Crochet Blanket for #needleworkmonday

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)

Hiya Steemit Crochet Family

I wanted to get involved with @crosheille's #needleworkmonday (thanks for pointing me to it @fiberartists!). Ok, I know it's Tuesday but I'm always late :p.

Here's the blanket-come-bedspread I crocheted last year. It was an organic process and shows how easily bored I get with a stitch! Each time I changed colour, I went with a different stitch to add a new texture or pattern.

crochet blanket throw.JPG

It was a great way to use up the yarn I had sitting in the to-do bucket.

My process: well, I haven't really got one. I don't like rules or rigid guidelines too much. I don't use patterns or worry too much about how many stitches I've got going on. It's all done by eye and feel. For me, crochet is an organic process and that's what appeals to me. BTW... does the purple row look like a row of whales to you? :D

crochet blanket throw closeup2.JPG

Anyway, it took ages to make but the result was a warm and soft blanket that adds a splash of colour to my bedroom.

crochet blanket throw closeup.JPG

If you're interested in winning SBD and showcasing your crochet masterpieces, please keep your eyes open for the next ULTIMATE CROCHET CONTEST run by @foxyspirit and me. All welcome, from beginners to mastercrafters.

akdivider celtic.png

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Unless otherwise stated, all pics in my blog are either mine or freely available online, labelled for reuse and doctored by me.



This is a beauty!! I'm so glad you get bored easily.....I love the different textures. Something to cherish!

Thanks for the compliment and for the headsup about #needleworkmonday. Love playing in this tag :D


Oh you're welcome! I love seeing this community grow! It's fun!

Beautiful work Anj!! love the colors and amazing detail. Wow! everything you start to show me i want too ... i weep for this creativity in my life. the agony and pain ... LOL

back to you, just adore the lines and material. soft is so goooodddd


Aw thank you, lovely Eagle! <3

You've got tonnes of that creativity. It's just a case of getting the hook and yarn and plugging away at it :D



i shall try oh master I shall try... guess the movie ! :)

miss you,

Oh god mwahahah. I'm crap at this type of thing. Is it Yoda? Or some sort of Jedi thing? I don't watch any of those :P hahahahahahahah made me laugh tho.

Miss you too :)


no much older and there are cartooons and books on it!! i know you got this!!



I cheated and Google told me it was the Genie in Sinbad :P


cheater cheaterrrr pumpkin eaterrr ahhaahahah :p

Lovely work! And if you manage to finish a blanket then you are in my eyes very patient (I never accomplished a blanket, only some squares, then I gave up)
By adding the black yarn as a kind of seperation between the different patterns and colours you give the blanket a wonderful overall look 😍
Glad to have you at the #needleworkmonday 😊😊

Thanks Neumannsalva. I like the contrast the black adds. Makes it more dramatic. The only dramatic thing that happens in my bedroom anyway :S

Lol, I've got loads of spare squares and circles that I gave up on too :P


I love this blanket, it's a sort of sampler of stitches. I like the variation in colours, stripes, texture!

Thanks shanibeer. Yes, it's like a big sampler :P

Thanks for popping by


Those aren't whales, those are sea horses. Sorry :)

Lol. Good point, well made XD


Hello @anjkara and Welcome to #NeedleWorkMonday! Thank you for sharing with us this week. Every Monday us crafters get together to share our creations, tips, ideas, patterns, techniques and just to inspire each other. We love seeing a project come to life so feel free to post process pictures as you work on them.

This blanket is full of colorful character! I really love how you used different colors and textures along the way, very beautiful. I tend to get bored with stitches and the same colors myself. It’s hard for me to just work on one project at a time but lately I’ve been challenging myself to do that. Oh and I see those purple whales! 😄

Thanks again for joining in this week. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of your work~ 😊

Thanks crosheille

I'm just about to go and look at the tag #needleworkmonday. It's a great idea to get all that creativity in one handy place. Love it! And you'll deffo see me using it a lot :D

Thanks for popping by :D


You’re absolutely welcome!! Oh you’ll have a good time looking through the tag, there are some really fun talented people I think you will enjoy! It’s been a lot of fun getting to know everyone and seeing so many different styles of art ;) Enjoy!!!

Thanks Crosheille. I had a great time looking through the #needleworkmonday tag. It's one of my favs now :D


Yay!!! I’m glad you had a great time!! 😃

Such a lovely piece Anj! The problem with me when doing this is when I see that it's crooked or if there's a loose part I start all over again, making the yarn ugly. ^^

I love this totally! Clean lines and pretty well done.

Lol, I know what you mean. I've done that too, when I'm working on something like a garment -- can't have it too wonky :P

Thanks for the lovely compliment.


Oh awesome. I have to pull out the last crochet my mom made one of these days. Pillow and blanket set she did for my oldest princess know, she got too sick.

Thanks @enginewitty. I'd love to see what your mum made for your little girl. Aww.


Hello @anjkara, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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