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RE: White Helmets Exposed - Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group

in #news7 years ago

Thank you.

As an American citizen, I am bound by my duty to my nation to exercise my sovereignty with due diligence, and my authority is bounded by my responsibility. Without the truth, I would be liable for such crimes as I would not know my authority was so abused.

Now I know. These guys don't work for me.

I will remember.


Cheers, thats exactly how I feel also. Thats why I took up this cause. Particularly when I saw them accusing everyone who spoke out of being a Russian agent or a Putin troll. As a U.S. citizen and former Marine it is my duty to help get the truth out and expose corruption......especially lies that start wars that could get our sons and daughters killed. And you are 100% right, these criminals don't work for any of us. They are in it for themselves and their families only.

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