Irish Crochet Dress - The Picture Emerging

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago

Many late nights, early mornings and numerous stolen moments later a clearer picture of the dress is emerging.

Hello my @needleworkmonday and other steemit friends!

Here's a little update on my Irish crochet dress, that by some sort of a miracle seems to be actually coming together.

As I wrote in my previous posts about this dress, the process is really slow and tedious...

To be perfectly honest, I've had some very VERY dark moments of despair, when it seemed that no matter how many hours I was working on it, I was stuck in one place unable to move forward...

And yet I was wrong... late quiet evening, I finally unpinned the lace from the work table and was able to evaluate (and maybe admire a little) a fuller picture of the front of the dress.

So here's where I am at at the moment:

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And here's a full length image:

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Below are few process images, just to give you a fuller picture:

As mentioned before, after crocheting all separate elements separately, you then lay them out on a flat surface to form a desirable shape and picture.

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I used an old dress in order to achieve the right size/shape/length. This old purple dress you see in the pictures is only here for modelling, it won't be part of the finished dress.

And after you are happy with the picture you've laid out, you then have to attach the elements to your surface by stitching (you can also use pins, if convenient) and start crocheting lace to gather all the elements together.

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Also, as mentioned in other posts, when crocheting the lace, you are looking at the 'bad' side of the dress, which means you can only see the emerging picture, after you finish a section, unpin your work from the surface and turn it around...

...always an exciting and scary moment in equal measures...

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After this epic journey, which isn't even half done, I needed a little rest.

But now I feel the dress is calling again and I must go... :)

Get a hobby, enjoy your life!

All photos and text is my original content.

You can see copyright signs on photos because they were taken for my blog .

If you liked this post, let’s connect – leave a comment or follow me at @vliet , I’ll check out your profile as well.

You can also find me on my travel blog or Facebook Page HERE



So much work and skills is visible in this dress.

When I was younger we had an old lady living next to us. This was her hobby. She was always offering to teach me how to do it. At that time I didn't find it very cool so I didn't want to accept her offer. Eventually, she got so annoying that I spent one afternoon with her and oh boy, this is just so difficult. Even to learn the basics was impossible to me. I think that she realized there was no talent in me as she didn't ask me to visit her anymore :D

Anyway, I love those roses. And the dress is just beautiful. It is a pity that you didn't show us how it looks like when it's on a model. I would love to see it. Oh, owning such a piece must be a pleasure.

Thank you for sharing and congratulations on finishing the dress! It is stunning!

Thanks @delishtreats for your kind comments!
Actually, I don't have the whole dress yet, what you see is only the front part, which is one third of the dress... (I still have to do the back, sleeves and the sides...).
But when I'm done, I'll surely be modelling it! :D

I would have loved to have a neighbour like yours! I'd say she would have found all mistakes in my dress...

But I really get how annoying it can be to have someone try and push their hobby on you...
It maybe the reason why you found Irish crochet so complicated, although I must say it's not as difficult as it seems, just really tedious and slow...

Thanks again for stopping buy!

I'm looking forward to the finished dress then :)

To me your dress looks perfect but I'm not the expert so she would maybe find something :) But I don't think so! :)

Have a lovely weekend!

Many thanks @delishtreats !
Ye, those experts always like finding something... ;-)
Enjoy your Sunday afternoon!

The dress is stunning @vliet! It sure makes all the late nights, early mornings and stolen moments all worth it! And I thought you were going to sew the roses onto a plain dress but you are crocheting the dress too!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks @marbley !
Yes, it's a crochet dress all the way, that plain dress is there only for modelling.

Are you designing the crochet pattern as you work on it? It really is amazing!

What I do is lay out the separate elements (flowers, leaves, branches, etc.) onto the model dress, stitch the 'picture' to the place and then crochet the lace. The lace is really very simple, just the change up of colours.

This is unbelievably, absolutely, positively, amazingly (I could keep going lol) GORGEOUS!! It has been such a fun pleasure seeing this beautiful piece come together. You have worked so hard and for so long lady. I sure hope you find that special occasion to wear this to because it needs to be seen. I am just in awe at all of these pieces you have made separately and how you are now weaving them all together with the mesh technique. It is very dreamy and as @fiberfrau mentioned like a fairytale. Keep up the great work and I hope you don’t get discouraged if more challenges have come too far to stop now!

Congratulations on your curie was well earned! ❤️

Thanks so much @crocheille for your kind comments!
Ye, I'm at the stage now where there is no going back... even if I get really really discouraged, the only way now is forward :D

@vliet, you were nominated to become a Redfish Rocket (I don't remember by who) and receive a delegation to bring your SP up to 100.

Congratulations. You won the delegation, check your SP. You should have enough RC now to function properly.

You can read the original contest post here

You can read the winners post here

And I invite you to join the Redfish Rockets Discord server. You can do so by clicking the link below:

Thank you so so much @simplymike , it's really encouraging!
I was nominated by @brittandjosie - thank you so much!

Yessssssssss now you got your slider. You can say the amount ! Let me know if you need more help 😉

Thank you so much @brittandjosie !

Glad to hear you got the message. I was a little afraid you had already given up, and I was too late.

Try to.make the most of it!

Thanks @simplymike ! Yes, I started using steemit much less as couldn't justify spending all the time here with little reward...
will try to make the most of it, as you say :) Thanks again!

I can understand. I'm in bit of a luxury position, since I don't have a lot of obligations during the day. I'm still recovering from surgeries I had, so I'm not allowed to do a lot yet.
So it is probably different for me than for you, but the moment I let go of the monetary rewards, and started considering SteemIt as a normal social platform, I didn't have to justify spending time here anymore. I'm just having fun and enjoying the conversations I have, and realizing I have already learned so much by being on here. The money is a nice bonus, but in the list of reasons why I'm still here, the money is probably one of the least important.
But again, that's easy to say when you have all the time in the world...

That's the main thing, everything requires time and there are only so many hours in the day...

I hope you are getting better after your surgeries, sorry to hear you are incapacitated. But as you say, this means you can spend more time on steemit - there's a silver lining everywhere, if you look for it! :)
Get well soon!

Thanks. I'm lobbying to get 72 hours in a day, but so far no luck. And even then I wouldn't be sure if I would get everything done, lol

LOL , 72 hours would be great!

Lots of working hours indeed! But it looks nice!

This dress is sheer couture amazingness. Thanks so much for bringing us on the journey of its creation!

Many thanks @creationofcare for your kind comments and for stopping by!

This is amazing! You are so patient with the process! I look forward to all the future posts about this dress!

Many thanks @jamethiel !
I hope I won't be too long with those future posts, although because the process is so so slow I don't think I'll have an update any time very soon...

Hi vliet,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

Visit or join the Curie Discord community to learn more.

Many thanks for your upvote @curie ! It's always so so encouraging :)

Spectacular, @vliet ! It's a huge undertaking and I totally admire its beauty and construction.

So when you're working on joining everything you have to crochet the 'mesh' on the wrong side ? I can imagine myself going 'oh no, I left some crocheted flowers the right way around ! :D

Thanks @cryptocariad !
Hahaha! Yes, the mesh is always crocheted on the wrong side, and it's a challenge not to forget to turn around the flowers plus to picture which way each element will be pointing when you look at the right side of the dress - lots of mind games to be played :DD

Happy to see you are back to Needlework Monday :) And your work is amazing vliet!! I look forward to seeing the finished dress. Great great job!

Many thanks @akipponn !
Yes, I was a bit busy with life commitments, so had little time for social media...
Hope to be more consistent in posting...

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