Case For Smiles - Charity Spotlight - Sewing Pillowcases for Hospitalized Children

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)

Years ago I was introduced to Case For Smiles at my local quilt shop in Texas. It really was a simple thing that I could do to help kids out who have Cancer and bring a smile to their face. You only have to be able to cut some fabric and sew a straight line to be able to do this project.


If you're like me, you have a fabric stash that you could never really work your way through on your own. My mom gave me a lot of her fabric, and some of it was stuff I wouldn't really use in quilts. I don't sew any clothing really, so I wanted to find something to do with the fabric. I was so happy to learn about Case For Smiles and the work they are doing at hospitals.

When a child goes to the hospital, they want something colorful and comforting. That is where Case For Smiles come into play. They receive pillowcases from volunteers who sew them up and then they deliver them to hospitals to help brighten a kids' day. If you are in the US or Canada, you can coordinate a drop off point at various locations. Just check their main page. If you aren't in the US or Canada, just ask your local hospital if you can donate and any requirements.

A very easy pattern to follow for making a pillowcase to donate is contained in the video above. It is sometimes called the burrito or hotdog method and it really is pretty easy. It creates a nice, closed end with no scraggly hems.

Here are some tips for sewing the pillowcase if you're interested:

  • Prewash your fabric in detergent with no scent and do not use scented fabric softener if you use it.
  • Fabric needs to be 100% cotton with no glitter prints.
  • Be careful with red fabrics as they tend to bleed.
  • Rewash and iron your pillowcase when finished and seal it in a Ziploc bag before delivery.

This is a great way to use up fabric in your stash and put a smile on a child's face. I can just imagine how happy a child would be to receive a fun pillowcase on an otherwise gloomy day! These pillowcases are easy enough that even a child could help sew them.

Here is the PDF File about sewing pillowcases for Case For Smiles. I hope that you'll make a few pillowcases and post about your experience!

Videos from YouTube, pillowcase photo mine.
#NeedleworkMonday by @crosheille



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Thank you for sharing! When my daughter was younger we had frequent hospital visits for pneumonia and her asthma. Always there was some gift of comfort that had been donated to help her feel better and I appreciated that as a mom.

Later another charity I was involved in donated hats for newborns that had either been knitted or sewed.

But your story reminded me of my pile of fabric in the basement. We also have piles up at another non-profit I help mange so guess what? I'll be looking into Case for Smiles thanks to your post and hopefully help other children who need some cheer.

Thank you for your generosity and knowledge.

I used to be in a Bible study that knitted baby hats. I was not a knitter, but the hats were so cute. Nice that your daughter benefited from that. That's great that you're going to actually look into Case for Smiles!! I hope that you're able to make some pillow cases. Get some other people together and make a ton - it won't take long! Let us know if you do it! :)

Oh, I have loads of kid-themed flannel that could be put to good use! Thanks for highlighting this charity! I'd never heard of it before. Once I get a breather from my other projects I really (ha!) need to start whittling down my crazy beds and kid pillows will do nicely :)

I think flannel was one of the cottons that they couldn't use, but I just glanced at the rules. I think it was written in the PDF. Lol - I just saw that I forgot to include the link to it. Looks like I should have proof read!!! I'll fix that! Here it is: It says it's acceptable but not in all hospitals.

This is a great idea as a project for Girl Scout troops to make pillow cases for M D Anderson. I think I will suggest it to Shortie and see what she thinks since she has her own sewing machine now and loves to use it.

It is a great idea! You can get super cheap fabric at Hobby Lobby (Oh I miss that) or Walmart (and I miss that too). If she can sew a straight line, it will be simple and worthwhile!!

I bet you do miss the Hobby Lobby , Walmart and Michael's too. They have already decided on their bronze award project so it may have to be considered for the next level award, she liked the idea, but to late to turn back on what they are already doing.

Nice! That's pretty cool that she's that high up in Girl Scouts. I was one up until 7th grade I think. We moved to the Dallas area and it wasn't cool there, so I stopped. Would have been cool to have kept on going... And those cookies.

Oh my goodness I love this!! It’s so sweet and thoughtful. Thank you for sharing this with us and bringing it to our attention. This is definitely the first I’ve heard of this charity. I love the fabric you chose for’s bright and definitely fun for a child :D

This was one I had planned to donate but it didn't make it back into the Ziploc after being washed, so I ended up keeping it. Hospitals here don't have blankets, sheets or pillows, so it's not needed here. At least not the children's wing at the public hospital I've visited doesn't. I don't know about the private ones... I have a friend who makes blankets sometimes to take to new moms at the hospital. We need to find a fun project like that to do here!

Oh okay I got ya! Yes it would be fun if you found a project similar to this one!!

Wonderful initiative! I have currently a good friend who is very ill and in a hospital and although she is adult I think a splash of colour and the love and attention such a pillow shows would cheer her up. (And this applies much more for children who are ill)
Thank you so much for sharing this!

That's such a great idea. I'm sure your friend would love it. I lived at a mission training house for six weeks once and didn't even think about something like that, but thankfully my roommate did. She brought me a nice pillow case, a pretty blanket for the bed. Transformed the room and gave it some nice color!

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Yea!! Thank you! :)

Because with an act no matter how little can bring a little smile that can last a little longer. Just looking at all the beautiful coloured fabric that you guys are using warm my heart. Thank you for making little cases of smiles for little kids☺

:) Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad that I was able to contribute some pillow cases and spread the word here. I hope that others will join the effort!

Such a simple thing, but I'm certain it means a lot to a child in the hospital. You are most thoughtful! 💕

Yes, I think it's a great charity as well. I was glad that I learned about it and could contribute and spread the word here!

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