Original Quotes Contest: 21 SBI Shares On The Table!

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

Hello fello Steemians amd welcome to hard fork 20!


I have no idea what happened there, but I lnow from reading on line that people were talking about a hard fork and this was the 20th one for steemit.

Do we all need to know how steemit and the chain works in its entirety? I don't think so... but we should try to create as genuine and as best content as we can.

If you lile to write, if you're a content creator and of you simply love life you don't need to know the ins and outs of the blockchain... just keep creating, keep following your passion and you will be successful!

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What about the contest than?

Ok so I have been slacking on powering up so I decided to give away a bunch of my Steem in form of SBI (Steem Basic Income) to 3 awesome creators!

Steem Basic Income, an amazing tool and experiment:

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content. source

For a lot more info on the subject, follow @Steembasicincome

The Contest is simple:

Send me a quote, an original quote and I will pick my three favorite ones.

All three winners will recieve a specific number of SBI, it may be equal or I may decide to give a little more to number 1... eitherway you all win!

  • Bonus: Not only will you have some new #steembasicincome to enjoy, your steemit blog will be promoted for a whole month as your quote will be featured on everyone of my posts!

Here's an example:

QUOTE OF THE MONTH by (@Olawalium):
I want love to be the trend and laziness to be a thing of the past.

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The Rules:

  1. Your quote must be an original... I will check as much as I can.

  2. Post your quote in the comments right here so I can see it.

  3. Have fun.

  4. You have until the pay out date to send your quote. Any quote made after that will still be considered, unless I've already chosen the three winners

By entering this contest you automatically consent to your quote and steemit handle to be published here: @senorcoconut for the duration of one month.

I am looking for kind hearted quotes, extra bonus points for quotes that have to do with keeping our world alive and happy 😁!


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The @EcoTrain has made me very happy and proud to be a part of it, have a look at what other passengers have been writing

If you really want to know what is inside this Coconut, take a look at my Humans Of Steemit.

When someone believes in you, you're far more likely to rise up the best version of you that you can be.

(If you want a quote of yours posted here for a month please let me know)

Join Us On Discord. https://discord.gg/hPJs5Rb

And don't forget… #DreamsComeTrue!


This was my response to @papa-pepper's post some months back.

If you don't like your surroundings, change them
If you don't like your situation, change it.
If you don't like your decisions, make different ones.
All of this leads to the life that YOU want to lead, not the one others want you to lead.

Life is like chess, always try and think at least 5 moves ahead, and if you can see the dead ends you can avoid them.

This is such a great idea that people don't seem to get all that much. It's difficult to think tjat in the end, we all jave the final say for the decisions we make... I wish more of us knew that voting with our feet can bring so much change. Nice Chess anology!

Dreams Are Ideas Put Into Motion!

This is from an article I haven't published yet (will in the next day or two probably), but I think it emphasizes a really important way to improve society.

"A lot of people seem to think that skepticism is a vice - and certainly not a virtue - but these people overlook the societal good that comes from skepticism. Skepticism doesn't mean not believing in anything or having no values, it means acknowledging the limits of our knowledge - knowing that we all have something to learn and that we can never assume that our first impression is right. It is about making sure that we do not hurt people and spread lies because they are convenient or fit a narrative we want to believe. It is about seeking out, and demanding, evidence for claims. It is about educating ourselves. It is about fact-based beliefs and policies. Imagine how much better off society would be if more people followed this worldview."

Ah learning... yeah it's difficult to thinkbwe don't know everything! Evennwhen mastering a skill, there's always something to be learned from someone else. Nice one

"Reflecting upon the nature is reflecting upon yourself." You can also view this quote in my photoblog here https://steemit.com/photography/@himalayannomad/reflecting-upon-the-nature--2018-09-20-12-02-33

Upvoted for the visibility purpose

Posted using Partiko Android

Very nice, Nature could reflect upon us too if we didn't think of ourselves as something apart from it!

Thanks.. Yeah! That's a precondition :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Nothing in your life will change if you don't change

Well said. Change starts right in your heart

Nice one! I wish more people would follow their heart


I am so lazy I search youtube for a black screen so I don't have to get up and turn off the T.V.

That is too funny... is it true though?

You never see a shroud with pockets, or a hearse pulling a uHaul

Sorry I didn't understand this one...

It's simple, material things are just that. You can not take them with you when you go.
Therefore, what is more important? Things or the quality of how you spend your life?

Definitively the quality of how you spend your life!

Now does it make sense?

"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

I've made this quote for me after i joined steemit. I'm using it in every posts that I share (except a little amount) for last 176 days.
I hope, the author of this contest will understand the specially of this quote as i do.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, I'll try to keep that one in minde! It's hard to be always positive.. but I try

trying is another thing that everyone can't do.
if you can't try then how can you do that?

just try to be positive then you'll see you'll only see positive things near you.

i see things like this.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, positivity for sure is rewarding!

There is no pump without a dump.

I think we all can relate to this one. 🤣

Lol, we sure can.... watch for the coming pump... keep posting!

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