Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (I've told you how to do this before....)

in #newbiegames6 years ago

I had fun reading the answers and replies from the last "Superpower" SBI giveaway, lots of interesting powers that were being wished for, but most importantly, lots of thought about how with power comes potential downsides and unexpected consequences. It's not always an easy thing to have complete power over something or someone....


Anyway, this week sees me writing this from sunny England! I'm on holiday! It's pretty hard to find time where the kids are free, and both my wife and I are also free at the same time... ahhh, the joys of freelance life!

Travelling together as a family often can bring out the best and worst in each other! Especially during the packing stage....

Anyway, my wife and I are good at different things... stuff that she finds easy, I find quite tricky... and vice versa! And so it goes, that at some point, one of us will say in pure exasperation... "I've shown you how to do this before..."!

My Questions

My questions this week for a valid entry into the contest are:

  1. What is something that you've shown someone else (spouse, workmate...) how to do multiple times and they still don't get it?

  2. What is something that you've been shown multiple times how to do, but you still don't remember!

My Sample Answer


Well, I've shown my wife how to do anything vaguely technology orientated a million times now, and she still keeps forgetting. For instance, I've shown her how the password manager works, and how to generate and recover passwords, but somehow, I find that she changes login details of various services and manages to lock herself out! Or another example is how her phone camera keeps changing settings (apparently via evil phone gremlins), and I've shown her how to change them back to the default auto settings. At one point we had about a month of completely blue photos from her phone, while she tried to figure out how to do it without asking me!

On the flip side, she has shown me a million times how to make the bed properly! Then when I try (with her watching me), the gremlins that normally inhabit her phone jump over to the bed and nothing I do can make the bedsheets stay in the right place! Navigating technology is much easier than wrangling bedsheets... Another example, is looking for things. She will always be able to find stuff, and I seem incapable of finding things that have been misplaced. She tells me that she's shown me a billion times how to look for things, but somehow, I look for days and then she finds it within the first hour of looking (I'm starting to suspect she's hiding stuff deliberately!).


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
  3. In the comments, tell me your thoughts about my questions about Things that you've explained before!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a beginning author, Steemit can be a daunting place. It feels like you are posting into an abyss with no ability to grow. Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but cumulative over time support to your account.

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people).

Last week's winners

The last post paid out 0.000 SBD and 1.074 STEEM in liquid earnings. So, that would make 2 shares.

The winners by random draw are:



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My wife has gotten some habits I am not use to. Not putting trash bag in trash can. Not putting away tools after using them. I have gotten use to it and kind of accepted it.

I procrastinate a lot. Wife tells me to study and get licensed but it's five years since she started that request. I may get it done this year. Maybe...

Ha, trash bag in the trash can... I forget to do that sometimes! I take the trash out into the big bin in the street and then when I've wandered bag, I'm distracted! I still get yelled at though...

The winners and the next question (Questions and Answers, Beginnings and Endings) can be found here:

What is something that you've shown someone else (spouse, workmate...) how to do multiple times and they still don't get it?

English pronouncation. I told her many times how to spell english words but my spouse can not catch it.

What is something that you've been shown multiple times how to do, but you still don't remember!

It is cooking. She showed me how to cook many times but I never make a good curry. I forgot just after she taught me.

English is complete chaos with pronunciation, no real rules and more exceptions than actual rules!

The winners and the next question (Questions and Answers, Beginnings and Endings) can be found here:

  1. Show my girlfriend how to open a Word document, type something in it, save it and then print it.
    We both gave up, lol. When that needs to be done - like everything for which a computer is involved - I'm happy to do it for her :0)

  2. There is a very long list of things that people have tried to teach me loads of times, and of which I'm still not able to do. The first thing I can think of? Do you know those throwtents? In the advertisement they show you how easy it is to put it up: you just unpack it and throw it away.
    It's great, but no one tells you you have to have a master in physics to be able to fold it again. I think I've tried it a million times, without any success. (Fortunately we have the campervan when we want to go out camping, lol)

Lol, is she from the pre computer age? Good idea to mutually come to a truce over that, there is only pain going ahead on that one!

Oh, you are supposed to reuse the tents? Maybe they are designed to throw open and then discard! I'm sure that folding up the van is much easier...

Sometimes I think she 's from the pre computer age, but she's actually younger than me. But it's like with everything: if you don't need to do it very frequently ánd you have someone around that can do it for you in no time, then why would you bother to learn?

And the tents, if you watch a festival ground after the festival has finished, it is obvious that most people think those tents shouldn't be reused. People are leaving them behind everywhere... I can understand, though: who on earth can do such an impossible thing with only a drawn manual after a couple of days of partying...
Btw, folding up the van is way easier, lol

The winners and the next question (Questions and Answers, Beginnings and Endings) can be found here:

Thanks, @bengy.
I really like how you keep me up to date. There's a big chance I would miss out on your contests if you didn't :0)

For me it is blockchain and crypto with my wife. I have tried to explain this all to her so many times she says she gets it but well then we start talking and no she doesn't

Now the thing I can never seem to do is dates of things. With out my calendar app I would be lost. Still people tell me about stuff and I just never remember.

This all sounds familiar, although I do find my wife does understand more about crypto than she lets on... I think!

I'm the same with remembering things! It's all in my diary, it used to be paper, now it is digital! No way that I can remember anything without it!

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The winners and the next question (Questions and Answers, Beginnings and Endings) can be found here:

My partner has shown me about a million times how to cook and it just goes in one ear and out the other. I'm lucky if I don't burn water.

He's hopeless at finding anything in the pantry cupboard even though the order has not changed in the last two years.
Top shelf -> flour, sugar, cereal, yeast, spare tea and coffee
Second shelf -> cans, stock, bread, pasta and rice
Third shelf -> spices, spreads, oil salt and pepper and basically anything liquid.
And thats about it.

Coming van be tricky, I find when my mum visits, I don't cook for weeks and I really forget how to do anything!

Funny about the pantry though! Seems like a memorable system, better than sorting by colours!

I was trying to think of a way to sort my spices. Colour it is! ;)

The winners and the next question (Questions and Answers, Beginnings and Endings) can be found here:

I'd say my wife and I try to consciously acknowledge that l, when we teach each other how to do something, it's only as A way to do it, not THE way. But as new parents we're both getting lots of opportunities to establish our own ways of, for example, soothing kiddo. Both of us seem to be effective at it, so that's good.

Posted using Partiko Android

But nothing that you can do that is easy for you and difficult for another? Taxes, juggling, chess?

I've been racking my brain for that. Juggling is something I can do. I taught @stinawog, now she can do it, too. Taxes I just kind of do, no need for us both to be able to do them. Chess is something I'm okay at playing, and while there may be strategies that one of us us better at, the basic game itself isn't baffling to either of us.

I am either an excellent teacher or, if someone isn't getting something, I don't notice, and just assume they do. I'm kidding. I really do think I'm an excellent teacher and an excellent student surrounded by people who are patient and good listeners.

I feel awfully arrogant about this. I suppose @stinawog has a certain way that she'd prefer a bed to be made, but it's not that I don't understand how to do it, it's just that she's far more adept at it, and so she simply does it. When push comes to shove, I believe I do an adequate job, at least good enough for her approval. Laundry-folding-wise, push never comes to shove.

What else... Improv is hard, but I'm not explicitly a teacher of it, and when we chat about shows it's always either of us is only giving notes regarding our own performances. "I totally dropped my spacework halfway through that scene, didn't I?" and so on.

Maybe @stinawog can think of things that apply. Darling, are you there?

No problem! You did give it some thought! It's a valid entry.

Perhaps it was my example that set the tone, but everyone so far is talking about what they have tried to teach spouses.... Oops, I didn't mean for this to become a gripe session about our partners!

@stinawog says she still doesn't "get" trading SBD for steem and powering up and knowing when to do what, but I think she does. There's just not, like, a "right" answer.

Conversely, perhaps I am not a good teacher, but rather don't consider myself enough of an expert in anything that I would think to teach it MY way.

The winners and the next question (Questions and Answers, Beginnings and Endings) can be found here:

Something I always explain people to do is crypto stuffs, and people never seem to get it. I don't blame them, actually, I was like that, but I began to use bitcoin related platforms which led me to tokens and other coins and now I'm not an expert, but I know some things. One specific person once asked me if Bitcoin was a gold coin you could buy in real life after I told him it was a virtual coin. This is the only person I actually wanted to punch in the face.

And something I always ask my friends and never remember it's the paperwork I have to do to move to a different country. They always tell me and I understand but then I forget the whole thing.

Crypto and the way it works and it's potential application in technology is quite tricky to explain well, mainly because it really is a new concept and mostly because people don't really understand much about computing in the first place! Too much assumed knowledge!

Moving to another country? I've only moved once (not counting travelling, but really relocating), I remember it was a hassle with lots of things being to be done... But I wouldn't remember now!

The winners and the next question (Questions and Answers, Beginnings and Endings) can be found here:

For more than ten years now (I'm not kidding) I still get calls from my mom asking me to help her "fix" her Internet connection. She has upgraded her modem, her router, and even her laptop a few times, but she still has a hard time troubleshooting her Internet connection. And by troubleshoot, I mean just checking that the cables are not loose, restarting her modem/router/PC a few times, and turning her Wi-Fi signal on/off from the PC. I even manage her Wi-Fi password, today.

As for the other question, the one thing I can never seem to learn is how to operate the outdoor grill. I can grill pretty well on my stovetop, but everything just becomes alien when I try it outdoors. I just can't figure it out--from preparing the grill to making sure the fire doesn't get too hot, and even cooking the meat on the open flame. When its time to barbecue, the only assistance I can give is to watch the food and baste it when the person in charge has to do something else for a few minutes.

Oh, the dreaded tech support call... A few years back, I installed a remote desktop on my mum's computer! It has made my life easier, but she often doesn't listen to me when I say 'do nothing'!

I also struggle with coal bbq. It is often a lot hotter than I think, and so I have to be really fast. But then the outside cooks too fast and the middle not so much. I'm considering moving to a gas BBQ...

That's so true with the coal bbq. That's the grill we use and I can't ever get it right. Lol! It's a hopeless case for me.

The winners and the next question (Questions and Answers, Beginnings and Endings) can be found here:

I have shown my wife many times how to do all sort of manual things, but she just doesn't get it. She is very bad at things that require precision and craftsmanship. The absolute worst is wrapping presents. She just rolls the paper around it and then puts on loads of tape...

holiday present fail.jpeg
not wrapped by her, still far too nice

I on the other hand am at war with order. I have the habit of randomly removing my shoes and/or socks and just leaving them scattered around the house. She told me countless times, but it just happens without me even noticing it.

Oh no! I forgot, this is one of the things that I'm terrible at as well! I can't wrap a present to save my life! What you photographed is probably what mine would look like on a good day!

The winners and the next question (Questions and Answers, Beginnings and Endings) can be found here:

What is something that you've shown someone else (spouse, workmate...) how to do multiple times and they still don't get it?

  • I've tried to explain a friend of mine that he can't watch Live Streaming TV over my 0.25 MBit Internet Connection but it's useless. Every time he goes to my house, he insists on trying Kodi and all sorts of plugins. They never work... as my Internet Connection is from the last century.
    After a couple of hours trying and being unable to watch anything... he eventually gives up.

What is something that you've been shown multiple times how to do, but you still don't remember!

  • Working with Microsoft Visual Studio - I don't know why but I think Microsoft complicates things too damn much. Why must it be so damn difficult to start a basic "Hello, world!" program? What a nightmare.

Ha ha, you just don't want to share your internet and throttle it down when he visits!

I haven't given visual studio a go, most of my programming was pretty rudimentary stuff from when I did Science. I have been trying to date myself to learn a bit more though...

The winners and the next question (Questions and Answers, Beginnings and Endings) can be found here:

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