This Is Why We Do It! - A Big Pat On The Back To All #newbieresteemday Members

in #newbieresteemday7 years ago (edited)


We started 35 days ago when @mudcat36 put up a post about his desire to make it easier for newbies to get started. Since then, #newbieresteemday has had hundreds that have joined us in this simple mission. (yes @beeyou its higher than even you know) ;)

We do many things in many ways, but each person that wants to help, we welcome. We've grown a "good" community is a very swift period of time. And as @bashadow so rightly points out, we've also grown each other!

Our New Curation Trail Pays The First Dividend

One of the programs that we set up was a new account: @newbieresteemday for the purpose of helping to "encourage" the newbies initially with a "top 10 post of the day" upvote that was meaningful. The reason why it is meaningful is that we have people that "trail" our vote and it adds to the total for the author. So now we get a $0.28 upvote instead of just $0.05. And then the ABC's of Curation then do their magic (@amariespeaks, @beeyour, and @charisma777).

The program was encouraged and funded by @coolguy123 who is a really cool guy and also got his awesome friends to join the trail. We are now up to 18 people trailing our votes on @steemauto.

The reason I am pointing this out is to show how it works in a real situation and let you see the benefits to not only us and the newbie, but to the community as a whole (by keeping great talent motivated).

Here is a success story and the comment made by @beekerst after I congratulated him on his "big" $60.00 post:

Thanks To All Of Us At #newbieresteemday

a tutorial 12.JPG

These Are The Trails That Made The Difference

@simplymike @coolguy123 @randomwanderings @beeyou @samiwhyte @ilovepoorpeople @upclass @zelenicic

a tutorial 13.JPG

He May Have Given Up If Not For The Encouragement

His Last Three Posts Just A Few Days Later

We Now Have 18 Followers Trailing Our Curation Trail (in just 12 days)

Congratulations To Everyone At #newbieresteemday

This is a big pat on our backs and is a perfect illustration of how we can help the whole community. It is not only our members that are helping, but we are also getting help from others as you can see! Thank you all so much and again congrats on a job well done!!!

This Is Why We Do It!!! ;)


No way am I adding 100+ members to the weekly recap! Lol, but I am happy there are more members that are helping out behind the scenes.

I knew @beekerst would do well when I first saw his post. He takes the time to writing a great post and it shows. I can never do the things he share with us on his DIY projects but I enjoy reading about it. I’m very glad he started using our hashtag #newbieresteemday and we were able to help him get off with a good start. Very good start!!

I hope we will be able to support many many more newbies on here. Not just the ones starting out but the newbie members that are helping with our initative as well. Not everyone are content creators. We have to find a way to support all involved.

haha... wait... in 5 months it will be over 500 lol ... hahahaha

Just kidding!

And I agree that we should also keep our members in mind when we do different things... That's why I've expanded the newbie nickel too! Also you have a secret about an upcoming game, so I think that is another way we can show our token of appreciation! Love that you fight for truth and justice, you always on the side of the "good guy"!

I don’t have a secret about the upcoming game, Mello does. He text me and made an off-handed comment about some game which I had no clue about. He thought I did. Guy conspiracy!

or mental breakdown lol... Don't you remember earlier in the week where you were the one that came up with the idea for the steambasic income to not only go to the winner but that we also had a "member" be the person that gave it?

Please tell me you remember, or I think we broke you! lol

I remember the contest payout plan but not the new account?! You said something about an idea. Like I said, guy conspiracy! Hmph. Found out from Mello so 😛

Well I'm glad we didn't break @beeyou! lol phewww...

The change in the account was due to the "guy group" that has not been named that is working to support the initiative too. Unfortunately it is lead by @themanwithnoname so it may never get a catchy name as he is not even able to name himself! lol

Oh, this is so nice to read, especially the success story of @beekerst.

Making it to top 10 posts as a minnow will always be a cherishing moment and I am happy that there is my little contribution in that and a small contribution to the whole of #newbieresteemday.

A vote of 0.5 SBD is not a bad one for someone new to Steemit.

Happy with the progress of #newbierestemday and happy for the members who are getting benefited as part of this.

Appreciate all the efforts in making this one such a successful one.

Yes, I agree @coolguy123. The @newbieresteemday account you helped to create give newbies the motivation to continue writing. The vote we can give our newbies is great! I remember making pennies on my few posts. I gave up. I couldn’t do it alone and moved to our beeyou team. It is very hard to keep trying when no one notices.

Your support with the account gives our newbies the chance to get noticed.

I can vouch for that @coolguy, she left and regrouped... Thank goodness she came back, now look at what a shining beacon she is! :) Good job @beeyou for the millionth time!

She left and came back? Is it? I think she is an important link between newbies and the team #newbieresteemday.. She can write those blogs for hours together and inspire with her words..I think she is a one of the big influence of our group..

Yes that is true... early though before #newbieresteemday even existed. She's now made a lifetime committement, right @beeyou? lol

Yes she is one of the big influencers, she has been since the day she started paying attention.

And I don't know how she does her blog, my head would hurt after the first 30 minutes. She says its the coffee, but I think she's just got a special gift ;)

You got a 0.91% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @davemccoy!

Anytime @beeyou, I can see the happier faces because of this initiative.

I remember making pennies on my few posts

Same with me, I use to use esteem app with the hope of getting some 0.02 upvote from their team and that was like a random vote, sometimes we use to get that and sometimes not.

But, with this initiative, we are giving assured vote and also it's of way bigger than the one we use to receive, that is awesome!!

and here's a newbie nickel just because you reminded me of how lucky we were that you came back! And now bringing mellow and andy along too!

I do love these newbie nickels!

good.. they are meant to be given in a way to encourage participation and support! :)

I'm glad you are happy @coolguy123... and we are all making a difference in the best ways we can, and it is awesome to see the newbies interact with you, Dawne, and Asher! Its "hope" that they seek, and the path is lit brighter because of the larger players like you guys giving them some attention! One day there will be others that join you (from the top) once they see how effectively this model works. You are helping to lead your group, while we work the masses to give lots of love and attention! It works and the beautiful thing is that we've just started!

we are all making a difference in the best ways we can

Yes, this is what is a basic principle we are following as members of #stewardsofgondor and I am happy the same way I can work here as boundaries, no fixed rules, contribute whatever way you want and bring some positive energy..

Thanks everyone, hope you are all having some relaxing Sunday :)

Yes, this is what is a basic principle we are following as members of #stewardsofgondor and I am happy the same way I can work here as boundaries, no fixed rules, contribute whatever way you want and bring some positive energy..

I love what you said there @coolguy123! When Dave first approached me about this initative, I told him I felt honored he would think of me but didn’t think I would have the time to commit and contribute. I contributed what I could and found out I like the people in this community we’re building.

For sure it is the positive energy that inspires us to keep building and growing this community.

Oh me too, You guys are the founders of this group and that must make you all a hsppy bunch...

Dave in particular has been so kind and energetic. I think I get atleast 5 responses from him.

And I would be happy to interact with you all and contribute something..

when we first started we kept the "founding member" role loosely defined for a purpose. In reality when we started it was just an idea, but it takes many to make it a reality. So it was mudcat36's idea, but it is all of the people you see today (including you) that are the "founders" of the actual initiative. We will cut off the point at which someone can be a founding member, but until we slow down and stop innovating, its hard to make that call yet!

Plus @beeyou is like an eagle that keeps an eye on such contributions each of us make, and her judgement in efforts people are making help to shape what is and is not a "founder". So this is a long way of saying, that you were new a few weeks ago... but now your as old as all of us are! Its your initiative as much as mine or @beeyou's ... so feel free to consider yourself as one of our founders. We do!

lol, ok. I am happy to be a founding member then ;)

It's nice to support this and couple of other initiatives by other members. Though I am not able to spend much time on each of them with comments and other activities, I am supporting those by providing the upvotes on quality posts and other group owners feel I have something to contribute in that way and I am happy for that considering the limited time because of my blogging and now extensive commenting and then supporting family.

I remember those first few days I kept tagging you and say "pssst you should come look at this"... I knew from my first convos with you that you would be great, it was just a matter of getting the right points across. I remember the first day I knew you were hooked, and that was the day you became the cheerleader. Omgosh you were telling everyone "good job" and "way to go"... I was saying to my "wow, she is amazing"... We haven't looked back since! ;)

I would have moved on wandering the Steemit world if your posts didn't fill up my feed all the time! Lol.

Yep, haven't looked back since. ;)

First I hope you enjoyed your day of rest with your family! That is always important to do... And I'm glad you appreciate the point about the boundaries and rules.. We are very much alike in that aspect. Everyone does what he/she can do, and the only thing that binds us is we want to help others. That's pretty cool! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and since you comment as much as me, then I'm sure I will see you some more ;)

Yes, it was some time away from my laptop and had some time with my son.

Yes, the combined effort is bringing joy to other no matter what each person does as part of team #newbieresteemday.

since you comment as much as me, then I'm sure I will see you some more

lol, I will never be as much as you comment, Dave, I think even if I comment half as much as you do, I will be a much satisfied man. :)

Congratulations you have been upvoted because you read an @davemccoy post For #NewbieResteemDay

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Thanks for all the help you have provided the Initiative. I know we all appreciate it.

@bashadow you're amazing... I've seen the many you've ads that you've laid down! Its very very cool... I won't respond to more than just this one though, otherwise people will think we cheated in the league of excellence! thank you :)

I think I have lynncoyle1 and kismet2018 upto speed on the manual voter in steemworld, so You are gonna have them gunning for you in the league. I really really need to stop voting and commenting, I visited one of my wifes contest pages, so many cool pictures to vote up.

lol, you definitely need to please the wife! So stop the upvoting and you can keep the commenting.. believe me you are being very effective anytime you engage them! You have the big 55 next to your name and it comes with respect!

ps tell the wife I'm sorry and she can have your votes back for awhile ;)

Oh, thank you @bashadow, this is another firsts from team #newbieresteemday. Nice..

It’s great to see the initiative grow every day, and I’m proud to be a part of it. When I’m back full power on Monday, I’m going to think of ways to get even more involved.

Helping out new people is a great feeling, but the sense of community between the people involved, all supporting each other is priceless.

Thanks to all of you for setting this up. This is exactly why SteemIt is so much more than only a platform where you can make money: together, we can move mountains!!

Awesome that you keep popping in @simplymike! Everytime you do I get even more excited! I was especially happy that you saw this post, as your extremely generous trailing has really helped give out vote a noticable punch! This one you're definitely a piece of and you can feel good for sure about it!!!

I can't wait to see how you could get more involved, because to me you're already so terrific! Enjoy the rest of your vacation in France!!!

Only if it’s a community of great people @simplymike, which we definitely have here!

I love the cheerleader being back! You picked up the slack for me.. thanks ;)

Congratulations you have been upvoted because you read an @davemccoy post For #NewbieResteemDay

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Kind of my justbecause vote

Yall are such an amazing group of people! :) Thanks for all you do! I may need to start using that @newbieresteemday tag! ;)

that would be awesome if you did @smylie2005! We would be honored and you would bring quality to what we are doing together! Even when you're a 70 in reputation, you can use this tag because you're part of the movement too! (its not going to be long before you're helping the next class) ;)

Congratulations you have been upvoted because you read an @davemccoy post For #NewbieResteemDay

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Thank you for this post @davemccoy it helps me understand it just that much more! I love what the newbieresteemday initiative has grown into!

yes it was something I kinda knew, but when I read his words I said "wow, that explains it exactly". I thank you for being there from day 1 and I'm so happy that you are part of the ABC's of Curation! I love what we've turned into as well and its a testament to all of us that we just do our best and love helping others!

Congratulations you have been upvoted because you read an @davemccoy post For #NewbieResteemDay

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Nice one @bashadow! You have a newbieresteemday comment for rewarding people to read and engage!

I try to adjust it a little bit, but now people, (well sometimes they still do), have to wonder why I upvoted them. On newbie posting anyways.

I think it's a great idea @bashadow. Great way to get our name out there too. People will know we're not a bot and the upvote will be more meaningful! A person (you) is truly taking the time to read their comment. It's way better than a simple 'upvote' that might go unnoticed.

I will be sure to add what you're doing to the next weekly recap. So people would know what it means when you (or anyone from our team) make a comment about being upvoted!

We are only upvoting valuable comments, of course. No comment spams will be rewarded. ;)

btw, Asher has a great post about comment spams, people upvoting comments like 'nice post', 'great', and so on. Interesting read with the amount of spam comments that get upvoted by the 'same people'. I'm not into analytics but I found it interesting enough to show it to my teammate Mello, who enjoyed it greatly.

I actually try to be careful about the comment upvotes i give. I don't like bots to begin with, and spam is only okay when it comes in a can, and you have a barbeque handy to make a spam sandwich,(they are quite tasty). And I like to see nice comments, real comments, tiny nice post, nic pic, vote 4 me, Sometime if I am bored I will try to explain that what they are doing is wrong, most times I just move to the next post. After all, I have real votes to give to real people. ;-} <---- (my favorite smiley)

Well, you are awesome @bashadow, thank you for that! I really like the idea of putting the newbie resteem out there for comments~ Hope you are having an awesome day/night!!!

Lol @bashadow. I can’t remember the last time I had spam. I should have tried some on my last vacation to Hawaii!

I don’t know where all those keys are located for your smiley face on my phone! :)

Hey Dave,

nice to see what you guys building up!!
I will use the tag for my next post! ;D
But when I have really English-language followers, I have to face the challenge of answering comments in English! Help! 😅🤗 Greets from overseas! We will make it at discord, I am shure! 😊 Mo*

Congratulations you have been upvoted because you read an @davemccoy post For #NewbieResteemDay

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

          Just answer them in German, I mean it is not that hard to right click and pick "Translate to English" at least not for me, and i think just about all web browsers offer that now. Start the response with something like, "To continue reading in English, right click and select translate to English, as I have a difficult time typing in English." One line and simple explanation. The curious will learn.
          You could make it fun also and see if they actually did translate ... reply with thank you for a small treat .... If they reply you know they translated it, and read your response The treat can be anything, a vote, a response on one of their post, a resteem of one of their post, or a small wallet gift to them.

thanx for you comment, bashadow! Well and also for the upvote! :D
Yes, probably it would be fun to do it like you say, but I think they'll understand my English. It's just gonna take me more time, but that's ok. It's worth it! 😊 In addition, I can improve my English a little bit (after all, there are good translators...) 😅

          Yes there are, the web translator may not work super 100% accurate, but I have read a lot of the chinese language types, some german one, and even a couple swedish, and spanish ones. It just one more step, but taking those steps never stopped the curious.

hey Mo, you do good... so if you have problems with English I don't see it... If makes you feel any better, you speak better English then I speak German!!! and I will happily help you any time, always :)... I'm looking forward to our discord chat ;)

:) well, guess you´re right! Do you know anything in German? Then we could write in German now! 😂
Shure you can help! When I am writing my next article in English, you can read it. If you REALLY like it, give it a little nudge. :D
Looking forward too!! Maybe at the weekend!?
I haven't felt so good the last few days, so I have to catch up on a few things at the weekend. It could still work, though. I won't survive without Steemit! ;D

awww I hope you feel better... take care of yourself, I just met you! And of course I will read your article ahead of time, it would be my pleasure to help you! I like giving little nudges :D

I will! ;D

I like giving little nudges

I thougt so! 😉
see you soon!

Thanks you Sir @davemccoy
I follow your trail and use the tag on the 6 days a week contests I run on the user @funcontest
I hope as many as possible will participate in this contests since all SBD is given back to the winners and all participants get upvote from the account. As soon as the sp will rise the vote will count more. This account will not take out any money, just build to get strong and give back

And you Sir. You are doing an amazing job promoting the tag and giving advices to us on how to do better. Keep it up
Best regards @everydaycoach

Coach always nice to see you and love what you're doing! I know it takes a lot of effort to do it, but I'm hoping we can continue to grow huge together! This weekend we are opening @newbiegames and that will be a hub so that you guys can showcase your games and we can be a feeder to you all. I'm excited about this next step because the games are a great way to help the newbies engage!

Look out for it over the weekend its @newbiegames ;)

Looking forward to that. Is it ok if I use #newbieresteemday on all my post on this account also? Or should I just keep using it on the @funcontest user?

Congratulations you have been upvoted because you read an @davemccoy post For #NewbieResteemDay

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

I'll drop by on occasion and provide some additional votes. Not always, I seem to run out of vote power a lot, but I will on occasion.

Thank you, I will do:-)

Great effort! Speaking as one myself, you guys have done a big service to the newbies here!

thank you very much @wilfredn I'm happy you feel that way! I love your stuff and happy to see it... Also I'm happy because I'm going to draft you into our ranks very soon!!! haha ;)

You can be a wonderful asset to what we are doing, so keep up the awesome work and I look forward to a long and strong connection with you!

Congratulations you have been upvoted because you read an @davemccoy post For #NewbieResteemDay

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

This is indeed a great. I am sure those who are in the trail are benefiting from this program. Thanks a lot for pushing the newbies to success @davemccoy.


Thank you too Rydhi! You've helped too and I know as you get bigger you will also help others. I think we are all one big group and when we get the chance to help, each helps in their own way! I love your stuff and happy to see your success here too!

Congratulations you have been upvoted because you read an @davemccoy post For #NewbieResteemDay

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Hi @davemccoy thanks for this, I'm still struggling to get into the swing of things. As I mentioned in a comment on another post, my life is too hectic and I need to make some adjustments, it's difficult but trying to figure it out. I need time... it's now past midnight here and I'm still going through my feed. Don't even get to chat on discord. Thanks to everyone at #newbieresteemday. Have a great weekend.

Just remember Leigh that we plan on being here for the long haul. Don't feel rushed or that you need to do anything... Just take your time and enjoy what you are doing. You can ask several of the regulars that this is normal and we all have to make the same adjustments. Your heart is all that matters, so I have no fear that we will never lose you as long as you don't burn out! So don't! :)

Yeah @davemccoy you're right, but I fear I might burn out, so this year has to be the year of change! One life ... and I'm sooo thankful I'm part of this, it's uplifting and encouraging, and gives me hope that there are still great people out there!

Hi there @leighleigh! I think burn out can be a 'woman's curse'..we are always trying to do everything for everyone..classic people-pleaser stuff. In the end, take care of yourself first and everything else will follow. There is such a steep learning curve on here; I had a table full of sticky notes, lined paper, stuff all over. After about a month, everything fell into place; I'm still learning new things daily, but I don't feel so overwhelmed anymore. Just do what you can; like @davemccoy said, you're coming from a good place! Cheers:)

Hi @lynncoyle1 it's because we are so skilled at multitasking! And we care too much. Thanks for the encouragement, and just for taking the time to comment ... this is what lifts me up at the end of the day!

I'm so glad it helped! Ah yes, queen's of multi-tasking. I was a high school teacher for years and often felt like an octopus...tentacles sticking onto a million things at once :) Cheers!

Congratulations you have been upvoted because you read an @davemccoy post For #NewbieResteemDay

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Kind of my justbecause vote

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