channels and Liveleak.

Tapestry of Terror (Highly Graphic) - White Helmets Exposed As FSA Terrorists Linked With ISIS

Video and photo evidence reveals the links between the White Helmets who received a Hollywood Academy Award, the terrorist groups destroying Syria, the lead terrorist Saudi cleric Abdullah al-Muhaysini, and the US and UK media promoted propaganda disseminators for these murderous terrorist groups. This video includes substantial, verifiable direct connections that tie all these entities, individuals and nefarious actions together. Tapestry of Terror clearly exposes the White Helmets as the terrorists and fake humanitarian rescuers that they are. It also clearly links them to the FSA (Free Syrian Army) which is made up of dozens of Islamic jihadist groups who are being paid to destroy Syria, and have been caught on camera on numerous occasions conducting barbaric atrocities since the start of the Syrian war in 2011. Fair warning, some of those atrocities are featured in this highly reveal documentary video.


urgh! Now everyone in the States obsessed with Netflix will be brainwashed!

please follow me and I'll follow you back :D

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