Gorgeous Nature #1 - The way other creatures of this planet protect the nature

in #nature7 years ago

Good Morning Steemit Friends,

Whenever I have the chance to enjoy the nature I do it as a therapy, the cheapest therapy that I can get. Every time I get the chance to do that I am also wandering why we destroy what we should protect exactly like we protect our life, our parents and our home. Why we do not understand that is the exact same thing and the analogy is perfect, nature is our mother, our life and our home.

Even though we consider ourselves the most intelligent beings on this planet there are other creatures on this planet that can teach us a lot of things, creatures like the insets and the animals of which existence also depends on us. Bees for example are some of the hardest working insects on the planet Earth, and thanks to their dedication and work, we have many precious things and yet they are not appreciated and protected as they should be.


The bees existence on this planet is crucial for our lives and for the world as a whole. The life conditions would be a much different if bees didn’t exist. To give you a possible image of this fact, just look over the following numbers: bees are responsible for pollinating about 20 percent of the flowering plants worldwide and approximately 400 different agricultural types of plant. Studies have estimated that almost 40 percent of the food worldwide is based directly on the capacity of the bees of pollinating.


If we look closely at the amazing life of the bees and study them for just a couple of minutes, we can understand what incredible creatures they are and how many things we can learn from them.


🔴 Bees ensure we have food on our table !

To understand how our table will look like if the bees would not exist anymore, I just want to give you some examples of food products that will no longer exist on our table if bees would not ensure the pollinating of our agricultural goods anymore:

  • apples
  • broccoli
  • sunflower oil
  • cucumbers
  • grapes
    Not to mention that honey is a product that is produced by bees and has an important influence on our health. Just so you understand that we are all quite fond of this sweet product the 2013 honey amount was valued at around 317.1 millions of dollars.


🔴 Bees make this planet more beautiful and more colorful

  • By pollinating the millions of flowers every year the bees are contributing to the beautification of the nature by creating floral landscapes and diversifying the colors of the nature.
  • Also by pollinating the flowers, the bees ensure floral growth by that create perfect habitats for other creatures of the planet and ecosystems.

Bees are definitely one of the most important creatures of this planet to humans and to the Earth. Regardless of the fact that we destroy their habitat these small bees can still make their living in perfect coexistence with the nature and causing only positive things to this world.


Previous articles with similar topics:

With that being said I would like to end this article with the same questions from one of my previous articles:

If humans are the most intelligent beings on this amazing planet, then how come the small bee in my picture above can make her living in perfect coexistence with the nature and not cause even a little harm to the nature?
How come we do so much harm to this planet, that someday we might not be able to live on it and still consider ourselves superior to any other being that causes no harm to the nature?
Thank you for reading to the bottom !



Thank you very much! I am glad you like it.

Thank you a lot @mhain ! Much appreciated your support.

Good text and well done photos @nicolaepavelean. Please provide some info on your equipment and exposure data. Upvoted, resteemed, followed & DPS.

Please state clearly in the comments how would you like to be featured in the “Daily Photo Selection”: with a linked photo, or with link only without a photo. We are making a list of photographers who are ready to improve the visibility of their work through the DPS.

Thank you very much @photo-trail ! At the moment I only own an EOS 1100D but the photos were done with an EOS 7D Mark II from work. I do plan to buy a new EOS 80D soon which is almost as the 7D but I believe a bit better for details.

I would love to be featured in the “Daily Photo Selection” if I am not too late with the answer on this request.
Here are two links where are some of my old photos, not the best of my work but some photos with a certain loading of memories so I would love to see them on the Photo Selection.

  1. https://steemit.com/photography/@nicolaepavelean/my-steemit-photography-journal
  2. https://steemit.com/photography/@nicolaepavelean/my-steemit-photography-journal-3

You are not late @nicolaepavelean, but the question is how would you like to be featured: With photo or without a photo?

Thank you for your feedback @photo-trail, I am glad I am not late! Should it be a photo of me or some of my random photos?

No, I'll choose one of the photos from your post. You just have to decide would you wish photo with link, or link without a photo.

Thank you @photo-trail for making this clear for me. I'll choose to be featured with a photo.

You are welcome @photo-trail. Would I be able to see where I am featured?

Foarte faine pozele. Followed you pentru ca vreau sa mai vad si altele. :)

Multumesc mult @emanuel.tanasa ! Sper doar sa gasesc timpul necesar. Oricum postez destul de rar.

Followed you as well !

Thank you very much @muliadilibra ! I am planing to get a new equipment soon and will follow more.

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