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RE: Frankenstein, light saber and my way on the dark side or correcting mistakes in a knitted sweater

I just Love Monday’s and this Community! I loved your post intro! I was about to go and pop some popcorn as I read but sadly I finished before getting downstairs! 😄

Kudos to you!! 🎉🎈 Yay for completing your beautiful pink cardigan. Frankenstein style or not your stitch work is always beautiful and I think you just put your own signature on this piece! Wear it with pride my dear because it was made by YOUR hands and that says a lot!!!

As always I LOVE your creative photo series. You are just the cutest and I love reading your posts every week! Thanks for contributing so much to the community and bringing smiles and originality to the plattform! You Rock lady!!! 😘❤️


So many compliments!!! I am blushing 😍, but I must confess that I was also very proud of my own intro too (and now ashamed to admit it) A surgery photo with blood and wool would have been so perfect, but I am missing a special effect crew 😆
I love writing on Monday and I am so happy you invited me and invented this group. For me it is a big help in writing to have a fixed date and all your lovely feedback <3
I hope you are well and I am curious to see your post 💕

You have every right to blush, I meant every word!! ☺️

Lol oh wow with special effects that would have been phenomenal!!!

I am so glad you love writing on Monday’s! I do as well! I literally look forward to Monday’s now and never has that been before Steemit and this community lol! I find it helpful too having a fixed day to write specific posts on. It’s really a great way to help us all stay accountable and motivated to getting our projects completed! This post you wrote proves that!! 😊💕

Thank you I am very well and anticipating finishing this blanket before baby girl arrives! You all motivate me to keep going! 😘

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