Frankenstein, light saber and my way on the dark side or correcting mistakes in a knitted sweater

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)

The lights are flickering, thunder rolls and the faint smell of sulphur flows through the air. A young and unearthly beautiful red-haired woman leans over a dissecting table. Sweat pearls down her milk-coloured soft skin and creases of concentration appear between her brows. Her slender hands are holding a vicious looking hook which digs deep into the soft tissue. Folding, knotting, sewing - needles punching pink flesh, scissors cutting excess cord and slowly the gaping holes are closed. And out of the darkness arises the:

The Pastel Pink Sweater

After all of your lovely comments with so many helpful suggestions and encouragements and @cryptocariad invitations to cross over to the dark side, I did it, I finished the pink sweater. Mostly my mending attempts look more like a failed surgery, but if the light is dark and I do not rise my arms, I can wear the thingy.

pastel pin a line knit.jpg

The challanges
I started this cardigan centuries half a year ago, before I started to knit combination style. The result is, that the older parts of the sweater are very loosely knit, and the recent parts are tighter and so also smaller and shorter. I have no idea why I simply ignored this and put the sweater together… resulting in a sweater with one shorter and tighter sleeve.
The next obstacle was, that I used a Japanese pattern which I had in a French translation. Sadly, I neither speak French nor Japanese (no joke, I seem to just shut of my brain sometimes). So, I did not truly understand how the underarms should be sewed together, because there were some life stitches, which the pattern advised not to cast of.


Surgery Mending
I followed @cryptocariad invitation to the dark side (where is my promised cookie?) and inserted two rows of half double crochet lengthwise into the tighter sleeve. It does not look so bad (please don’t correct me), it could be a design element. The real problem was the sleeve with the ok width, because my sewing… oh dear. I learned from a good friend that knitted items in contrast to crochet items should be always sewed together with the right side visible. I followed this advice. Annoyingly she meant stockinette should always sewed together with the right side visible, not garter stitch. So, I have made a scar, I have knitted Frankenstein’s monster’s cardigan.

In a rush I followed my path and produced more of this big and bulging seams. Because I did not understand the Japanese instructions, I weirdly simply casted of all underarm stitches and sewed them together, resulting in very visible seams on the right side of the garment.

The last two steps were to crochet some rows of half double crochet as sleeve cuffs to regulate the length difference between the two sleeves and to crochet a buttonband. Again, I was defeated by my laziness: I worked only five buttonholes (I hate sewing on buttons) whereas seven or nine would have been much nicer.
Alas! All is done, and the cardigan mimics a wearable garment. I call it a victory.

Design ohne Titel(2).jpg

Just that you know, I was totally unclear where I should bring up the light saber… but I really wanted to. Instead of saber photos I just jumped on a shopping cart and climbed a railing – I hope it’s similar exciting for you 😉


Thank you all for your encouragement. I would never have guessed that this would help me so much to finish some of my “shame” ufo’s. This is such a great community. THAAANKKK YOUUUU<3

Photos were made again by the talented @giavellottista


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🍪 🍪 Success @neumannsalva 🍪 🍪!

Doing seams on garter stitch doesn't seem to be that straightforward... I have to say I haven't attempted it before, but I found a few tutorials.

I honestly don't think the issues show, but of course you know about them ... I really like the colour of that cardigan and the look of garter stitch.

I am really glad that the force was with you on this one !!

The cookie!!! I got it!! 😍
And thank you for the link, I so have to check it out. The seam I made is beautiful on the inside, but so bulgy on the right side... I definitly did something wrong.
I also love the soft pink and hope to wear it often :-D

Sooooooooooo FUNNY! I love your hilarious jokes and the photos of you climbing the shopping cart and railings haha!
And the sweater looks really beautiful! I love the pale pinkness of it and its fluffiness. Is it soft in touch? I'm very glad that you finished this wonderful project <3 The Dark Side surely suits you :P

Happy you found it funny. And yes, the yarn is super soft. I already made a cushion with this yarn. But the negative side is, it is felting and pilling strongly, perhaps because it is only lightly twisted. I am not sure if it was a clever choice to use this yarn for a sweater.
And the dark side ... we will see muahahahahaha (please imagine some thunder and creepy noises)

I just Love Monday’s and this Community! I loved your post intro! I was about to go and pop some popcorn as I read but sadly I finished before getting downstairs! 😄

Kudos to you!! 🎉🎈 Yay for completing your beautiful pink cardigan. Frankenstein style or not your stitch work is always beautiful and I think you just put your own signature on this piece! Wear it with pride my dear because it was made by YOUR hands and that says a lot!!!

As always I LOVE your creative photo series. You are just the cutest and I love reading your posts every week! Thanks for contributing so much to the community and bringing smiles and originality to the plattform! You Rock lady!!! 😘❤️

So many compliments!!! I am blushing 😍, but I must confess that I was also very proud of my own intro too (and now ashamed to admit it) A surgery photo with blood and wool would have been so perfect, but I am missing a special effect crew 😆
I love writing on Monday and I am so happy you invited me and invented this group. For me it is a big help in writing to have a fixed date and all your lovely feedback <3
I hope you are well and I am curious to see your post 💕

You have every right to blush, I meant every word!! ☺️

Lol oh wow with special effects that would have been phenomenal!!!

I am so glad you love writing on Monday’s! I do as well! I literally look forward to Monday’s now and never has that been before Steemit and this community lol! I find it helpful too having a fixed day to write specific posts on. It’s really a great way to help us all stay accountable and motivated to getting our projects completed! This post you wrote proves that!! 😊💕

Thank you I am very well and anticipating finishing this blanket before baby girl arrives! You all motivate me to keep going! 😘

Awesome post! The Frankenstein cardigan arises! You certainly ended up putting a lot of work into it to make it beautiful! And it did turn out really cute. Even if you never ever, ever, ever wear it again!
I was hoping for some lightsaber battles... but I guess the battle of the sleeves was fairly historic.
Maybe next time with light sabres!

Yes light sabres!!!!! I am with you.... but my master told me I am not advanced enough and only after I have sewn in a million yarn ends I will receive his blessings.

Right now, I like the sweater enough to wear it, but we have such weird weather. I think the last time I wrote how cold it is and that I was freezing during the photo shoot. now it is so hot I was drenched in sweat afterwards. So I am not sure if the weather will allow me to wear the cardigan.
I hope you are back home and have time to relax a little bit.

Start with smaller blades! Like:
I know what you mean about the weather, it has been raining/snowing on again off again here and would you really never knowing what you're going to encounter during the day.
I am home for most of this week, then we're going to take a quick vacation to a retreat with some friends over the next weekend. And then next Tuesday I fly to Boston!

Oh god! i love the glowing needles. Thank you so much for this link... I have to send this to my knitting friends (naturally - only if the master approves)
I wish you a relaxing or exciting (not sure about the retreat style) vacation.

Oh, my goodness, I LAUGHED SO HARD over the "French translation of a Japanese pattern" especially when you added that you speak
neither French nor Japanese...I'm dying😂😂😂 The way you worded this whole post was hilarious and I enjoyed every bit! And your cardigan looks fine on you in the pics, too. I know exactly how it feels when you know what and where any mistakes are, but to a non-knitter like me it looks just fine :)

Thank you!!! Believe me the shop assistant in the nearest yarn shop did not laugh but looked like I was mad. (I asked her to help, because she speaks a little French) But today I am also glad, that I finished this project and your lovely comments were a huge help. Also, your mending post.... while reading it I felt reassured that everybody makes (little) mistakes. Such a lovely post of yours!!!

Why thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :) Ohhh yes I (usually) don't mind admitting my mistakes...I didn't use to be that way, but it's something I've learned to accept better as I've gotten older.

The grocery cart pictures make it look like you are flying, haha! In my opinion, the little scars, bobbles, whatever, give your sweater character - wear it with pride!

Thank you and yes, this jacket has a rough character ;-)
And with this strange shopping cart - I have no idea why it was in this park - flying was very funny, but also strenious, because it was so warm and all the blood was in my head :-DDD

Love this - if you keep your arms down and wear it in the dark! Ha! It looks cute to my untrained eye! :) Glad it's at least finished. :)

Thank you. All your lovely comments so helped to get this cardigan finished :-D

You are hilarious @neumannsalva! 😂 Tq for bringing smiles and laughter to our faces! Your dramatic writing and photo posing are amazing. With you, the force is! 🗡️
And congrats on finishing the sweater! What an achievement! Wished I could knit like that. I am still just at the scarf level (just straight knits for now 😆) And guess what, I also buy patterned magazines and books in Japanese / Chinese with lots of pics though I don't know how to read them. I am hoping the pictures would be enough .

The force is strong in you too <3 And I am happy that I could make you smile. The photo shoot was very spontaneous, actually we wanted to visit a flea market, but the shopping cart and the little stream were so inspiring, that we made some photos.
And with the Japanese knitting magazines - sigh - so beautiful! They have so many amazing patterns and such beautiful photos, I think I love them all. Sadly, I don't have the standard Japanese size 😆😆😆, so the charts don't help me... Maybe in the future, when I am more advance in knitting...

I congratulate you, you made this!!! Now my soul is calm, and then I was very worried about the fate of this project))) really like the soft pink color of the cardigan!

I hoped to put you at ease :-D And I am also happy, that I could finish thins. Now I am progressing on my mothers shirt, but I think I made it too big, it does not fit her so well... sigh

Your cardigan is beautiful and your pictures look fun.

Happy Needlework Monday

Thank you for the compliments. Making the photos was fun too, only a tad war, (I mean sweaty super warm) We have crazy weather right now.
Happy crafting to you

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