White Helmets are Pro-regime Change Propaganda

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Members of Syria Civil Defense aka The White Helmets have been identified as Al Nustra who are Al Qaeda affiliates.

The White Helmets Propaganda

Also known as the Syrian Civil Defense, the White Helmets have been praised by western media for their tireless courage and heroic deeds.

  • Academy Award Winners for Best Documentary Short (NetFlix)
  • Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
  • Credited with saving 50,000 Syrian Lives
  • Claim to operate in: Aleppo, Idlib, Damascus, Homs, Hama, Deraa, Latakia
  • Claim to be Neutral actors

White Helmets "Frozen" Video

The Real White Helmets

  • Members of the White Helmets have been observed celebrating with Al Nustra
  • Members have been seen to be armed
  • Members have been involved in the beheading of a Palestinian boy
  • Members have been photographed saving the same child in multiple rebel held areas
  • Members have been observed staging rescues
  • White Helmets only operate in rebel held ares: Aleppo (until recently) + Idlib
  • Civilians claim that the White Helmets only assist rebel militants who are injured
  • Civilians claim they leave once the cameras are turned off



We're Being Lied to About the White Helmets

UPDATE: I couldn't find this video from the Corbett Report yesterday but think it gives even better background to the matter.

MSM Syria Lies Need to be Exposed



Lots of important information nicely laid out @v4vapid

Cheers, the situation in Syria is such a disaster, but this group makes me sick. I don't know about you but when i first heard about them, i took it at face value. I thought they were what the media was making them out to be, heroes and all that.

Actually I would of been in the same mind set had I not heard of them first from @tyrannyunmasked who I have to give props to for great coverage of Syria

The "main" media news is rarely ever on in our house (wife get's sick of me correcting them)

Just another money-grabbing scam. Everyone operating or successful in Syria is affiliated with one terrorist group or another, just like everyone successful in the former Soviet Union is affiliated with one organised crime group or another. Believing otherwise is naive.

Extended that to the rest of the world, outside a few exceptions.

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