All That Wisdom From @NaturalMedicine... Taking Notes For The Homestead🌱🌻☘!!!

Have you seen all that amazing content coming out of @NaturalMedicine? How can I take it all n... There is so much I want to learn!!!


Comfrey Flowers courtesy of pixbay

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We are building a homestead, a sort of multi-family thing and while we are in planning stages for an actual house, this winter will be full of food for the brain. You can read me post on my most effective way to learn something and you will see that I'm really into self education.

One of the plans is to have an herbal pharmacy garden. Of course in a permaculture sense, I'm sure this garden will need many species that wouldn't necessarily be medicinal if we think in terms of companionship like The Three Sister.

Why bring up @NaturalMedicine?

Last week there was a challenge on Survival Natural Medicine, there was so many awesome entries completely educative, creative and entertaining.... you really must read some of them, they're worth your time for sure!

Anyways, reading through some of rhem I got the idea to catalogue the natural medicines writen about in these posts as one of my repetition exercise After reading or hearing something twice (or more) writing down what you've learned really reinforces the understanding wich brings you one step closer to embodiment!

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Creating a Natural Pharmacy

These are some herbs I think would be great to have in this part of the garden and should grow upstate New York:

comfrey-207159_1920.jpgComfrey photo source

Comfrey also known as knitbone and boneset due to the common belief in its usefulness for mending bones. @MountainJewel made an awesome post for this challenge demonstrating how comfrey can be used.
From what I hear, it's so effective in building skin cells that you shouldn't apply it to very deep wounds for the risk of trapping infection.

yarrow-3474451_1920.jpgYarrow photo source

Yarrow is another very special plant. This one will help blood clot (important when bleeding needs to stop).
According to Wikipedia and the sources that were used people used yarrow for reducing fever, relieving toothaches, head colds and burns. This is a must have and it will grow where we live, it's native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere!

Plantago_major.jpgPlantago Major photo source

Plantain grows wild everywhere, the little one tells everyone he meets what it looks like and you can eat it... but my papa says you shouldn't eat very much of it. Heehee, I love him so much!
We have used plantain for cuts and bee stings, a friend had told me about this herb a few tears ago. The experts say it's pretty much on par with comfrey and it can prevent infection. Mix the two maybe? I've just heard a podcast (the survival podcast episode 94) that fits right into this conversation, you should have a listen, and while you're at it, go ahead and listen to episode 93 on comfrey, they're both very informative.

arnica-2803785_1920.jpgArnica flowers photo source

Arnica will help to alleviate burns, sprains and the aches and inflammation in our joints. @walkerland explaons how important this medicine is for Portal Jumpers as it can be a pretty physical lifestyle.
I always see arnica on pain relief creams, so why not have the original, fresh herb in the garden?

charcoal-powder-1053836_1920.jpgCharcoal Powder source

Activated Charcoal... ok so I can't grow this stuff, but its an important one to know for it's cleansing properties and it is made from organic material (you know, I'm incuding it here for my reinforcement 😁). Did you know you could eat activated charcoal to help with belly bugs? Neither did I, but I learned it can heal even the worst Asian belly disaster from a survival post by @artemislives.

That really all I can do for now in one post, I want to take in only so much at a time. I would not want to have an information overload!!!!

My gratitude goes out to all who are involved in my studies, on and off steemit. I am so happy to learn from your experiences and create new relationships in this Natural Medicine realm 😍.


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The @EcoTrain has made me very happy and proud to be a part of it, have a look at what other passengers have been writing

If you really want to know what is inside this Coconut, take a look at my Humans Of Steemit.

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: @HimalayanNomad
Spread your wings and fly to where your heart takes you.

(If you want a quote of yours posted here for a month, there will be another contest)

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I love hearing about folks building and cultivating their homesteads! So exciting.
I can't wait to hear more about your homesteading adventures and your learning experiences as well. Learning is some of the essence of life, and it's so cool that you find so much joy in the experience of learning.
Thank you for the NM support too, just awesome. The group is Inspiring to me too! On a daily basis!

Xx ToL

Thank you @thetreeoflife, that hearing about folks building and cultivating their homesteads finally got me on board. We eneded up with a property to build on mid 2017!!!


Thank you for sharing so much lovely and educational information with us! These plants are just awesome! 💚

You're welcome @zen-art... and this is just a way for me to re-enforce what I'm learning. So I'm happy if someone else can learn from it too 😁

You're so right about the content from @naturalmedicine and their tag. I can't get enough, but my retention is low because of the volume! I want to do something similar to your urban pharmacy as well, I think it would be a valuable addition to any homestead. Guess I should look into your tips for learning things :)

I've been so focused lately on leaves and wood chips that I've not been able to think much about herbs. When I reach 120 leaf bags, I'll switch focus.

Lol, yeah so much content... so little time!!! Is your 120 leaf bag for tree recognition? Oh wait... you're collecting leaves amd woodchips for something, is that it?

I think I'll follow your lead on setting goals to be able to switch focus once they're reached, good idea.


Yeah, it's kind of an arbitrary goal that I think will give some excess. Ol boy I listened to yesterday morning said "you'll never wish you made less compost," so I adjusted my goals a bit higher since there's now no such thing as too much.

Ah nice so you're making tons of compost woth those leaves and chips. Cool, yeah I guess it would be difficult to have too much compost.


You are the best. Absolutely love your enthusiasm for Natural Medicine and it is people like you that make the group such a wonderful one to be in. I am absolutely amazed at how this group is growing and how much wisdom is there. We always wanted to create a repository of knowledge in the Discord channel where you could look up anything and get the answer in a post. I think we have achieved that, but even more than that I love how you can just ask somebody for help and someone will have the answer, or they will point you in the right direction or even write a post to help you out full stop speaking of which did you ever get the apple cider vinegar one? If not I will try to write that post soon xx

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Na, you're the best!!!
But yes that's it, the way everyone is so eager to help is so amazing. I did get a recipe for ACV from @walkerland very quickly too, after you mentioned it, and it looks pretty easy. Just one more step than red wine vinegar really 😁 thanks!

Thank you for the nice repository of knowledge!!!

this is such a great resource! i need to start growing more in my containers. I rememebr using arnica before i even understood abiut herbal remedies. my doctor had mentioned it to me to get reduce scaring and bruising. I'm not 100% convinced about activated charcoal, in small amounts when need for food posioning is understandable. But i seen it as an instagram craze that looks totally unhealthy its not suppose to be a food colourant to ingest all the time! well thats my opinion as it doesnt have any nutrional value!

Thank you so much, the whole of @naturalmedicine is great resource. I am only learning about it now! I wouldn't have charcoal as a staple in my diet, that's for sure...

Get those herbs growing 😁

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Thank you so much, the whole of @naturalmedicine is great resource. I am only learning about it now! I wouldn't have charcoal as a staple in my diet, that's for sure...

Get those herbs growing 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Cool post. Great time of year to plan.

Yeah, I thought it would be a good time 😀

I love this, we really should be celebrating all the wisdom shared and gained from @naturalmedicine, I kind of done that in my post today as well, greats minds and all. What a great idea to document what you want at your homestead, looking forward to more my friend xxx

Thanks so much, yea I thought documenting it woild help me retain what I learn too. Yes great minds for sure

Well done this is a really great article! I am going to print it out and add it to my file! :D

Oh wow, thanks that means a lot! I probably should print it out too!

Echinacea and Comfrey seem to be the most usefull flower on the planet. These two keep turning up everywhere..
Yet Comfrey seeds are much harder to get hold of.

Jack Spirko talks a whole bunch about the different types of comfrey in details in one of those episodes I mentioned, it's really worth a listen.

I'm still not sure how to identify comfrey completely

Thanks for mentioning Spirko. He seems to be a real Comfrey guru!

Will need to find one plant and go from there. :-)

Agreed! We need more posts about how to retain all this invaluable information! Great summary of some top posts @senorcoconut!

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