Proof Picture of Omran Daqneesh, Boy in Ambulance Saved by White Helmets, is PropagandasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #propaganda7 years ago (edited)

More evidence that the White Helmets are pro-intervention propaganda

The picture seen round the world of little Omran in the back of an ambulance covered in blood and dust was co-opted by the White Helmets-Syrian Civil Defense-‘moderate rebel’ groups for their own purposes.

The powerful photo taken by White Helmet photographer Mahmoud Raslan is pure propaganda.

Omran's photo brought news anchors to tears and generated plenty of anti-Syrian government sentiment from Western media and public alike.

To the West, he became the symbol of intervention.

Source: 21st Century Wire

His image was broadcast around the world in August 2016 and became headline news from CNN to the New York Times.

"White Helmets, Omran and fading hope in Syria" - BBC

"CNN Anchor Moved To Tears During Report On Bloodied Syrian Boy" - HuffPost

"How Omran Daqneesh, 5, Became a Symbol of Aleppo’s Suffering" NYTimes

"Boy in the ambulance: shocking image emerges of Syrian child pulled from Aleppo rubble" The Guardian

Photographer Mahmoud Raslan


Raslan is photographed with Al Nusra 'rebels' and child executioners. A 12-year old Palestinian boy was taken from a hospital an beheaded on video by this group of 'rebels'.


Stage Managed Photo-op

Like a prop on a movie set, Omran was placed in the back of an ambulance, put in a chair facing the door and left untreated.

The boy’s story was also accompanied by “heart wrenching” stories from “activists” in east Aleppo alleging the crimes of the Syrian government and the horrific situation in the area.

It was rather clear that the child was being used as a stage prop. After being passed to the medical “attendants,” little Omran was placed in an orange chair facing the camera and immediately left alone. He was not treated, no one else was lifted into the ambulance, and no one was even in the vehicle with him. Instead, he was left to face the “activists” outside the vehicle and their cameras for what seems like too long a time to be anything other than a photo op for the “activists” videotaping him.

Video Emerges of Omran and his Father

A new video featuring Omran and his father destroys the WH narrative that has been echoed throughout Western Media. In the video, Omran’s father explains how his boy was used by terrorists as a propaganda prop and offered the family money to continue using Omran.

A recently released short video, apparently showing both Omran and his father, Abu Ali, reveals that not only was Omran used as a stage prop by terrorists but that he himself was offered money to continue to use the boy for propaganda purposes. Abu Ali refused to take the money offered to him and instead did everything he could to shelter Omran from being used by the terrorists any further.

Media Quiet on Omran's Return


Since new images of Omran have surfaced along with his father condemning the White Helmet's attempt to exploit his son's image and family tragedy, western media have not celebrated Omran's return.

The Guardian is one of the few outlets who have written a piece on Omran's reappearance, however they completely neglect Omran's father's statements on the White Helmets.

This is how the Guardian reported the story:

In a short interview clip posted by Alloush, Omran’s father tells the TV presenter that he did not hear a plane above his house before the strike and said he rejected offers to leave Syria by parties wishing to damage the reputation of the country’s armed forces. He said that he changed his son’s name and his hairstyle to evade individuals who threatened to kidnap him and accused rebels of intimidating him.

It was unclear if the family had been coerced into conducting the interview. The Syrian government has carried out similar disinformation efforts in the past, promising benefits to defectors or displaced civilians if they speak out against alleged rebel crimes.

It appears the Guardian has doubts about the legitimacy of the interview and suggests that coercion may be involved. What is even more striking is the what is omitted from the piece. NO mention of the White Helmets using Omran for propaganda, no mention of payments offered to buy the family's cooperation and no mention of threats made against Alloush Daqeesh, Omran's father.

The Guardian


Doulama from Idlib (in blue shirt) says he will wire $ 2000, all the money he has, to anyone who would murder Omran’s father and family because they are “infidels” & against the “revolution”.

In fact we know, from conversations raging across social media, that Omran and his family are now under threat from the various extremist factions, members of which are already putting prices on heads and calling for the murder of Omran’s father. Of no concern to corporate media who resolutely cling to the narrative that the Syrian government is the source of all evil in Syria, not the NATO and Gulf State funded extremist brigades. They cant spin that reality to serve “regime change” so it ceases to have any importance.

Source: 21st Century Wire

More on White Helmets Propaganda

@v4vapid archives

White Helmets Praised by Al Queda

USAID funds White Helmets aka Al Queda with a Facelift



This is yet another article that I find illuminating and deeply disturbing. While researching content for my last novel, I stumbled across several videos (not even on the Deep Web) of child beheadings that were not by the typical terrorist factions. I wonder if some of them were related to this. I will never quite get over what I saw.

An excellent and coherent expose lifting the veil on unreality pervading the minds of those that buy into the MSM myth. The image of the soon to be beheaded Palestinian boy along with his smiling killers, just a few months before they were given a backhanded oscar and peace prize nomination is truely stomach churning .. but it needs to be shown. People need to be shown the reality of this world while we still have the power and a voice to make a change. Thanks so much for posting this. Resteemed.

Damn that's sad, thanks for posting this! keep them coming

Another great post @v4vapid
Why do people keep falling for the same old tricks?
I know you know the answer as I do but the human race is so frustratingly naive and their belief that the MSM isn't FAKE NEWS is going to take us to a very dark place unless we can wake more of them up.
Keep banging out posts like this and surely there's a chance. Isn't there?

Slowly but surely the White Helmets are being exposed as a grand deception. I can't believe those guys at Netflix won an Oscar in the name of these terrorists and that the White Helmets were nominated for the Nobel Peace!

Doesn't surprise me at all.
The whole of Hollywood is one big corrupted elite controlled circle jerk.
Did you see Di Caprio talking at the UN? What a cock.
Check this from, "A call for an uprising" on YouTube

And Clooney is CFR, another jerkweed.

@v4vapid Bam. Well done sir. Fantastic information. <3
you couldn't have been more right when you said we like similar subjects! <3
Upvoted and re-steemed <3

Thank You for Posting - Fake News needs to be exposed then destroyed.

I don't see anything that supports the idea that the image is propaganda. Is the image with the red line trying to suggest that the group photographed in the top left is the same as the executioners(?) in the top right? If so, I don't see it. The people connected by the lines really don't look similar to me.

That's not to say the image hasn't been propagandized. I'm sure it has. Its a useful tool for anyone trying to turn people against the Syrian government. But that also doesn't mean it was created as propaganda.

Its easier to co-opt an organically born symbol than it is to build one out of thin air.

Wow... Shameless. Criminal. All this just to spin a narrative.

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