Personalizing Gwen's Quilt Back Using My Embroidery Machine - Needlework Monday


Sunday night comes around and I'm trying to figure out what to do for my Needlework Monday post. Well, no progress has been made on Gwen's Quilt and I didn't do any other sewing this week, so it was time to do the next step to finish Gwen's quilt back. I'm happy to have the motivation that Needlework Monday brings...even if it is late on Sunday night!

IMG_0595.JPG . IMG_0594.JPG

I drag out my handy embroidery machine that we purchased years ago off of eBay. It weighs a ton, but it does a great job. It's the Disney version, although I only really use it for the letters and shapes. I don't really like to change the thread and the Disney ones use a lot of colors!


For this quilt, I want to do a simple heart with her name and mine. Should be easy enough, one color, simple design. These are the pieces I'll need: stabilizer for the back of the fabric, the embroidery hoop to hook in the machine and the thread. I wanted it to stand out, so I chose turquoise.


This is what the monitor looks like when starting. You can choose any number of designs and match them all up together. It takes a little while to learn how to use it at the start. Mine has been in storage for a few years, but I quickly figured it out again!


For each part of the design, you can move it all around the screen, change the array of it (make it slanted or curved), and change the size. It is pretty easy to use. It tells you how large the final product will be.

IMG_0601.JPG . IMG_0600.JPG

Once the design is chosen, it's ready to go! Snap the hoop in place with the fabric and stabilizer on and you're ready to go! (I know that it looks like I'm sewing in a cave. We had some of the lights on and I could see just fine! The phone didn't like taking pics though!)

IMG_0612.JPG . IMG_0610.JPG

Once you put the needle down and push the green button to start, the machine does all the work. It starts out doing different layers of the design and I'm always interested in how it does it at times. For instance, it will start at the end of the letter "m" even if that doesn't make sense. Here it is starting the heart and putting leaves on.

IMG_0606.JPG . IMG_0607.JPG

As it goes, the monitor keeps you updated on which letter is being sewn as well as how much time is left for the design. If the thread breaks (which mine did twice - once making a huge mess of the letter "G"), you just back up the design to where you want it to start again. (4 of 9 minutes left below at that point.)

IMG_0603.JPG . IMG_0604.JPG

Since it had been a few years since I had used the machine, I had to take a little longer to remind myself how to do some of the stuff. It should have taken 9 minutes from start to finish, but the big mess the broken thread made added some extra time (and the fact that I couldn't find my seam ripper and had to use tiny scissors and try not to cut the fabric). So from taking the machine out to putting it away was about an hour and a half. Not too terrible and I'm happy how it turned out!

#NeedleworkMonday by @crosheille

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The STEEM Engine


OH!! Perfect keepsake Aunty! And I am so envious of your embroidery machine! Love it. Sure beats hand embroidery when you want to finish the project and it's perfect! Thanks for sharing this.

Thanks! I'm excited to get the quilt finished and give it to her. Or at least send it her way since I won't be there (and haven't met her yet). She was born after we moved to Panama and we haven't been back to visit (and have no current plan to). Someday...she's already walking though at 10 months!!

I want to own really like that embroidery machine, it looks so nice and neat .Gwen will definitely be overjoyed when she gets this quilt. For a machine that has been in store for years, the embroidery machine really pulled through. I hope you get to use it once in a while from now on, you did a really nice job, I wish I had a way to customize what I make like this. Finishing this up on sunday night is so cool

Yes, I'm so glad that the machine was good. On the pic of the name of the machine, you can see a fly wrapped in a spider web. Lol - it was a dirty mess and dusty! I'm just glad it was okay and I got it finished! :)

What a fun machine to have!
The quilt looks great!


Thank you! It is a great machine. I'm glad we went for it a few years ago. It doesn't sew well at all (it makes a huge knot of fabric on the bottom), but it does nice embroidery work. :)

Wouldn't it be nice to have a machine that does it all? And well!?
Sew, serge, overlock, embroider, etc etc.

Sewing machines still scare me. Back in grade school, we had this class called "Home Economics," which has long since been replaced. Anyway, I had to sew a pillow together and managed to hit something with the needle, breaking it off, and sending it whizzing right past my eye. I haven't touched one of those things since!

Lol - I have had a needle break and fly at my face. It is scary. I have a quilt named "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" for good reason as well. I sewed part of my finger on that one! Quilting is fun, but can be dangerous. I took home ec three times (they kicked me out the third time), but I never did get into the sewing one. Only the cooking part. :)

Ouch! That doesn't sound like it was a fun quilt to make! How did you take EC three times?!

The Home Ec class I had was a little of everything. I don't know why they removed it, to be honest. If I were designing curriculum, I'd have a class that focused on basic survival skills for the 21st century. I've seen too many undergrads sent off to college that couldn't cook Ramen.

One kid, back in my undergrad days, managed to mess up the washing machine so spectacularly that I thought he might not be college material. I think he used dish soap or something, because the bubbles had literally pressurized and started coming out around the washing machine door.

He definitely could have benefited from a how-to-life class!

Yes, I TRIED to take it three times. Once in middle school (cooking) then once in 9th grade (cooking) and then I signed up for it again but found out it was cooking again on day 1, so they told me I couldn't do it wouldn't count. The last school I taught at still has Home Ec (middle school). Yes, kids these days (shaking my head). I gotta teach my kids how to do laundry (although they do sort and put theirs away). One son makes mac and cheese and the older two can make sandwiches, cut apples, make lemonade, etc. Not totally useless, but the oldest is only 9. :) Lol - yes, that kid sounds like he needed some kind of help before making it to college. ;) Ha

At first, I thought you did it by hand. Which would have been even more awesome and reminded me of my mother sewing my initials on the inside of my school coat.

Computerized embroidery is the norm now, I have even bought my mother a simple Singer sewing machine. Not computerized but I don't think she needs it now :D

Thanks for sharing your knowledge! I have met many others that were sewing around here!

That would have been impressive by hand. I can sew by hand, but not that nice. :) Yeah, the less computerized the machine, the better. Easier to fix if something goes wrong. If something happens to this guy, I'm in trouble!! :)

lovely work, following and upvoted. 😉

This looks adorable, I soooo want that sewing machine!!! :)

It's a nice machine and it weighs a ton. I should probably just stick it somewhere and leave it (like I did in Texas).

Wow that is such a cool modern sewing machine! Hahaha I never saw any like that before :D

Anyway that quilt reminding of the one that my late grandma made for me when I was a kid. She used to "recycled" old clothes, sew them together and turn it to a blanket :)

That's so cool! I'm glad she made quilts for you. My grandmother quilted, but I didn't ever end up with one that she made.

I feel the same way about the motivation of #NeedleWorkMonday! My husband is like “you know you don’t have to post every Monday.” I’m like “I know but I want to.” Lol 😄

This is a really neat process on how the machine works. I would be so nervous if it messed up along the way. That’s how I feel with sewing, I’m always afraid I won’t be able to fix the mistakes. I love the way it turned out, it’s really pretty. Thanks for showing us how the machine works :D

Lol - you gotta post on Monday! We're all expecting it from each other. That's what makes it pretty fun and it's great motivation. :) The G that it messed up on was pretty annoying, but I'm just glad I knew how to fix it and it did it right the second time. Had it made a big hole, I don't know what I would have done. I can't wait to finish this quilt. I have less than a month. I have got to get to work.

Exactly!!! 😄 I am so glad you were able to fix it and that it didn’t make a big hole! You can do this! We’re rooting for you!! 🎉🤗😃

Love your design @apanamamama; the embroidery machine works like a charm :)

Thanks! The machine is amazing! I love it and need to use it more. ;)

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