Needleworkmonday- Feb 25, 2019- planning projects

Not much work done on my hand towels, a few additional rows and progress was made but nothing special. Been dealing with a bad head cold and generally not interested in doing much for the last 5 days. I even called in sick today as I was feeling pretty bad.

Luckily for me, Dayquil is a effective medicine and has helped me be slightly productive-ish. I decided to ball up some skeins I got a while ago so that they would be ready to use when I feel better.
First I had to set up the swift and ball winder. My helpers were quite judgmental about this as they wanted me to go lay down again and cuddle them.
Harley insisted on laying down under the swift and stayed there most of the time I was working on these. She was so happy to be participating and purred the whole time.

Tiger and I are making progress on the white towel. I just don't work on it as often as I should. :)

It has been snowing for the last 3 days. It looks peaceful but is pretty cold.

To give you an idea about how much snow we have gotten this is from 9 days ago-

And this is from today-

The piles of snow around the driveway have gotten higher every day!

Hope you all have a great needleworkmonday!


Goodness! That snow! I hope you have high boots!
The cats are so funny, in with everything and put out you're not doing as you should! Hope your cold recovers soon, it can be miserable 😭

I got some decent boots last year, they work well and keep me warm. The cats are always in the middle of anything we do, which can be fun or frustrating. :)
I am definitely feeling better, still sneezing a bit but much better.
Thank you!

First: I won't tell you that it's 55 F right now at 5 pm here in northern Germany and won't post a link to images full of the awakening spring ;) Though we all know that winter probably will come again in the next weeks.

I love the yarn and the colors - and your swift! I dream of such a thing and a ball winder but always tell me I don't need because I've got a friend that has them. Well, I'll dream on ;)

Spring is definitely started in Germany! Thank you for the link, the photo of Crocuses was very pretty!
I had wanted them for years because I hate waiting at yarn stores for the sales people to ball up my purchases. And nobody I knew had one of their own. It has been a very worthwhile investment for us. I highly recommend owning your own set if you have the space to store them. I got lucky, we ended up with a spare room after my brother moved out so crafting stuff gets stored there now.

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I hope you are feeling better today! That is a nifty tool you have there!! Lol your cat does not look excited about your idea! 😂

Wow that’s a lot of snow. We had a pretty big one last month.

Definitely feeling better! Thank you!

Oh what a perfect way to work on your project - surrounded by snow and cats... I find that winter is usually the time when I advance most on my projects. That white towel looks lovely, even in its unfinished state.
I hope you are feeling better!

I was doing much better at my projects this winter, until we started playing video games in the evenings. :) Thank you!

I like your blue yarn. I wonder what you want to knit from it. A very interesting device for winding yarn! I have not seen this yet. The Tiger did not sleep :))) he usually sleeps in your photo and your husband :) snow brings joy at the beginning of winter, but in the end it is not very pleasant :)

I am still deciding what to make with the blue yarn. But at least it is now ready to go!
The Swift holds a skein of yarn and spins as the Ball Winder is cranked. If you do it right, the tension is good and the ball turns out firm and well rolled. My husband got me the Ball Winder before Christmas when a local shop was having a holiday sale. The Swift was a gift from some friend who are part of my knitting group, we will sometimes do a day of cooking and yarn ball-ing and it comes in very handy.
Tiger is only awake because he wanted to sleep next to me and I kept moving around. His nickname is Mr Grumpy right now as he is dealing with a cold too and doesn't feel well.
Thank you!

wonderful gift !!!!! poor Tiger!

Oh noooo sh*** cold. I hope you feel better soon. And the yarn you wound looks lovely, especially the blue one. Looking forward to a project with it.
Your cats are so amazing... for me they look like you are disturbing there peace. It’s as if they are saying ‚why does she turn this strange wooden thing, cant she simply let it be and cuddle us?‘ I know I am über interpreting :-D
Your weather seems so far away for me. Here spring has set in and this much too early. We have 17 degrees Celsius (62 degrees) and flowers are starting to bloom.

Your interpretation is probably correct! Enjoy the spring, ours is still another month or so away!

Get well soon, can't wait to see the project finished, the white towel looks great :)

Cats and yarn swifts! It can be challenging! I had a rescue cat who used to collide with my hand as I wound the yarn. That's how I learned that she liked more force when I pet her, and that resolved some trouble.
Do your cats attack the swift a little? Mine did, but she didn't really damage anything. Just slowed things down a bit.

Beautiful yarn btw!

Harley bit the swift once because it kept just barely brushing the tips of her ears. She had to shift position to bite it and doing so arranged her so it didn't bother her ears any more. Neither cat played with any of the yarn, they wanted attention and cuddles more than playing.
Thanks! The blue sparkly yarn is going to be a shawl of some sort and the beige is going to become a blanket I think.

Hi @jamethiel,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

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